Chapter 1: Strange Visitor / Chapter 2: Journey into Space /
Chapter 3: The Birth of a World
Chapter 4: The Garden Beautiful / Chapter
5: The Primal Fall / Chapter 6: The Fall of Man
Chapter 7: The Crust
Hardens / Chapter 8: Lemuria / Chapter 9: Atlantis
Chapter 10: The Great
Catastrophe / Chapter 11: Atlantean Colonisation
Chapter 12: The Coming of
Christianity / Chapter 13: The New World
Chapter 14: City of the Future /
Chapter 15: Ethereal Earth
Most people will have experienced that queer sensation when you feel there
is someone in the room, and you are equally certain that its sole occupant is
I am not an abnormally sensitive type so when I became conscious of the
idea of another presence while working in my study I just gave myself a
metaphorical kick and went on sorting the pile of notes from which I hoped to
evolve another book. My last one was in print and I had recovered from that
exciting interlude which follows such an event; sheer necessity compelled me
to get down to the business of preparing the next one.
I had long had a pressing desire to write about what I believed to be the
origins of mankind, more nearly approaching reality than the symbology of
Genesis or the half-truths which Science, inspired by Darwin, has built around
the theory of natural selection. Certainly they couldn't both be right. To
this end I had read widely and thought deeply over many years, going to
considerable lengths to get authentic information and fresh inspiration from
every possible source, not excluding those hidden in myth and legend,
inscription and papyrus. From these I discovered an amazing similarity of
ideas and legends evinced by peoples who dwelt in widely separated parts of
the globe and between whom there was then no known means of communication. On
mountain and in cavern, on monolith and on pottery, are to be found the same
symbols pointing to a high degree of civilisation and culture though not the
same kind as our own - so far into the backness of history that the mind can
scarcely reckon the centuries, periods when Science would affirm that man was
in his stone age, with poor mind development.
Where and how did man start, and how to reconcile his sad history of
struggle and defeat with any idea of Spiritual Goodness? These were thoughts
that had dominated my mind. There seemed to be some key that was missing in
the sequence of events, if that could be found it might be possible to unlock
further doors to our understanding.
I think I gave a little sigh of exasperation, when almost immediately I
felt again that sensation of not being alone. I felt I was being watched. If
you gaze intently enough at a person, however deeply he may be engrossed,
sooner or later he will look up. Loath to break the continuity of my thoughts
I raised my head and looked over at the door.
With my mind still adrift on a sea of conjecture I gazed uncertainly at
what must surely be a figment of my imagination; one of those figures of
ancient times, whose activities I had been studying so intently, must have
come into subjective vision. For standing in the shadows of that corner of the
room was the figure of a man. It was a dull afternoon and my reading lamp was
on so that at first I could not make out the exact appearance of my visitor.
But gradually my eyes adjusted their focus and my scattered wits came tumbling
out of the past to grapple with this novel situation.
To my astonishment the figure gave a deep, almost oriental bow, and I
perceived a smile on the features of this strange being. Although he wore a
small beard the man was, I should say, about middle-aged, with features finely
cut and revealing the subtle wisdom of the seer. His eyes were dark and of a
luminosity that did more than reflect the light of my lamp, they had a
magnetic quality that held my gaze. He was dressed in a belted robe of some
indeterminate material that was rich and skilfully cut. But the outstanding
quality of this man was the radiant power that emanated from him; banishing my
first sense of fear, and compelling trust in him.
Having bowed his dignified greeting the stranger moved forward and
instinctively I rose to my feet. “I give you good day,” he said, and I was
immediately struck by the melodious quality of his voice, one which inspired
confidence. It seemed to indicate a power that was not of this world. “I ask
your pardon,” he went on, “for this unceremonious entrance but I beg just a
moment of your time.”
I suppose I must, in the embarrassment of the moment, have indicated a
chair, for the stranger glided towards it and sat down, with only the rustle
of his garments to indicate the movement. As his features came within the
aureole of the reading lamp I too sat down, but hurriedly and in some
trepidation. For it was becoming evident that my visitor was no flesh and
blood mortal but either a figment of my imagination or a manifestation from
some other world.
The stranger seemed to sense my confusion for he put out a hand which I
grasped and found to be naturally warm and firm. Accompanying the gesture he
smiled, in so intimate and friendly a fashion that my growing fears fled in
confusion. In some queer way it seemed that I knew this man, though of course
it couldn't be so - or could it? I wondered. But before I could follow up that
thought my visitor dropped his gaze to my desk, with its untidy clutter of
papers and notes. “Forgive my impertinence,” he observed, “ but you are
writing another book?”
I wondered how he knew I was a writer. I replied, deprecatingly, that it
had scarcely got as far as that yet, that in fact there seemed to be
insuperable difficulties which I could not yet see my way to overcome. I
explained the nature of the task I had set myself and added, “ I believe so
implicitly in the goodness of God and in the benign purpose of Creation and I
want to show that man's history has a benign meaning and purpose, rather than
being a dreary record of soulless evolution. I believe that the answer lies in
prehistoric history but there seems to be a missing key which I cannot trace.”
My visitor nodded his head gravely and thought for a moment before he
spoke. “I was aware of your predicament and have ventured to call upon you
with the object of helping you in your task.”
My eyes opened in astonishment as my gaze roamed over his unworldly
appearance. Hastily he went on. “I have some knowledge of the period of
history to which you refer and I have access to records that will be beyond
your reach. It would give me great pleasure to assist you in linking those
periods into a coherent order that will I hope impress your readers with a new
understanding of what human existence is all about.”
I could hold back my inquisitiveness no longer. “Pardon me,” I asked, “but
would you mind telling me who you are?”
Most cleverly he parried my question. Perhaps it was a trick of the eyes
but without seeming discourteous he made me satisfied with only a partial
answer. “My name is Zerros,” he observed, “ and I have been taking a
considerable interest in your work. I belong to an organisation which aims at
presenting to the world just those aspects of life which lie behind the
subjects on which you are engaged.”
“ And I am trespassing on their preserves?” I suggested.
“ On the contrary. We have been looking for a channel by which we might
give our work concrete form and in you we find just what we were looking for.
We could be of much mutual assistance should you feel inclined to co-operate
with us.”
My eyes must have goggled with the excitement I felt at this remark. It was
all so extraordinary, so incredible, that I could hardly take in the
implications. “What sort of society is this?” I asked, more for the sake of
gaining time than for any other reason.
But he who named himself Zerros refused to be drawn at this juncture. “If I
gave you that information it would mean little to you and might confuse the
issue, let it suffice that your subject and ours are identical. You will have
guessed that I, strange in appearance and garb to you, am not now a physical
being. Nevertheless I assure you that I am in close touch with events in your
world and my sole desire is to be of assistance to you and those who think
like you.” A momentary pause and he went on. “ I see in your mind that you
have advanced ideas on the spiritual realities that underlie the troubled
existence of present day humanity. You realise that there are states of being
on planes of experience other than your own and that it is only by a
comprehensive survey of all possible planes of experience that you can hope to
solve the enigma of human existence.”
I nodded, my mind racing too fast for coherent speech.
“Let me assure you that my visit has a very real purpose, in fact you would
not believe me if I told you how long this contact with you has been under
consideration by myself and my colleagues, nor of the vast amount of work that
has been put into the preparations. Your world has, reached a point in mind
development where it is ready for new ideas and a new rate of understanding.
Such knowledge will eventually change the whole course of human existence, and
demonstrate a new way of life, quite at variance with the old?”
“And how do you propose to help me in this? Will you dictate the book?”
Zerros looked at me very closely before replying. “I must ask for your
trust and confidence,” he said at length, “for I am going to present to you a
possibility that you may find it very difficult to accept. Your complete faith
in me and my power to carry out what I propose will be essential if we are to
succeed. Pray listen very carefully to what I am going to say.”
There was silence while Zerros seemed to be marshalling his thoughts. “ You
are aware, I think, of how the events of the terrestrial world are recorded
automatically by their impact on what I might term the plastic ethers
surrounding your Earth, rather in the way your recording machines work.” As I
nodded agreement he continued. “Every event which has taken place on your
Earth, every vibrant thought, has been imprinted on its ethers. You cannot tap
those records for you are too closely veiled in human flesh to be able to tune
in to such attenuated vibrations. But on the plane where I work we can use
them and to a considerable extent view, and even reconstruct, that which has
transpired in the long eras of earthly history.”
I gasped in wonderment. I knew that it was possible for some acutely
sensitive people to glimpse fragments of these records of the past, but to
read whole histories, to rebuild pictures .... ! “ Do you mean to tell me that
you can see events like the Battle of Hastings, or the burning of Rome or ....
or .... the story of Adam and Eve?”
Zerros smiled understandingly. “Certain aspects, yes. Yes even that strange
symbology of Adam and Eve, but not in the literal form your interpreters have
conceived. But not only can we see the past, we can to some extent unroll the
scroll of the future and produce a synthesis of tendencies which will give
some idea of how events will work out, though that will depend on the level of
events which is under review. You see, as you rise in outlook, as your
thoughts are lifted from the mundane to the spiritual, what you call 'time'
merges into the eternal, or if you prefer to name it timelessness. The lower
you get, the nearer to the mundane, the more does free will enter into the
picture. At the top of the scale free will must have merged into the Will of
God and ceases to affect the issue, there divine law is free from
interference, and a clearer picture can be obtained. On that supernal level
prophecy is an exact science, but the more free will encroaches the more is
prophecy distorted.”
From my studies I was well aware that time is not what we claim it to be,
it is rather a prison of the mind, constricting our viewpoint and providing a
bar to understanding. But I must confess that I was not prepared for such a
sweeping assertion. “ Surely,” I protested, “you cannot just go along the
pathway of time and know how whole nations, for example, are going to rise or
“ You must realise,” said Zerros, searching for words in which to convey
reasoning based upon values unfamiliar to me, “time belongs to your physical
universe, to your sense perception, it is an extension into the material from
the ethereal realms where it begins to merge into timelessness. You can
measure any object but you cannot measure Spirit. If you study astronomy you
will find your time melting away into something else for which you have to
invent strange terms to convey your meaning, such as 'light-years.' “
“Have I got to explain that to my readers?” I asked anxiously. Zerros
laughed, merrily, like a schoolboy. “I do not propose to tax your credulity,
nor theirs, to that extent. It will not matter what conception they have of
time. I was but emphasising my ability to transcend what is, after all, but a
physical law. And I do not intend to dictate your book for you, I have more
impressive proposals to offer than to make you a mere amanuensis.” He glanced
keenly at me as he went on, and he put the question in the utmost seriousness.
“Are you prepared to embark with me on an adventure the like of which has
never before been offered to any human being?”
“I am all for adventure,” I replied, “ especially, if it is going to help
me write this book. But I should like some more information first.”
Zerros now spoke with a depth of meaning in his voice not lost on me.
“Suppose, instead of my describing to you, however graphically, the tremendous
saga of earthly history from its very inception, I were to enable you to
visit, as it were, the very scenes where those events of cosmic importance
took place, in short, to witness the events in retrospect. How would you like
to accompany me into the depths of space and time, and witness, say, the very
birth of this planet?”
“B .. b .. but that is not possible,” I protested, feeling I was letting go
of my sanity. I am accustomed to travelling through aeons of time in
imagination, but to go in person, to see .... to bring back .... no, no, that
was unthinkable. I looked at my visitor doubtfully, it was as if he had asked
me to go and live like a fish in the sea!
Zerros divined my perplexity but made no effort to expand the idea which
had shocked my sensibilities. He just sat there looking at me with his kindly
expression, I could feel the power radiating from him to me, calming,
soothing, yet making no attempt to influence my decision. Yet curiously I
could not help thinking that the decision had already been made by me, perhaps
on some other plane of experience. While my rational mind discarded the whole
idea as fantastic and not to be taken seriously, something irresistible within
me compelled acceptance. I began to know that I must do what he asked. There
was no hypnosis about it, I felt that here was the theme of my life, the
reason for my existence. I had come to Earth to do this thing.
Almost unawares I heard his voice, speaking gently and persuasively,
impelling confidence. “Let me assure you that you will be in reasonable
safety, though I will not deny that there may be risks to your physical body,
which must obviously be left behind. But rest assured that every eventuality
has been most -carefully considered by experts and the risks reduced to
vanishing point.”
I will not weary my readers with the discussions that followed.
Zerros told me much, both of his own life and work and of the history of
this planet. In the end I agreed to the proposal, not because my rational
objections were overcome but because of that inner urge that would not let me
say no. Finally Zerros asked me if there were any questions I would like to
ask concerning my book.
I thought for a while, there were so many. Then suddenly my mind fastened
upon the one question of all that was troubling me. “How is the biblical story
of Adam and Eve to be reconciled with what we know of the theory of
Zerros answered without hesitation. “They were not of course individuals,
few today would accept that all the evils of the world could be traced to the
first man and the first woman. Your Genesis contains a mystical and poetical
interpretation of something that could not be expressed in terms of Human
understanding. We might say that Adam stands for the Adamic Race, the first
true men of Earth. But it also stands for the masculine element in creative
intelligence, for you must realise that in pure Spirit there can be no
differentiation of sex, that could only come about through the process of
manifestation. For every Adam there is an Eve and in the realm of pure Spirit
they are one in their homogeneous being. It was during the descent into
experience that the sexes became separated, and many were the stresses that
were engendered by that bifurcation, rendered necessary by the exercise of
self-will. But I will not labour that point now, it is my hope that you will
come to a realisation of the truth through what you will observe for
Loath to leave this absorbing subject I said: “I suppose the Earth was
always intended to evolve as well as mankind?”
“ You must try and rid yourself of the idea that the Earth, as you know it,
was originally part of the divine Plan. Immense effort has been expended in
trying to explain why God should have prepared an environment for His children
which offers little beyond frustration, suffering and prodigious labour even
to exist. It could not have been His desire that millions should have to
scratch a bare living amid conditions that were biased against success. - But
a fallen race of spiritual beings rendered it essential. You can only find a
meaning to life by regarding Human existence as a long, long saga of
rehabilitation from a cosmic fall, the dimensions of which are beyond your
understanding. There is a creative Plan, sublime and merciful, perfect beyond
your imagination, and it is my purpose to try and unfold for you the fringe of
that Plan so that you may comprehend the utter Goodness of Him who designed
After some further discussion concerning future visits Zerros stood up, as
if to indicate that he must depart. “My friend, I cannot promise to make clear
to you the fullness of Truth, no Human mind could achieve that, there is much
we shall have to leave unsolved. But what has been ordained by the Supernal
One must triumph in the end, it could not be otherwise. Now I must be gone.
May the blessing of the Eternal One hold you in His Infinite Love until we
meet again.”
I do not know by what process Zerros managed to disappear from my vision;
one moment he was there, radiating love and confidence, then he was not.
Perhaps that was because his delightful personality lingered long after he
ceased to be visible. Before leaving he had given me certain instructions I
must follow. Now I went over these in an attempt to quieten the emotional
thrill that filled my being. I dared not even think about what was to be. That
I, a nobody, was to experience what must be the strangest adventures that
could fall to the lot of man.
On the day appointed for Zerros' next visit I was atwitter with an
excitement I could scarcely control. I had not the strength of mind to confess
to my family what had transpired on the momentous occasion when I first
learned what Zerros had in mind. I am sure they would have feared for my
sanity or dismissed the whole thing as the result of a pleasant afternoon nap.
Whatever the reason, however, they all had outdoor appointments on that
afternoon. Subsequently I enlightened them and though they stoutly maintained
their loyalty, what I told them must surely have strained their credulity to
the utmost.
To quieten my nervous excitement I busied myself with the notes for my
book, so that it was once more a shock when a voice broke in upon my vagrant
thoughts. “Greetings my friend, I beg you to relax.”
I started violently. Perhaps half of me had derided the idea that I should
see Zerros again, that I was a fool to expect anyone, that it was all a
hallucination. Yet here he was, imperturbable as ever, standing as before just
inside the door. In a moment I was on my feet, wildly excited, tremendously
pleased because my intuition was right. But though I indicated a chair Zerros
made no attempt to leave his place by the door. “You are in a great state of
mental excitement,” he observed reproachfully, “please realise that to an
ethereal body such as mine the emotional vibrations of a Human being are
somewhat trying.” He smiled engagingly as he added, “To me you take on the
nature of a furiously boiling kettle. It is difficult to approach you.”
Instantly I controlled my excitement and made my apologies.
Zerros made a slight gesture of his hand as if to dismiss so unimportant a
matter and with a gracious acknowledgment came forward and took my hands in
his own. Immediately I felt a flow of power entering into me, quelling my
nervous excitement and leaving me with a sense of serenity and peace.
“ That is better,” said Zerros, letting my hands go. When we were both
seated he continued. “We could hope for no good results while your mind was in
such a state of agitation, though it was quite understandable. But you will
realise that what we have ahead of us will require the subjection of the
normal physical emotions so that you may be free to leave your body for
undimensional travel. And now my friend, are you still of the same mind
concerning the proposals I made to you on my first visit?” He looked keenly at
me as he spoke and I sensed that my decision would mean a great deal to him.
“ Yes indeed,” I replied without hesitation, “ it is my dearest wish to
learn the secrets of Man's origin and this tremendous adventure you offer me
excites my imagination. I realise fully the honour you are doing me and my
only hope is that I may do justice to it.”
Zerros gave a little sigh of satisfaction and then we had some further
conversation concerning the methods to be adopted, after which he announced
his readiness to commence.
Can you imagine my feelings; almost did I panic. My trepidation must have
showed itself. Here was I, an obscure writer, about to make an experiment that
would have caused banner headlines in all the newspapers of the world - if
they could believe in it! At Zerros' request I locked the door and drew the
curtains. Then I sat in my chair and closed my eyes, striving to relax. But in
this I failed. Naturally every conceivable detracting thought raced through my
mind, as if my subconscious were afraid and unwilling to permit the
experiment. With all my will I strove to banish them until .... I felt cooling
fingers smoothing my brow .... quietening my thoughts .... bringing peace ....
thinning out consciousness ....
* * * * * * * * * * *
It seemed that a voice had been speaking to me for ages and ages, soft yet
clear and insistent. It was telling me to wake up, to open my eyes. Was it
really time to get up, had I overslept? I opened my eyes - and realised that I
must still be dreaming. I shook my head in an attempt to bring back
consciousness. Then I became aware of an unaccustomed stillness and an absence
of feeling, I seemed to be volatile and free from all restrictions, yet never
had I felt more awake. I looked about me for some object that would restore my
sense of integrity. Then suddenly memory rushed in with a great revelation, I
found myself alone, poised in the high untrespassed sanctity of space,
terribly alone, frighteningly alone!
There was nothing to touch, nowhere to set my feet - had I any feet? I
wasn't seeing very clearly, there was no scenery about me, all was emptiness
and darkness, no, not really dark, not quite empty. For all around me were
stars, like no other stars I had ever seen, they were brilliant with a strange
light, tremblingly alive in a way I cannot find words to describe. The way
they twinkled made it seem as if they were talking to me. Then an actual voice
broke in upon my thoughts. I could see no one nor hear with my ears, yet the
words formed in my mind as if I were reading. It was the voice of Zerros.
It was a tremendous relief to know he was there. His thoughts continued to
pour into my mind, soothing, strengthening, telling me to get used to this
strange method of contact, to look about me and let the reality of what I saw
sink into my consciousness. I did so and at once confidence returned and I
began to be more at-one with this tremendous expanse of what seemed to be
emptiness but which was taking on, more and more, an aspect of reality. The
sense of isolation vanished and I felt more at home. Soon my first feeling of
lightness and freedom came back, my sensations were like no dream that I ever
had, there was reality and power present everywhere which entirely made up for
any lack of scenery. All that I saw seemed to be imbued with wonderful
harmony, as if nothing could ever go wrong with it.
I was poised in a darkness that in some queer way was transparent, most
friendly and giving no hint of any possible hidden menace. As I gazed I felt
my vision expanding further and further; above me, the starry array seemed to
have endless depth and substance. I glanced below me and saw with mixed
amazement and relief, the familiar globe of Earth where my physical body still
Away to my right was the Sun, shining as I had never seen it before, no
longer searing the eyes with its terrible intensity but glowing with a golden
radiance that was lovely to look upon. I could have gazed at that beauty for
hours on end! To my left was the Moon, a silver well of reflected glory, no
longer cold and dead but thrillingly alive. I became aware that I had a body,
but so disinterested was my mind that I could not determine whether it held
any resemblance to the physical. I was capable of feeling yet had no sensation
of heat or cold. But what did that matter when my mind was so vitally,
gloriously alive. I felt splendid, brilliant, free, yet immensely humble
amidst great influences which I could sense but not perceive. Around me were
worlds, worlds, and I felt somehow that I was part of them, every moment I
felt my life melting into theirs, becoming part of the great symphony of Life
that was manifested before me. No longer were the stars inaccessible and
unknown fragments of matter, with a meaning only for those who studied them
through the obscuring haze that surrounds the Earth; in some curious way they
seemed to have a soul of their own, and it was this soul, this universal
livingness, which made the link between them and me.
All those heavenly bodies appeared to have a life of their own. Oh! if only
the Earthly astronomers could have stood here with me and seen the reality
behind the mere shadow they beheld through their telescopes! Here in this
living, glorious expanse of stars they seemed like a friendly concourse of
people, winking messages to each other like a mighty fleet at sea.
Thoughts came to me again from Zerros, though he was still invisible. “This
is perfect Creation, not as you know it on Earth but perfect with the
Creator's perfection. Even now you can only see the outer husk of the inner
reality, for the realities of Creation cannot be seen, they have to be
absorbed and entered into, as you are trying to do now. Thus gradually, as you
grow to it, you begin to become at-one with Creation and are able to
appreciate its glories and its wondrous purpose. The Earth is surrounded by
such a flocculence of dark thoughts that its atmosphere has become opaque and
the minds of men so dense and circumscribed that it is impossible to see the
universe as it really is. Now I would like to show you an even rarer aspect of
what you are looking at, and to do that I shall have to divest you of some of
the veils that still limit your perception. Please close your eyes.”
As I did so I felt once more the smoothing control of Zerros' influence,
together with the impact of a will far more powerful than I had believed to be
possible; I felt as though I were slipping out of a clinging garment. Then
stillness, a stillness beyond even silence, an absolute quietude of mind. At
last an order to open my eyes. And oh! what wonder! Can you imagine a man who
has been blind since birth suddenly receiving his sight and beholding some
lovely Earthly scene? For a while I could not take in what I saw. What I had
beheld before bore no resemblance to this renascent glory of light and colour.
No longer was I looking at a myriad pin-points of light, each travelling upon
an ordered course; in an instant the whole system of stars had expanded
outwards, as it were, each one developing graduated rings of iridescent
colours, spread out into a tremendous area of surrounding space until the
whole of it seemed to be filled with rhythmically changing shades of colour.
It reminded me a little of the aureole of a street lamp in a fog, only
infinitely grander.
“What has happened?” I cried in amazement.
It seemed to my heightened senses that Zerros chuckled. He began to
explain. But oh how can I find words in which to express all that he said. It
seemed that he had also unveiled my consciousness so that I could now
comprehend his wordless thoughts in a way impossible to Human speech.
Breathlessly I drank in all he implied, assimilating it all with a sense of
the goodness of God which pervaded the whole concept. I gathered that the
concentric rings of light were really planes of being, each shade representing
a higher octave of being, with the hard core of what we call the physical
universe as the lowest level. Each star stands alone in Human sight but with
each uncovering of spiritual vision it expands and opens out towards an
ultimate unity, harmoniously into a wonderful whole, as the physical and
geographical aspects fade into unreality. Then the spiritual origin of the
whole absorbs all into an unbelievable wonder that is the manifestation of the
Creator. But how can I express such a Unity in mere words?
As I pondered over these revelations that invested the whole scene with a
wondrous holiness Zerros caught my thoughts and swung them up into a condition
of ecstasy. Like shafts of revealing light word pictures began to form in my
mind. “You are beginning to sense the real meaning of the Cosmic Christ,
something man has yet to comprehend, Him whom you call the Saviour of mankind.
Yet He is so much more than that, for He is an expression of the glorious
Creator about whom you have only the vaguest notion. How could you limit Him
who said: 'Before the world was, I AM!' and 'Except through Me none may enter
the Kingdom of Heaven!' Think of those words and what they must mean! Try and
visualise your Beloved as Spirit, undimensional and absolutely unlimited,
almighty with the Might of His Father, who created all this! Oh how you Human
beings have shut out this Supernal Glory, this wonderful livingness which was
meant to hold your lives within steady growth towards a divine fulfilment! You
have enclosed this Splendour, and so much more besides, within the narrow
walls of creedalism, you have enshrined this Magnificence within the tiny
manifestation of His Incarnation. Wondrous though that divine sacrifice was,
sad as was its necessity, you see your Christ only as a Man, not as a Spirit,
with all that that implies. Behold a reflection of His Reality, a glimpse of
how this Glorious Spirit holds the wide universe within His Love, holding to
His Heart the lives and loves, yes, even the hates, of the Father's erring
children in all these endless ranges of living space, that they might not be
lost for ever.
“You can see now that the Earth you know is but one phase of an existence
which is rising again, after a cataclysmic fall, into the eternal life where
it has its real being; it does not belong to time. For Life, real Life, is
unending, it can only experience death as an illusion within the mists of
time. The very word wars against eternal Life, which is something all possess
and from which they cannot be divorced. Death is a lie into whose embrace a
whole fallen race has drifted; soon, like the phoenix, it will rise again from
the ashes of its dead past. Human life is but one scene from a drama already
written and produced, complete with its happy ending; how could it be
otherwise with a Great Dramatist who cannot fail! You could have no life on
Earth without the Livingness of this Son of God, manifesting into the density
of the lowest form of existence, reaching with the Everlasting Arms of Love
into the darkest pit, that not one soul might be lost. What a Divine Tragedy
is being enacted here, almost outside your awareness. Note how each star
catches a reflection of the Creator's Life and rays it forth in living
incandescence upon its own individual note, see how these cosmic rays are
flung from star to star, each giving of itself and taking back that which it
lacks, that the whole may be in harmonious sympathy.
“Can you realise now that the universe is one whole conception of the
Creator, each part interwoven with the rest, no one heavenly body having any
existence separate from the others? Cosmic rays are eternally flowing from one
star to another, entering each other's atmosphere, there to be transmuted into
chemical form. How could one single star escape the influence of Omnipotent
Mind or alter the course designed for it by a Mind which is Omniscient?”
Zerros once more directed my attention to the Sun. I gazed at it with a
sense of adoration, it was so tremblingly beautiful, sounding a note of
triumph and joy. It seemed to know all the secrets of the universe, unheeding
the petty chaos which disturbed the rhythm of one small unit that had fallen
by the way, as if it knew that the fallen one must soon be lifted again to
make the divine symphony in tune once more. It was not graded in rings like
the other stars but radiated a special golden glow that seemed to penetrate
throughout the heavens. No wonder the ancients sensed this divine aspect and
worshipped this life-giving globe. Now I knew that it gave me far more than
life, for it radiated Goodness, in which no dark thought could live. Try for
yourself and visualise some dark thought as having meaning within that burning
Light; it is impossible!
As I watched, entranced by all that I witnessed, I began to 'hear' the
sound of music, like no other music I have ever heard. It had more of rhythm
than melody and it flowed over that living silence like the lapping tide,
stealing into the mind as if it had been eternally there but was only now
making its presence felt, like the creative Thought of God echoing through the
vaults of space. Zerros made me realise that where the last faint notes of
audible response begin to fade there steal the first strains of the heavenly
symphony. “It is upon these soundless waves that consciousness of your reality
and your oneness with the Christ of Love is born into your understanding.
Never can you absorb His real meaning with your intellect alone.”
Slowly the rhythm gathered strength as it began to fill my mind,
reverberating through the universe like the thrumming of some giant power
station, incalculable power held in leash, until little by little I felt
myself in sympathy with it, melting into its vibrations as one's feet might
carry one into a lilting dance. At last I knew what at-one-ment could mean,
this is what I really am, all I long to be, no individual but a part of all
this. I knew I could achieve no real happiness away from this divine unity. I
felt an overwhelming need to give myself into the absorbing embrace of that
alluring sound, to drown myself in its ecstasy. But instead I felt a slight
chill, and I knew instinctively that an unbridgeable gulf remained between me
and that wonder of Unity, I was not yet fit for that divine reunion. Someday -
but not yet. With a deep sense of loss I turned away, and the whole
kaleidoscope seemed to slip and I found myself regarding the galaxies as I had
first seen them. But now I had some inkling of what lay beyond them, which I
knew to be only an external manifestation of the never-ending wonder that was
hidden within them.
But I had gained something from my experience; in recompense for any loss
my vision was keener than before, so that I could now become aware of
objective life around me. I perceived moving shafts of light that emanated
from beings which themselves seemed to be all of light, whose spiritual power
was being rayed down to some point on Earth. These, I thought, must be
spiritual beings of a high order, doing the Creator's Will. And there were
other beings of a lesser brilliance to be seen, but at this point my
concentration began to falter, I began to tremble and to lose consciousness of
my surroundings. Zerros quickly noted my condition and took charge, intimating
that it was time for me to return. I was just able to catch his words as they
formed themselves in my mind. “You have witnessed what few human beings have
ever witnessed before, you have had a glimpse of God's emissaries at work, you
have seen the wheels of destiny turning. And you have drawn near, for one
moment, to that ineffable mystery which is the Love of God. You have not been
shown all this without a reason.” With a last longing glance at that vast
concourse of living, meaningful points of light I closed my eyes and let
myself go .....
* * * * * * * * * * *
I opened my eyes to the familiar scenes in my study, the walls seeming
menacingly close after the infinite expanse of space I had so lately
experienced. Of Zerros there was no visible sign. As my faculties came back
into consciousness I began to wonder whether I had not been dreaming or
whether the whole experience were not the product of an over-exercised
imagination. Yet the memory was so deeply impressed upon my mind that I could
not accept such a rational explanation. Determined not to lose one iota of the
epoch-making experiment I seized my pen and made notes of the salient points
in my adventure, a record that was to extend to many pages beyond my wildest
On his next visit to my study Zerros enquired after my health with an air
of solicitation, but there was a twinkle in his eye which indicated previous
knowledge of my well-being, that I had suffered no physical ill effects from
that tremendous change in consciousness.
When I had assured him I had never felt better in my life he said: “Then if
you would like to do so we will make another little journey through time and
space when I will fulfil my promise to show you a picturisation of the birth
of your planet, and how it was invested by the Spirit of the Cosmic Christ
from the moment it took form.” So calmly did he make his announcement that I
scarcely comprehended at first the implication of what he said. But I was
becoming accustomed to his incredible powers though to this day I do not know
whether he showed me an actual record of those primal events or a visual image
culled from his tremendous store of knowledge .
“The birth of a world is well known to your astronomers,” he observed,
“beginning with the formation of a nebula from essential gasses, then a
shaping into form through rotation, until the mass cools into the form of a
planet. If we can regard this light-energy or gas as the manifestation of
Creative Thought, and remembering that matter and energy are continually
changing into one another throughout the universe, then we begin to get a
glimpse of the divine creative process. As the energy slows down into matter
it takes on a chemical and electrical form, which eventually makes organic
life possible as a vehicle for cosmic intelligence to manifest. All matter is
atomic in construction and each atom is electrical in nature, another way of
expressing divine life.”
“It has not occurred to your theologians,” he went on, “to connect the
Cosmic Christ with astronomical processes in order to lift them nearer to
reality. Yet there could be no Solar System without the Christ, who, clothed
in His Father's Power, created it in the divine pattern. Remember He is not
only the Christ of the Christians, that would be a limitation, but the Christ
of every living soul, whether they are aware of it or not. No one can deny the
Christ in truth any more than he can deny ever having had a mother! For every
soul is born through the maternal aspect of the Spirit of Christ, in the same
way that a beam of pure light is broken into the spectrum through a prism.
Pure Spirit emanates from God, is received by the Christ and through Him is
given identity in the myriads of souls which are born into experience. Christ
is the Divine Prism for humanity. If that thought troubles your intellect do
not worry, just let it sink in.”
After some further discussion Zerros stood and made a moving dedication of
our proposed journey into eternity, asking a blessing on its purpose. As I sit
in my study trying to put on paper what I recall of that supremely beautiful
cosmic experience, witnessing in retrospect the birth of our planet, I find it
almost impossible to find words in which to frame it. Yet I know I must try,
for even I can see the importance of that wonderful baptismal ceremony. For it
cradles the whole significance of the life we humans are called upon to lead
and provides a key to the seeming injustices with which almost every aspect of
our existence is invested. I can now see our Earth, not as a habitat for a
blindly evolving race, devoid of meaning or purpose, but a feature of a
wonderful plan of rehabilitation for a fallen race of beings, spiritual in
nature and origin, with nothing forgotten, nothing without purpose. I see our
workaday world as shot through and through with divine Life, with wonderful
redemptive powers, both educative and rectifying. The destiny of man is that
he must rise again, however long he delays that consummation through the
exercise of his free will.
In an attitude of deep humility and wonder I prepared myself for this
transcendent experience. Once more I was told to relax, lifting my thoughts to
the highest level possible to me. Again I felt that swaying sensation and a
gradual lightening of the body, then consciousness left me .....
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Once again I found myself poised in space, bereft of support, but this time
I was more prepared, recollection came to me quickly and the feeling of
instability soon left me. I soon located the Sun, a dear familiar sight, then
I looked for the Earth I had just left; it was no longer there, nor was the
Zerros dissipated my alarm by reminding me that we had come to witness the
birth of the Earth so that it could not yet have any concrete form. It was a
sombre thought, I must have slipped back beyond reckoning, I was timeless!
Now Zerros drew my attention to where something was happening. Before my
wondering eyes a mist was beginning to gather, it seemed that some superior
Power was drawing essential forces from all quarters of the universe. How
shall I explain it? It was as if someone were plucking blooms of rare beauty
from this planet and that, to make a posy of surpassing beauty. Swirling atoms
of iridescent energy began to glow with nascent life, which invested them with
meaning and purpose. I could imagine that myriads of angels were' at work upon
a pre-conceived plan of creative purpose. Gradually the mass took form, first
an ovoid and later a complete globe of incandescent fire.
Once again the mind of Zerros influenced my own. “Within that glowing mass
are all the elements necessary for the purpose of the Earth right through to
its finality. Within its potential are the substances that will, under
creative aegis, form organic life, cause primeval forests to become beds of
coal for twentieth century grates, and the metals for your machine age. The
diamonds that glitter on the bosoms of your matrons found inception here,
nothing was omitted, even to the rectifying qualities of the soil which enable
it to transmute the putrefying organic matter you consign to it, into rightful
chemical constituents. Because the inhabitants designate were a fallen and
perverted race you must not blame the Creator if that perversion entered into
the very fabric of the Earth and affected manifestation of its chemical
nature, so that its natural life became' red in tooth and claw,' and poisonous
plants and minerals found place in the environment in which man was to find
himself again. It all represents a wonderful example of a Love that will not
let you go. Your Christian creed and worship rest upon an idea of hope, but
here is exemplified a certainty, the Everlasting Arms that will not be denied.
Because Creation is perfect, and God cannot fail!”
That lovely thought so filled my being that I felt uplifted as if by the
finale of some great symphony. How could one fail to worship a Being who could
not be prevailed upon to abandon the children He had created, however great
their sin, however persistent their denial of Him. Now I felt better able to
comprehend what was taking place.
As the glowing mass took shape I became aware of sound, not a melody but
like the working together in perfect harmony of great cosmic forces. It was
tremendous in its potential yet soft and subdued as the whisper of spring. It
seemed as if all the elements that were to be, the wind, the waves, flashing
sunlight and dancing branches, had recognised their potential birth into
expression and were glorifying their Creator. Surely it was the “Sons of the
Morning shouting for joy!”
Then began an event of such cosmic grandeur and importance that I scarcely
dare to report it, the Incarnation of the Earth by the Spirit of the Cosmic
Christ! St. Augustine must have had a glimpse of this Baptism when he declared
that Christianity must have existed since the world began. Surely he was
thinking of the wider aspect of Christianity based on the Infinite, secure in
the certainty of a Plan made by a Perfect Creator to whom failure was
Uplifted by the powerful spirit of Zerros I now began to 'see' with
heightened senses, obscure meanings became illumined so that I understood
their import. From the depths of the universe there began to gather an
Influence - I can think of no better word for it. Can you imagine a great Love
becoming objective and weaving itself into a Personality? Benign yet immensely
powerful, gentle yet irresistible, with all the Power of Creation behind Him,
so Bright as to consume all thought of darkness, yet understanding and
forgiving all? Just as the Cosmic Son of God incarnated as the Son of Man, so
this wondrous Spirit took shape as a Personality, gathering to Himself divine
attributes from the vast reservoir of Spirit, clothing Himself with the Power
of His Father, the Creator of All. As a soul enters and takes possession of a
human embryo, so did this Oversoul embrace and hold the newborn world,
indemnifying all the fallen souls which were to seek rehabilitation within its
growth. Now I knew, beyond any shadow of doubt, that the destiny of the Earth
and of humanity was sealed from that moment. The Everlasting Arms were about
it and would sink with it into whatever degradation befell its inhabitants, so
that they could never fall beyond redemption. It was an awesome thought but a
glorious one. In the language of Spirit mankind was already saved in eternity,
only within the mists of time could defiant man continue to hide himself from
the searing light of Truth, which must eventually bum its way through to the
errant soul and free the spirit within. All was being done in Love and perfect
More and more did this radiant Personality assume a reality that was almost
a Form, until I could imagine I could discern features within an aureole that
would have blinded Human eyes. Mysteriously beautiful, radiating love and
compassion, of such purity of Being that I felt an inrush of its influence
which I knew would never leave me. I was profoundly moved that the waywardness
of man should have motivated that prescience of compassion; how the sins of
humanity must rend that Loveliness and besmirch that beautiful Countenance!
Day by day we crucify Him again and again, He who is all-Love!
Presently it seemed to me that the Cosmic Christ, this great Reality of the
Saviour we pretend to serve, took the infant world in His Arms of Love and
blessed it, and as He did so He made upon it the sign of its destiny and
purpose, the ancient symbol of the Cross within the Circle, emblematic of
redemption, sacrifice and wholeness. Man was now to rise upon the wings of
pain, because that was the only way in which he would respond.
Love! What a shameful personal interpretation have we not created out of
that divine emotion, a selfless Power beyond anything we have known, the
greatest Power in the World. No wonder as we clutch at its shadow we find it a
fleeting passion which bums and sears in its swift passage, leaving cold ashes
in its wake. For here was the pristine Reality, generating more power than it
consumed. As I watched, its power filled the renascent globe until the glowing
nebula seemed to swell and throb with a new life, individual and purposeful,
absorbing the Will of the Personality that held it, breathing in His Goodness.
Our world had become ensouled. And at long last I knew what Love meant!…..
* * * * * * * * * *
I have no memory of how that incredible experience ended. Later, thinking
over the events I had witnessed, I began to realise the full meaning of those
statements we have puzzled over, “ Before the world was, I AM!” and “ The
Kingdom of Heaven is within you!” Yes, indeed, born in us, living in us,
buried within us. How could such dynamic truths be confined to single creeds?
Every living soul, incarnate or discarnate, must surely be heir to that
wondrous Love that will not be denied. None can escape it, however long they
dally on the shores of time, afraid to enter into the eternity where they have
their real being. As man defies it or drags it down into perversion it blazes
up into a Consuming Fire that bums him, but as he suffers, a new understanding
is born and the Fire dies down once more into the gentle warmth that means
growth. Now I could see what a great lie death was, for how could that
crowning glory of Creation, Man, die, when nothing else in the wide universe
could meet anything but chemical change? Death belongs only to the mists of
time and space.
If only Man could be aroused to a sense of his own reality and the
unreality of his environment, the world would leap in response and the calumny
with which the Sacred Name has been loaded would vanish with the dawn.
I long so much for words in which to clothe my impressions of that glorious
spiritual Being which I beheld, so essential to our being, so far beyond our
limited conception of the Christ, yet so very close to the eternal part of our
being. But there are no words. I can only hope that my halting description may
awaken some response in the reader's heart, where the truth of it all rests.
This dearly Beloved, this intimate Spirit of Love who drew to Himself all that
was precious in me, showed Himself to be so much more than any of us have ever
dreamed, for there is not that within the Christian portrayal which could
begin to compare with that, oh so lovely Intelligence and Givingness which I
was privileged to glimpse for one unforgettable moment. Yet it was the same
Spirit which manifested in Jesus, which hung upon the Cross, which is invested
in us and in our world. And I feel that the message I brought back is that we
should lift our eyes from the Cross of suffering to the Cross of Victory,
already achieved, waiting only for a Perfect Moment to be shown to us.
As I sat in my study, with bowed head, the force of this revelation crowded
in upon me until the burden of it was intolerable. How we have clamped down
upon this lovely Being the limitations of one aspect only of His universal
activity, He who is eternal and would have us be eternal too! For one ghastly
moment I felt the whole burden of Man's sin and ignorance upon my shoulders
until I saw again, in retrospect, the glowing mass of that new-born world,
with that lovely Personality. Then it seemed to me that the warm glow of that
forgiving Love stole out and wrapped itself about me, soothing away my
misinterpretation, lifting the weight from my shoulders .... Then I realised
that all was indeed good, that all suffering and frustration were to be
distilled into a wonderful resurgence as man was born again into the life that
he should have lived.
It was some days before I was able to collect my thoughts of this
experience, much less put them into words. I know that I have failed
lamentably to picture for you what really transpired. I can only plead that
word forms do not exist in which to convey the subtlety of that beauty which
had overwhelmed me with its grace. I looked round my study walls and began to
realise the oneness of all creation and the Unity that held all mankind in one
manifestation of the Creator. A picture without edges, a mass of humanity,
myriads of beings, all forming one great Idea of God, yet each being an
identity by itself which could never be lost and which could have no separate
existence apart from the whole! What a thought! What a revelation! It
explained so much, resolved so many problems, filling the whole picture with
meaning and purpose. I began to see our identity as something given to us that
we might be educated in the art of learning to love God, yet something to be
surrendered to Him for our progress. For who could plan better for us than He
who knows all, who controls all? But the Christ cannot invade the sanctity of
the soul, wrapped closely in the garment of free will, lest He delay rather
than speed its progress. He can but send forth the rays of His Father's
enlivening Love, that in time must bum through the defences and awaken the
soul within. And if the ineffable glory of the Christ of Love could be so
overwhelming, what awe-ful Might and Majesty must there not be in the Father
of us all!
For the succeeding chapters I shall have to ask the reader's indulgence for
there may be much to conflict with established ideas, much that will be
difficult to accept. But this is not a history book, rather is it a
picturisation of the meaning of Human existence, with an underlying message of
love and understanding to illumine its reality.
We are told that the Kingdom is within us, thus understanding can only come
from within, not from any external explanation. I cannot have faith for you, I
cannot love for you, I cannot understand for you, I cannot teach you; these
you have to do for yourself from the illimitable sources within you. These you
can trust and that trust can broaden and grow into a faith that cannot be
broken. Every human soul longs to be loved, yet there is no Love so fine and
so satisfying as the Love of the Father. I submit that Love, in its finest
aspect, provides the key to all progress, unlocking every door at the proper
moment. It is the greatest power in the world!
In preparation for our next flight in time and space Zerros gave me further
enlightenment on the origin and development of mankind. There were, he
explained, two aspects of evolution to be considered, the evolution of the
Human body, together with the growth and evolution of the Earth itself, and
the far more important aspect of the evolution of the soul of Man.
“ It will be a help,” he observed, “if we try and grasp the essential
difference between God unmanifest and God manifest. It is sometimes asserted
that God, being Perfect, cannot know imperfection and therefore cannot know of
man's sufferings. That is a purely intellectual argument, it is not true. God
is Perfect and Eternal, that is to say He exists in timelessness and
spacelessness, He is in no way limited. But Divine Intelligence permeates
everywhere. No created thing could exist for an instant were it not held in
being by the manifested Will of the Creator. At any point in the whole
universe you can touch Him and be aware of His Love and Influence. In His
pristine Glory He is Unmanifest, Perfect, Complete. But if there is to be
experience, if His Creation is to learn of His Love, it must be subject to
experience, it must be a little less than perfect. For you cannot paint a
picture with only white paint, there must be colour, contrast. So the pure
white beam of Perfection passes through the Prism of manifestation into its
myriad colours and shades. That is the nearest we can get to comprehension of
the mystery of Creation, for the finite mind cannot contain the Infinite.
“Do not think of God as an individual, for that it is a limitation, but
rather as an Origin, the superlative of all you hold precious. You speak of
man as an entity, but his spirit is universal, he shares it with all creation,
where there can be no subdivision. Is that too hard for you to grasp? Remember
that Spirit is fluid, like the atmosphere, you cannot subdivide it, it is the
raw material of Creation. It is the life in an atom, in an animal or a stone,
as in the Human soul.
“ Let us say that the Intelligence of God caused atoms of His Intelligence
to individuate as souls, each growing in His Love and gathering to itself more
and more of what Spirit is! Bound to Him by the bonds of Love these souls
developed and grew in consciousness, utterly giving themselves to their
Father. If a man truly loves a maid he longs to surrender his whole life to
hers, making them one. It becomes an agony if they have to separate. So, as
you grow in understanding, will it become an agony to separate yourself from
the Will and Love of God, you will long to melt within the Glory of His Being
in a Divine Consummation, still holding your identity but giving it eternally
into His keeping. That is the real Kingdom.
“ At first the newly established soul is in a state of innocence, lacking
experience, lacking the ability to generate Love or to accept it, just as a
babe has to learn to love its mother through the mother's love for it. Through
its experiences the soul grows in individuality, which is an eternal quality,
not to be confused with the transient nature of personality. It would be folly
to suggest that a Human soul commences its life at Human birth, it could never
face the intolerable conditions of human existence which too often meet it, it
would flee the body in horror at what it beheld, so antipathetic to what it
knew of the reality of Love. First must it acquire wisdom and be armoured
against the harshness of Earthly life. So as it descends in experience it dons
garments that shield it from gross contact, and has to 'drink of the waters of
Lethe,' before it can incarnate into the world of men, thus leaving behind the
memory of the glories it once knew, which could only provide a drag on its
progress. But never is it bereft of the Love of the Father which sustains it,
even though that Love be denied.
“ God could not desire a race of robots, dancing to His tune, so He gave
His children the Divine gift of Free Will, through which they might climb
upwards to reality. But Man can never possess absolute free will, there are
limitations, there are thorny hedges of suffering to prevent him from straying
too far. Suffering brings him to a halt, stuns the senses and allows his
spiritual nature to assert itself and eventually gain control.
“ One more factor I must stress for your understanding. There are two
aspects of man, masculine and feminine, and each individual expresses a bias
to one side or the other, irrespective of sex. A man may be feminine in
outlook and vice versa. There is not that sort of bias in the soul, which is
sexless but .can assimilate masculine or feminine characteristics. The further
the soul descends towards Human incarnation the more does it express itself
the one way or other. Throughout its experience the soul is animated by these
twin influences, the magnetic pull of desire, the feminine characteristic, or
the masculine lure of ambition, the creative attraction of power, which when
misused can wreck such devastation. You can see how much you have to learn.
“ Between these two poles of ambition and desire man grows in experience
and develops character and what he learns is carried over into his soul life
as individuality. All this time he is adding to his spiritual strength, which
enables him to turn his selfish ambition into givingness, his desire for self
into higher channels. For as he learns of his own reality so the Power of Love
enters into and illumines his being. That is much more important than the
evolution of his brain. There should not be conflict between man and woman for
they are one at heart, two halves of a perfect whole, not equal but
complementary, one gives what the other lacks. Separate they are meaningless,
together they are creative.
“ In its pristine state the soul is androgynous, male and female in one,
but in its descent into incarnation it comes to a point where it meets the
mystery which you call original sin. It is a long, long story, impossible to
deal with here, but there was a rebellion in Heaven, desire beckoned to
ambition and together they trod a path among forces they were not ready to
control, thus they were thrust out of the Eden of perfect living in the sight
of God, and they entered the mists from which mankind is still being rescued.
Incarnation became a painful process, spiritual freedom gave place to the
restrictions of Human existence, memory of the perfect life had to be erased,
and a veil drawn between the two. As I shall try to show you, the soul found
it more and more difficult to incarnate as a whole entity, and inevitably came
the bifurcation of the sexes, with man and woman as separate identities. This
was naturally a terrible experience to the soul, which had hitherto known only
perfection and wholeness, and you may feel that it is unfair for the souls of
the present to suffer for the sins of ancient days. Yet remember that humanity
is really one entity, it has no real life apart from that which emanates from
God, in Him it finds reality, apart from Him its life is transitory and
synthetic. No one soul can race ahead into Heaven by itself; first it has to
find that part of itself which has been living a separate existence, and oh
the joy of that reunion! But Heaven is not an Elysium for honeymoon couples,
it is not enough to love one another nor even to love their Father. Before
they can appreciate the true depth of their mutual love they have to learn of
their unity with all other souls, for in the purity of Spirit there is no
space between one soul and another! They are all One in God! That may seem
difficult of understanding but try and remember this truth during your
forthcoming experiences and it will assume shape and reality.
“ Your two great Christian Commandments, to love God and each other, are
not ideals but dynamic necessities for your advancement. Only when you have
mastered them, as you grow from time into eternity, will you be ready for your
reunion in fullest measure with that which you have lost in the mists of
endeavour.” As Zerros spoke it seemed as if a great light was being shed upon
my understanding, the scattered pieces of a jigsaw puzzle were being assembled
to show a picture of a magnitude that amazed me, so wonderfully alive that I
felt drawn into it.
“There must be no misunderstanding about what I have said,” Zerros went on.
“Soul unity has no relation to sex as you know it. To realise that you have a
soul partner implies no disloyalty to the one with whom you may be linked in
Human experience, for Love, in its highest expression, is like Spirit, it has
no direction, no possessiveness, no limitation, no jealousy, it is universal.
Before you are ready for this divine reunion there must be no living soul
outside your love; only then can you taste fully of the joy of your
re-marriage with that from which you have been separated through the ages.
“ During its incubation period the nascent Earth was plastic in nature and
inhabited by angelic beings who prepared it for its destiny. There was no
water in its fiery constituency, but the elements of water were combined with
other elements to form an ethereal plane far above what would now be its
surface, somewhere in your stratosphere. This ethereal belt formed an
environment for equally ethereal beings who incarnated there from the realms
of Spirit, lovely souls which were descending into experience.
“We may term this almost perfect race the Adamic Race, offspring of Spirit
with matter. They possessed powers of which you do not dream today, for they
were very close to the Creator of all. But as the cooling Earth enabled
organic life to exist there came to its actual surface, first the Animal
Kingdom and then a race of indigenous inhabitants in dense material bodies,
little more intelligent than the animals amid whom they roamed. These were
they who had expressed self-will in the realms of Spirit, defying the Love of
God, and thus been cast out of His sight which they could no longer endure. It
was an act of mercy that they were enabled to seek relief from the terrible
results of their disobedience by this alternative of physical incarnation.
“ Thus there were two races incarnate, the shining ones in the Edenic realm
above the Earth who were descending in experience, and the darker souls who
were seeking an upward path, back to the uplands of Spirit where they
belonged. And the shining ones took upon themselves the task of visiting the
indigenous inhabitants of the misty lands below to minister to them and aid
them in their rehabilitation.'
Much, much more Zerros told me which I cannot stay to record here. But it
was to this ethereal world in the stratosphere that I was next translated by
the spiritual powers of Zerros, to witness the lives of a strange people of
unbelievable beauty dwelling in a state of Edenic bliss, the first true men of
It was indeed a setting of wondrous beauty. Imagine a scene of
pastel-shaded loveliness, the colours, the infinite shades, the brilliant
flowers with a livingness of their own, with a clearness of atmosphere that
enhanced a perspective of such grandeur that the mauve-tinted hills, however
distant, seemed to be outlined with a detail that was unreal. I can scarcely
find words to describe its elfin appeal, this Garden of Eden, so much more
real than any human fancy could depict.
Everywhere was Nature exemplified in its purest, most exotic beauty,
undefiled by the hand of man and his perversions. Nowhere did I see signs of
cultivation though fruit trees of many unfamiliar kinds abounded. The colours
and scents that pleasured the senses were beyond any that we know, and the
animals we saw were obviously unafraid as they stepped their dainty way
through the trees. The birds combined brilliant plumage with tuneful song in a
way which we rarely witness.
Then the people; how shall I describe them? Zerros was now perfectly
visible to me but neither of us had any contact with the inhabitants of this
Garden Beautiful by way of communication. They had no knowledge of our
presence. They were all seemingly of one sex, a curious admixture of feminine
grace and manliness. Their clothes appeared to be shaped to their bodies in
some clever way, as if they were part of them, and shone as if lit by some
inner light. The colours were lovely but self-colours, there was no sign of
embroidery, nor was there any need. All were fair of skin and walked with an
effortless grace that was lovely to see. I saw no children and asked Zerros
about this.
“Why should there be children?” he queried. “Why enclose a soul within an
ineffectual body when there is no need? These Adamic people are born as adults
with their brain faculties complete, needing only education and experience. I
see over there some sort of ceremony about to take place, I think it will
explain what I mean.”
Taking me by the hand Zerros enabled the pair of us to travel over the
intervening space and at speed. We drew near to where, in a grove of trees, an
altar stood, and about which a crowd of people were gathered. Beside the
circular altar stood a man of unusual height and appearance, he seemed to be a
priest for he was giving an invocation as we approached. Then he turned and
faced the congregation, of whom each pressed forward to lay same small
offering an the altar. Some gave fruit, same produced small objects they had
picked up, it seemed that the nature of the object was immaterial. When all
had contributed the priest turned to the altar and after a prayer, raised his
arms and immediately a ray of intense light shot downward and in a moment the
objects were reduced to nothing.
Zerros explained that this was the origin of sacrifice, a demonstration and
a reminder to the people that all came from God. It was a way of keeping in
touch with Him. The consuming of the gifts in the Flame of Spirit signalised
the rising of the Spirit out of mortal matter, the flame of immaculate desire
lighting the soul into the Presence of God. We left the priest explaining the
symbolism to his people.
Once again we travelled across country as my companion expanded further
upon the subject of birth in this pristine land, observing that we were now to
witness such an event. This time we alighted at the entrance to a great
building of symbolic beauty of design. I stood entranced, every facet of it
seemed to have a message, though I could not interpret any known meaning. It
stood at the foot of a great mountain, stretching so high into the sky that it
seemed to have no summit. There was something mysterious about it, it seemed
so aloof yet it was vibrant with importance. It did not surprise me when
Zerros explained that this was the Holy Mountain of which mythology speaks so
often. Far same moments I stood gazing up at those sombre heights, shrouded in
mystery. But the mountain remained loftily aloof, it had no message for me.
At his bidding I followed Zerros through the great doorway, with its
delicately scrolled designs and motifs; there were no doors fitted. Up the
steps and into the dim sanctity of a hall so vast that I could scarcely
discern the carven roof, supported on pillars that spread out like great
branches at the apex. The lighting puzzled me, for there were no windows, yet
the whole was lit as if by sunshine. I never succeeded in discovering how it
was done; Zerros could be quite inscrutable when he chose.
At the far end of the hall were grouped same two hundred people, almost
lost in this vastness. Something was obviously about to happen, for all were
gazing expectantly towards a doorway at the end of the hall which was covered
by a rich velvet curtain. Presently there was a stir and as the curtains swung
noiselessly aside a procession entered the hall, to take up position by a
small slab of greenish stone. First came the principle actor in this drama of
prehuman birth, the parent-to-be, arrayed in spotless white and wearing a rapt
trancelike expression that spoke of the strenuous nature of his preparation
and his dedication to its fulfilment.
At this point Zerros murmured, “You should emphasise in your narrative that
these people were androgynous in nature, they still retained their masculine
and feminine characteristics in one form. They were created male and female,
dual in nature. Here was no marriage or mating, with all its difficulties and
disillusion, these beings could love each other without restraint, without any
intervention of sex.”
The subdued chatter ceased, hushed by a sensitive awareness of what was to
come. Then in front of the curtain a golden haze began to appear, to resolve
itself into Human shape. Gradually a shining Being took Human form, so radiant
as to be almost blinding to the eyes. He radiated an inner power that streamed
from him and affected us all, I could feel its benign influence from where I
Zerros explained that this being had come from a higher realm to take part
in the ritual, which was designed to keep ever before the minds of the people
their unity with spiritual realities they might otherwise forget.
Now the whole tempo of the proceedings was speeded up. As I watched I noted
a curious haze beginning to gather about the visitor's head, evidence of the
tremendous power he was drawing upon. No doubt this light accounted for the
haloes depicted above the heads of saints in medieval pictures. By way of
welcoming the celestial visitor the people began to chant in unison, it was
not a song in words but rather of ritualistic intonation, subtle inflexions
that rose and fell like the murmur of the ocean. There was unutterable longing
in their voices and some flung out their arms in a gesture of supplication.
The song died, and the watchers stood perfectly still, quiet and alert.
The Teacher began to speak. With such a voice that any actor would long to
possess. Perfectly modulated, it had a quality of perfection that enhanced the
words he said and gave them added impart. Though I could not understand the
words I could well guess at their meaning. He spoke lovingly and
understandingly to the people, as if they were very dear to him. It seemed
that this race of lovely people was incarnating on a mission of great
importance which even they could not as yet comprehend, for they were being
prepared to descend into an even deeper phase of existence where they were to
help the indigenous inhabitants to rise out of the pit into which they had
fallen. The two races were to meet and fuse on the surface of the cooling
Earth below them, thence to rise together into the Light once more, a
magnificent epic of redemption which a benign Creator had planned before ever
the Earth was born.
After a pause the Teacher spoke of the importance of the ritual about to be
observed. Then one who was to stand sponsor stepped forward and made a
salutation, while the parent-to-be was by now almost in a state of trance. I
will not attempt to describe the ceremony for its ritual meaning was lost upon
me. But presently the rapt parent became enveloped in a golden haze which
gradually deepened and slowly gathered into form about his solar plexus. At
length it could be seen that this was assuming a Human form which finally
separated itself from the parent.
The celestial visitor now took charge and guided the form to a recumbent
position on the low altar. The singing had now re-commenced and it appeared to
take the form of a species of midwifery, with the onlookers contributing power
through which this divine birth might be concluded. At last, with a final
paean of sound, the birth was completed. There, on the altar, lay a perfect
specimen of manhood, newly-born and adult in size, but needing much care and
attention before he could take up his new life. Gently the sponsor bent and
lifted the supine body, offering it to the celestial one, who blessed it. Then
the figure was covered with a cloak and carried from the hall.
As we left the hall I asked Zerros why this method of birth was denied to
modern Man. He shook his head gravely. “That is another matter, which I will
try and make to clear to you on another occasion.” So saying he took hold of
my hand and once again propelled the two of us swiftly across country. We
landed this time at the entrance to a building quite different from the first.
It was more utilitarian and the decorations were much simpler than those we
had already seen. Here again we found many people being instructed by a
celestial visitor. He was instructing them in the meanings of ritual dancing,
with two neophytes to demonstrate the movements.
At the conclusion of the talk the whole gathering moved out into the open,
a sort of amphitheatre set against a background of trees. There was something
familiar about the happy gathering with their animated movements and subdued
laughter, much as we would expect from a dancing class in our own age. But at
the appearance of the teacher all noise ceased. He raised his hand and as at a
signal, a thrumming of drums began, seeming to come from within the belt of
trees. Louder and louder it got until its rhythm communicated itself to the
dancers and immediately they swung into step and formed themselves into rings
and other forms. How graceful they were, there was none of the jerky posturing
that so often characterises our own dancers. Their whole bodies seemed to
respond to the rhythm, and the delight on their faces showed the extent of the
pleasure it gave them.
There were many movements to the dance and I felt sure that each had some
symbolic meaning; there were moments when the unison was broken into pathos,
moments when the swaying bodies swept apart and met again in a passionate
demonstration of reunion. No longer was this a concourse of individuals but a
moving panorama of contemporary life, a great unity of agreement in expressing
the symbol of divine Unity. It was impossible to watch this dramatic scene and
not be moved by its message, never equalled in any ballet we have known.
As these lovely creatures danced and weaved and swayed to their emotions
the light about their heads grew in intensity until it wove a concurrent
pattern above them, crystallising the symbology of the dance into visible
form. That woven fabric of light postulated no mere chimera of the imagination
but was clearly the weaving of dynamic magnetic forces into meaningful
expression. In that divine ecstasy I felt drawn into at-one-ment with the
dancers till I was part of them and they of me, my whole consciousness
momentarily expanded until I felt that I belonged to all creation, and all
creation had part with me. It took that dance to bring this transcendent truth
home to me.
Finally the dancers resolved themselves into a set piece and came to a
palpitating rest upon a cessation of the thrumming. And the design of the set
piece was the ancient pattern of the cross within the circle, the symbol of
sacrifice redeemed which is the hall mark of our Earth. But here it did not
seem to breathe of sadness, suffering and revolt, but rather of a garland of
flowers epitomizing immense love and forgiveness, scintillating because of the
quivering of the bodies, until at last they were stilled, and the light
coalesced into ethereal form, somewhat like the domes and minarets of some
vast temple of exquisite design. It seemed that Beauty itself was crowning the
dancers with applause.
Everywhere I went in this strange and beautiful land there was this
educative inspiration, presenting mystical realities in simple, symbolic
terms. Thus was taught the first lesson between light and shade, so soon alas
to deepen into good and evil, eternally at war. Here indeed was a testing of
spirit, the building of an inner conviction of realties that would steer this
people through the testing times ahead when they would be called upon to take
part in the struggle of human minds against the Great Mind of the Universe.
Maybe the hints of a chosen people that grace the pages of the Bible had their
genesis in what I had just seen.
Many were the talks I had then and later with Zerros upon this difficult
subject, the origin of sin. How I wish I had the skill to interpret all he
told me. “You must not think,” he said, “that the Creator could possibly have
designed a Creation that could fail, nor that He purposely planned the gradual
evolution of intelligent form through endless ages of suffering and strife.
That is a by- product of the gift of free will without which your progress
would be that of robots. Divine prescience must have foreseen the fall of
spiritual man and his continued fall through defiance of Goodness. And the
history of man is that of divine forgiveness and regeneration, forever
forestalling man's divergence and bringing him back, through suffering, to the
way of divine destiny. Mankind rises on the wings of pain because that is the
only way man will rise.
“The soul of man changes as he advances and gains an accretion of what
Spirit is, that which could never be changed or destroyed. Death has no
meaning in the ultimate idea of Creation, it is an aspect of the fallen nature
of Man and the world in which he lives. To this Adamic race death never comes
unheralded, they do not see it as an enemy waiting to catch them by the heels,
as you do. When the allotted span draws to a close the fortunate one knows he
has accomplished what he set out to do, and is the subject of congratulation.
There is no regret, no sadness, just the gentle laying down of the garment no
longer needed, and then the departure into a joyous freedom. The body merely
disintegrates. “
Not once but many times did Zerros and I return to this wondrous realm, and
widely we roamed. I have not space to tell of all we saw and it is difficult
to put into words events that have no corollary in human experience. It is
difficult too for us, who have to labour so hard merely to exist, to
comprehend an environment in which labour has no imposition to make. But, as
Zerros explained, man has become a fighting machine with militant instincts to
enable him to fight his way out of the impasse into which he has fallen. As he
rises in consciousness he will lose those predatory instincts and be amenable
to gentler issues.
It was an incredible thought that this whole environment was to descend, in
total, on to the hard surface of Mother Earth, there to play its destined part
in redeeming and unifying the whole. Incredible too that all this creative
assembly, as in the wide universe, was held in being only by the Creator's
Will, without which it would rush into instant dissolution, back into primal
energy. Here in the fineness of life there were no sexual differentiations,
yet these souls too were to be subject to bifurcation ere they could be
allowed to descend into the dense, harsh conditions of Earth proper, a
sacrifice that was essential in order to provide the urge that would ensure
their ultimate return to their pristine condition. How sad a thought that was,
that the love of man for woman had to be expressed as such an incoherent and
untamable form of emotion, belonging more to the animal than the spirit. How
much do we not owe to these great souls who came to the rescue of fallen man,
only alas, to fall victim to the viciousness inherent in the indigenous race
of the primitive world.
Even as I looked at the lovely scenes for the last time I could not imagine
its inhabitants becoming besmirched with the inky stains of evil, yet even
then perhaps a tiny cloud of misunderstanding may have been passing across
their thoughts, herald of a turning inward to their personal being, away from
their outward receptiveness of spiritual influences. A shadow that would
presently touch a thousand hearts with its cold fingers and draw a veil of
forgetfulness over minds which as yet remembered only Love.
Zerros sat in my study and began to talk. He spoke of the mystery of the
Primal Fall of Man, that initial fall from Grace of spiritual beings, but he
stressed that in no circumstances could he enable me to witness any
reconstruction of that epoch-making occurrence.
“ There is a great mystery here which you can only have in parable form,”
he explained. “Were I to try and show you the reality you would find yourself
floundering in a sea of conjecture concerning that which is infinite and not
finite. I could give you little idea of the environment, the purpose and the
nature of those pristine beings. As I have tried to show you, evil is a great
lie, manifested by a turning away from the Light towards a darkness that
exists only in mind, not in reality. Were there no minds in creative existence
there could be no evil! Thus to God evil is a lie, illusory and unreal; to man
it is finite and real as long as his mind accepts it. And in his manifested
life it can be terribly harmful and degrading. But such is the depth of man's
fall that the road back from the darkness into the Light is long and arduous,
for where there is darkness the path cannot clearly be seen.
“ In order that there might be experience there had to be shadow, against
which the' Light might be perceived, the imperfection that would show
Perfection as it really is. For in Perfection there can be no experience. You
could not perceive your sunlight were there no shadows, no daylight unless
there were specks of dust in your atmosphere. Let us then say that in the dim
past, before time was, this pristine race expressed too strongly their
creative urge and sought too eagerly to obtain knowledge which they were not
able to control. Thus through aeons of time they became introspective rather
than expansive. Until there came a time when self-will overshadowed their
inherent innocence and they fell out of the sight of God. That is the parable,
you must be content with that. But the dreary history of Man is not that of an
experiment that failed, never think that. As a bird in flight stoops to drink
of the waters so did man stoop too swiftly to drink of the waters of
experience. You are all part of one whole; without the inclusion of the least
reputable of Human beings Heaven would be incomplete. Can you accept that?”
I thought for a while before I answered. Then I asked: “ But why could we
not have been told all this before?”
“ Nothing has ever been denied or hidden from you. The Sun is always
shining though at times in your winter you feel that it has gone from you for
ever, you see only clouds. The Truth has always been available to Man but for
his own good, when he was in the Dark Ages of his experience, it was obscured
in myth and symbol that he might not use it to his own destruction. Your books
of Genesis and Revelation are examples; when you are ready to comprehend their
meanings you will find understanding of them.
“ But now Man's spiritual nature is in the ascendant through the terrible
sufferings of the past fifty years. A great deal has been happening behind the
scenes of his renascence. Think how the so-called backward countries of your
world have increased in intelligent understanding through the last decade or
so, it is out of all knowledge of what they were. You will say that it is
because of the triumphs of Science, yes indeed, but who allowed that
scientific knowledge to percolate through into the world? You know that cosmic
rays are constantly pouring forth into your world. Does not Revelation say: “I
will pour forth My Spirit upon all flesh?” And you know what the promised
result would be? Intense disturbance, great fear and insecurity, and seeming
great loss, but in reality great gain. That is your situation today. The Light
is penetrating into the darkness in Men's minds and driving it out into
expression so that it might be transmuted and destroyed. It had to be. God is
indeed intervening in the affairs of men, fulfilling the work begun by His
manifestation in the Son of Man two thousand years ago.
“ Yet the conflicts in your world are as nothing to those in the realms
contiguous to it, those dark realms where you send your evil doers in terrible
procession. You are sadly mistaken if you imagine that death puts paid to a
life of selfish and evil deeds. Yet the soul of the most intransigent rogue is
as precious to the Father as any other. And most of your upheavals are but
reflections of greater ones occurring in the unseen realms of darkness where
the Light has such terrible effects.”
“ But it all seems so unjust,” I burst out, “ so many innocent people
having to suffer with the guilty!”
Zerros thought for a moment before he replied. “I know there are some who
think that those who suffer are paying for the misdeeds of a former life. To
some extent that is true but you would be greatly mistaken if you were
complacent about it. The whole concept is incomprehensible as long as you
regard the person as an individual, existing alone. Only when you ponder over
the universality of mankind, regarding yourself as well as all others, as
having no separate existence, no possibility of living by yourself, can you
begin to find justice in what seems to be so unjust.
If you sin you drag the whole of Humanity down with you, if you achieve a
spiritual triumph you uplift the whole of Humanity by that extent. God cannot
save you by yourself, He can only save the whole of Humanity, with not one
missing. And suffering is inseparable from redemption. Moreover there is a law
of compensation by which those who give themselves into the arms of remedial
suffering achieve a greatness not obtainable by any other comparable means.
There can be no injustice in Perfection, and the Father IS Perfection!
“ Do not lose heart, all is in perfect order, you can only delay the
ultimate consummation in time, not in eternity. And God's patience is surely
not endless. So you must not regard yourselves as pawns in a titanic game, or
the victims of a blind evolutionary process. The end is sure and benign in the
eyes of the Heavenly Father who could not possibly connive at chaos without
meaning. Try and forget the present and take the long view I have tried to
show you, the rescue of the whole of Humanity rather than a select few. Many
many thousands are working behind the scenes in the world of spirit around
you, working against the defiance of Mankind exercised through its free will,
but with all the power of Omnipotence behind them. Take comfort from that
thought. It is this long slow climb back to nobility of mind that has puzzled
your anthropologists and made it difficult for them to see beyond the
“ Those who took part in that spiritual rebellion were so driven out of the
'Sight of God' that they could no longer live in terms of Spirit and were
thrown back upon their own inadequate resources. They fell into darkness and
were given this supreme mercy of forgetfulness in Human incarnation, albeit
the only bodies which could sustain them were of necessity crude and
unintelligent. These were the indigenous inhabitants of the Earth, brute man,
whom your Genesis describes poetically as the 'Daughters of Men,' while to the
lovely beings in the Garden Beautiful who descended to their aid, it gives the
name of 'Sons of God.' Thus there were two races upon the Earth at the same
time, one ascending out of the pit of darkness on a redemptive are, and the
other descending upon the evolutionary are, a spiritual are, and offering
themselves for the task of helping their fallen brethren. Both races belonged
to the spiritual conception which you call Man.
“ The fallen race, which postulated a fallen world, were not evolved from
the Animal Kingdom, as some assert. The four kingdoms are linked in spiritual
reality but not in physical expression, they did not evolve out of each other
on the Earth. To evolve a Human being through association with an animal would
be a poisonous mating and against Natural Law, as I shall try to show you in
due course.”
Once again the time had come for Zerros to depart, always a moment of
sadness to me. For I had come to love this great soul who was doing so much to
illumine my understanding of spiritual matters. There was a bond between us
that made it easy for him to express meanings to me that might otherwise have
been obscure. With that smile of intimate sincerity that endeared him to me he
began to fade away from my sight, back to that wonderful realm where he had
his real being.
On a subsequent occasion Zerros continued his discourse.
“ That which your ancient records refer to as the Fall of Man was quite
different from the Primal Fall. The latter took place in eternity, in
spiritual realms, the Fall of Man was a continuation of that process and took
place in 'time,' in other words within the dimensional world of time and
space, when the defiant ones were not in the pristine nakedness of Spirit but
clothed in dense bodies. Thus the harm done to them by their continued
defection was not so deep or severe as that which hurled their spiritual being
from the sight and guidance of the Spirit of God.
“You will recall the symbolism of your Biblical teaching, how the sons of
God looked upon the daughters of men that they were fair. And how they
intermarried. It means that the Adamic Race descended to the surface of the
Earth through incarnation and for many centuries aided the fallen race. But as
time went on they became infected with some of what you call 'original sin,'
that dark stain which had perverted the souls of the sinful race, although
while incarnate they were not conscious of it. Yet it seeped through their
physical minds and infected all with whom they came in contact. It had to be,
this wonderful sacrifice made by the Adamic Race implied that they must face
and endure this infection, for it was the only way in which free will could be
transcended and guided in the right direction. Where evil is impregnated
within the soul the only way in which it can be got rid of is by some process
of externalisation so that it may be recognised and overcome. Where you have
poison in a limb you have to draw it out so that it may be destroyed.
“ But not only did the Adamic Race descend upon the Earth, as the aeons of
time went on, but their whole environment fell with them. The Garden Beautiful
literally melted from the stratosphere and rained down upon the cooling
surface of the Earth. You must understand that in the early stages both the
fallen race and the Adamic Race held bodies that in your understanding would
be termed ethereal in nature, for the world was still far too hot and humid to
permit of oxygen breathing processes. It was during this period that the
perverted Animal Kingdom began its slow laborious processes of evolution from
primeval slime. The chemicals which, in their finest expression, formed the
material from which the Garden Beautiful was constructed, were those which you
associate with water, hydrogen and oxygen, plus other ethers which you do not
yet know. As the Garden form broke up these two chemicals were precipitated
upon the heated Earth in the form of water, and this formed the primeval mists
of which your records speak, the water meeting the molten soil and rising in
hissing streams into the air. In a similar way your oxygenated atmosphere took
form. It was much much later that the bodies of the indigenous inhabitants
crystallised into Human flesh, yet they were already in existence upon this
globe which was to form their terrestrial habitat through so many centuries of
broken history.
“ In the early stages of physical existence the Earth was still subject to
violent adjustment of its surface as the crust cooled, so that there were many
and frequent earthquakes with resultant floods and subsidences. It was not
strange that with all this chaotic expression of natural events together with
the inherent perversion in the people the Adamic Race had come to help, they
too should be overcome by this novel and difficult experience. So it was that
the Garden Beautiful ceased to be expressed in form, yet its pattern, or
reality, still exists, up there in the stratosphere, on a spiritual
wavelength, waiting like the Sleeping Princess for the awakening kiss of the
Prince of Peace, when once more it shall awaken to its real destiny and be the
habitation of a rescued race of people.
“The first point of focus upon which the two races met and fused upon the
Earth proper was the vast continent which existed under the collective names
of Lemuria and Atlantis.” The very mention of these fabled continents aroused
by instant attention, for I have always been interested in the famous story.
“As the two races crystallised into Human form more as you know it,” Zerros
went on, “ there was an interchange of character, degenerative to the Adamic
people, and evolutionary to the indigenous people. The fallen race killed
animals for their food and subsisted entirely upon flesh and roots. The Adamic
beings for a long time subsisted on the fruits of the earth and their special
capacity to draw in etheric sustenance from the clear atmosphere. But in time
this capacity faded and as intermarriage increased they too had recourse to
animal foods and thus coarsened the fabric of their bodies, causing a further
indrawing of the perversion of the fallen people through the poisoning of the
“ It is interesting to compare the symbology of your story in Genesis with
what actually happened. You have seen how the procreative system was
established in the Garden Beautiful, with all its beauty of expression.
Compare this with your symbolic fable of the birth of Eve through Adam's side.
But as crystallisation of the physical body set in, this method could no
longer hold good and childbirth took much the same form as you know, through
labour and danger.
“No longer were newcomers born as adults but perforce had to take infant
form, in the initial stages being born as twins. I have told you of the
parturition of the sexes on Human incarnation, well this is the point at which
it became necessary. It must have been an agonising experience for the souls
concerned, to be split in twain, as it were, only half of their corporate
being. Yet it had to be, not only because of the system of birth into flesh
but to inculcate that divine urge for reunion that was to form the life-line
back into pristine state. The birth of twins meant that the separation was not
wholly complete and the two halves, the masculine and the feminine principle
of the whole being, were enabled to remain in contiguous existence for a
varying period. But as life coarsened and the experience deepened, this
merciful provision had to be withdrawn and single births became the general
rule. When you reckon on the impure and difficult nature of human existence,
with its proximity of good and evil, the one rubbing shoulders with the other,
you can see how impossible it would have been for the complete soul, naked in
all its glorious innocence, to hold and retain a physical body, with all its
inherent impurities and its often terrible environment. It would have fled the
body in horror. But in its bifurcation it was bereft of much of its spiritual
memory of what it really was, and thus was armoured against this harsh
“So each must seek the other through the endless arches of the years,
unwittingly providing the urge for reunion which is that urge to regain the
heights that is the ultimate destiny of all. When each severed half of one
soul has learned the great lesson of Creation, to love the Creator and the
Creation, which includes every living soul, then they will be ready for that
divine consummation at the glory and wonder of which you can only guess. But
you must not think that this divine drama of affinities was in the nature of a
punishment, for Perfect Love cannot punish. It was imposed by necessity, not
in the divine Plan at all. Spiritually bereft, man longs for his lost
soul-mate, part of himself, but having 'drunk of the waters of Lethe,' he
remembers not the real facts and so seeks union with the woman of his choice,
and too often with any woman.
“You must not assume that there is any disloyalty in a man and a maid
falling in love and marrying; it does not mean that they are soul-mates
reunited, though that sometimes happens. For the reunion of the soul is
something far far above what you call sex. And even though soul-mates may meet
in incarnation during their search for Truth, they can never taste of the
reality of their reunion until they have achieved that breadth of
understanding wherein they could not love each other did they not love all
others as themselves! Ponder that thought for it means much; if you lift the
whole conception into the supreme Love of God, you will not find it so
difficult to grasp. Heaven is not a Paradise for honeymoon couples! There, all
is Unity, all is Perfection, all is Love! In such a conception you could not
visualise a possessive love, any sort of division or separateness, any
contrast. Yet in it there could be nothing static, all is a melting glory,
ever fresh, ever new. But then that is something a finite mind could not
possibly encompass. That is for the future.”
For a while there was silence as I pondered over the endless avenues of
conjecture that opened out from this presentation of so difficult a concept.
Tactfully Zerros too remained silent, his thoughts invading my mind with an
illumination to light up the dark comers.
At length he spoke again. “Since that time man has never ceased to war
against himself, against his environment and most of all against his
neighbour. Civilisations rose and fell, often it seemed as if nothing had been
accomplished, yet retrospectively it is clear that each time all that was
valuable was carried forward, if not in this world then in the contiguous
spiritual realms, where lived those who had tasted of human existence and
profited by its lessons. Nothing is ever lost under divine planning.
“As the process of incarnation of sin-tainted souls went on, so was the
evil flocculence, accumulated in those darkened realms, allowed to manifest
through them, and thus was the infection gradually lessened. Through the Human
body, through its processes of gestation, through its manner of excretion, was
this evil accumulation given exit into the bosom of Mother-Earth, there to
undergo the rectifying process into its constituent elements, a process with
which you must be familiar.
“ Within the recesses of every Human soul the Light of Love burnt on, none
was ever bereft. Stagnation was obviated by the divine urge that wrestled with
every fainting heart, till the restless soul reached out again and again, to
overcome, to conquer, to achieve that which seemed ever beyond its reach. Such
was the Mercy of God.
“ Many many times has the Fall of Man been repeated in the ages that lie
between. But the key to progress in this world of overcoming is to strive, to,
fall, to rise again. It is better to put a foot wrong than never to put it
anywhere at all. Man must fall in this difficult world, the point is that he
rise again and profit through experience. Man rises on the wings of pain!
“ But do not despair my friend, man has come a long way since those
primeval days, rising out of all consciousness of what he was. And if it seems
to you that the darkness is deeper than ever before, remember that with God
all things work together for good. The dreadful tale of your own era is but
the final working out into manifestation of the remaining evil that forms the
anchor holding you back from a true knowledge of the glories that await you.
Already that evil is being recognised for what it is, an inhibition of the
mind, and being recognised it is already losing much of its strength for no
longer do the majority believe in it, they are learning that it is something
that can be destroyed and dissipated. With each passing day evil means less
and less in the final analysis, and with that consummation there will remain
only the need for eager minds to learn the truth of their own reality. Then
.... the Kingdom comes!”
Such a dazzling prospect must have left me in a dream of conjecture, for
when I came to myself Zerros had gone, and only the aureole of his presence
remained to comfort me in my loneliness.
So far my visitor from other realms had shown me how intelligent life had
descended into a near-physical existence on the Earth. Now he was promising me
that I should see something of this primeval life.
The Earth has never been without intelligent life in charge of its
progress. Always there was the throng of angelic and elemental beings weaving
divine purpose into its cooling fabric, while ever and anon members of the
Adamic Race would flash downward to make some imprint of their own lovely
world upon its surface.
Over measureless periods of time the Mineral, Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms
responded to the Divine touch, expressing something of their own beauty even
through the distortion engendered by contact with the dark environment in
which eager but fallen souls were waiting their chance to seek easement
through incarnation into this new world. When we consider our dual descent
from these widely differing races of beings, the darkened souls of the
indigenous inhabitants and the splendid beauty of the Adamic Race, we can
recognise the origin of the dual characteristics in ourselves, our basic lower
self, the natural man, and the higher self, the nobility that too rarely
shines out through adversity. There is constant struggle between the two, the
one belongs to the Earth and seeks union with it, the other belongs to Spirit
and ever strives for reunion with Spirit. The one lives by instinct, the other
through inspiration. Between the two poles man lives and learns and
progresses, suffering endless tension, yet in the main tending always upward.
As the Earth's crust hardened it became more objective and at this point
Zerros was able to take me once more to see a world in the making. Changes
that must have been slow, and mutations that must have covered endless
generations, were swift and kaleidoscopic to us through our numerous visits
over great periods of evolution. And I was able to see how, through endless
cycles of birth, life and death, the evil miasma inherent in the lower Astral
realms was being manifested into physical form and passed harmlessly into the
soil, there to be transmuted. And it was borne in upon me that the
compassionate Love of the Cosmic Christ was woven into every atom of this
assembly, enshrining all in divine purpose. It became clear to me that such a
sorry manifestation of living space could never have been the intention of
Perfect Love but was rendered necessary by the defection of Spiritual Man.
Though there was much beauty and wonder in this new-born world there was
nothing to compare with the pristine beauty and ethereal charm of the Garden
Beautiful. Yet because the Living Christ invested it I knew that in terms of
eternity, if not in time, the days of its shame were numbered and its
redemption certain.
“All is ordained in Love,” observed Zerros as he summed up his description
of this primal epoch. “How could it be otherwise when a God of Love, to whom
nothing is unknown and who forgets nothing, is the reality behind it all? To
postulate that this grand vista of divine redemption is the process of a blind
evolution is only to epitomize the narrow viewpoint of the purely intellectual
outlook, based upon material values. Your able scientists demand proof, but
here the proof lies in another dimension. And when you consider how the very
nature and density of matter has changed since those far off days, how could
any proof remain through the aeons of change and crystallisation of every
constituent in your world?
“This rescue of a fallen race is a gargantuan one, beyond all knowledge.
The whole Earth is invested with the Love of God, and as long as Man
recognises it and strives to live in its light so long does he achieve peace
of mind and sure progress. But where he opposes it with his free will Love
ceases to be a warmth and becomes a Consuming Fire which burns him and causes
suffering, not merely to the individual but to Humanity as a whole. But in the
end nothing can stand against the all-powerful Love of God, so stupendous a
Power that if it were not veiled it would burn up the planet upon the instant.
“Even when Man gains some small knowledge of these immense cosmic forces
and turns them to ignoble use, thus perverting their natural characteristics,
Love steps in, passing through the Prism of the Cosmic Christ, to overturn and
rebuild. Small wonder that suffering ensues. Can you not see how God only
seems to be careless of His Creation? It is only your lack of understanding of
what is being done; the Plan is so much vaster than you can conceive, it is
not tied to incidentals. Evil is eternally being righted, the world itself is
being lifted in vibration, little by little, so that with each generation it
is more than it was.”
Many times Zerros and I wandered through these uneasy swamps and in spite
of the embryonic nature of all that we saw we could not help sensing the
'goodness' that seemed to pervade it all. The breath of Divine understanding
and goodly purpose seemed to integrate and leaven the plastic soil in a way
that could never be in our own day. In the splendour of a dawn, in the soft
glow of a sunset, or in the ethereal beauty of the growing vegetation even in
the rumble of an earthquake or the crash of a storm, one could sense a
Presence, a radiant manifestation of Life, hidden only by the façade of
matter. It has all gone now, for the crust has hardened and the senses of Man
have become veiled beyond the vibrations at which such divinity could be
perceived. The very atmosphere has condensed until its opacity distorts Human
vision to the realities that lie beyond it. Only in some unfrequented spot,
some high mountain top or the seabed momentarily uncovered by the falling
tide, can that elusive sensation of extreme purity be regained, when you know
what it is to hold all creation in your arms, and to feel the Arms of the
Creator about you.
Back in my study I questioned Zerros about the relationship of the Human
body to the Anthropoid Apes, upon the evidences of which so much reliance is
placed by those who postulate a blind evolution.
Zerros sat for a while in deep thought. “That takes us into rather deep
water,” he observed. “Your researchers hold that man consists of a body, brain
and growing intelligence, derived purely from mutational evolution. And they
admit that there are great gaps in their theses which they are unable to
bridge; they look to find these in the future. But there is no missing link in
the physical sense, they will never find it on that level. The fusion of Human
and Animal flesh is against Spiritual Law, such unions could only produce a
perverted species which could not be ensouled. Never did Man assume form of an
animal nature through procreation.
“You will recollect that we left the erring beings who fell from Grace,
confined within the density of the Lower Astral plane which surrounds your
Earth, waiting for a chance to incarnate. You will understand that these
beings still retained a memory of the great creative powers they had once
possessed, terrible powers if used wrongly. For they had once wielded forces
beside which your atomic fission is but a toy. So their very intelligence had
to be veiled while they were incarnate.
“The manner of Creation, wherever it is met, can be seen to be in the form
of patterns. The galaxies, the stars, every manifestation of life on your
planet, presents itself in patterns. The seeding of a tree, Human generation
through heredity, all is done by patterns. And these divine patterns have
their real blue-prints in a dimension beyond your ken. An ape is born, like
all else, from its own pattern, which may change according to environment but
always remains a pattern, and it was from this undimensional pattern that the
original form of Man was created, because it was the most suited to the
purpose. When the form had reached a suitable stage the darkened souls were
permitted to incarnate in these bodies. They were not brute animal forms but
to your present understanding they were almost ethereal, quite unsubstantial,
and it was only through aeons of time that they followed the trend of the
Earth and became solid flesh. But of necessity they were of a very low degree
of what you would recognise as intelligence.
“As these creatures progressed and became more and more fleshly, the
inherent urges that filled their soul being began to manifest, urges made all
the more rending by the sex separation I have already described. Prompted by
the tremendous desire-force in them some of the males sought union with the
anthropoids, which only now, long after the Humans, were reaching a state of
physical evolution. And because there was an affinity between the two, in the
pattern, monstrous creatures were born of the union. These could not be
ensouled and soon died out. Thus there are evidences of ape-men, the remains
of which have been discovered and have led to false conclusions. Has it not
struck you how few of these there are? The bodies of the primitive men and
women were not yet of such a coarseness that their remains could endure so
long and so none have been found.
“It is of great importance that you should try and realise the truth of
what I am trying to impart. For there is no concept so destructive to the idea
of benign Godhead than this terrible thought that a God of Love has
experimented with Humanity, dragging Man up through endless centuries of
suffering, privation and frustration, amid a Nature which is hostile and
“I fear that you may find it difficult to make all this sound convincing in
your narrative. The difficulty arises because tradition looks for concrete
beginnings to Human evolution, whereas the beginning, if you can use such a
word in relation to the infinite, rests upon spiritual factors. There was a
mergence of the spiritual into the physical, not only of Man but of his whole
environment, the descent of an infinite concept into a finite. At no point
could you say that the spiritual ended and the material began. But at least
you can say this, that in the cold, rational theories of evolution there can
be no sort of meaning at all, while in the real story of the Earth meaning
shines out with the promise, nay the certainty, of a glorious fulfilment. It
is for this reason that you have to live, at present, largely by faith.”
I promised Zerros that I would ponder the whole subject before committing
myself to paper. I realised then, as I still do, that Truth must be allowed to
speak for itself, we cannot hope to defend it by theoretical argument. But I
am convinced that there is something within us that will respond to truths
which cannot be couched in words.
Time and time again, during our visits through time and space, and also as
a cardinal point in his discourses, Zerros reiterated the need to recall the
universality of Man which he held to be the key to understanding. “As long,”
he said, “ as you hold that Man is an isolated individual, responsible only
for his own integrity and capable of achieving the ultimate aim of his
existence by his own efforts, so long must you flounder in a muddy sea of
conjecture. But once you can instill into your consciousness that Mankind is a
homogenous whole then many problems are resolved. It is natural that man
should cling unduly to his personality, that he should identify himself too
much with his physical being, but neither of these is immortal. The
personality can change in a single lifetime, through an operation or through
some deep emotional experience. Your personality is not what it was when you
were a child. The fruits of experience are found in the personality, but the
goodness of those fruits, or otherwise, is absorbed by what you could better
term the individuality, a much more permanent attribute of the spirit. The
personality may not long survive the dissolution of the body, but the
individuality of the spirit goes on and on.
“This idea of unity in diversity is the principle of Creation, for after
all, if God created all there is, every diverse manifestation of that creation
can be traced back to the one Source. A grain of sand is but a concourse of
atoms, vibrant with the Creator's Life, manifested for a purpose, the same
Life which is your life! But you must not think that thereby you will someday
lose your identity and be swallowed up in the primal Essence. There can be no
ending of the essential 'you', for there are no such limitations in eternal
Life. But as you progress you will learn so to surrender your free will to the
Will of God through the utter longing of your whole being to be part of Him,
that any idea of separation would be anathema to you. That is the best I can
do to present the infinite in finite terms. But it is very important to try
and encompass the idea with your understanding.”
I should like to describe what we saw of these early men, though that too
is difficult. In the still slightly ethereal environment in which they found
themselves they seemed solid enough, but they bore little resemblance to the
more backward races we know today. They were enormous in stature and hirsute
in appearance, and they wore a puzzled, vacant stare as if they found their
surroundings difficult to comprehend. They lived mainly on fruits and roots,
not yet having learned to hunt animals for food.
They were as far separated from any idea of divine creation as an empty
shell is from a living crustacean. Clearly the greater part of their
intelligence was in a state of torpor, they wandered about like lost souls. It
was hard to believe that these poor creatures had once been glorious spiritual
beings with incredible powers of creation. Such was the extent of their fall
and such was the mercy of their Creator that they were given this
comparatively easy way out of the pit into which they had fallen.
Once more Zerros emphasised how in their fall from high estate, they had
brought with them the terrible odour of perversion which had its baleful
effect upon any environment in which they found themselves. But their lack of
intelligence prevented them from manifesting it except unconsciously, through
the natural functions of their crude bodies, with the co-operation of the
elemental beings in the soil upon which they had their being, absorbing,
transmuting, rectifying the chemical perversion which had been wrongly
So, with infinite slowness, through endless generations during which these
souls incarnated again and again, the upward climb began, as they were in some
measure freed from the clinging miasma of their erstwhile sin. The urges
engendered by the bifurcation of their souls strengthened the need to overcome
their harsh environment, filling them with spiritual vitality as they became
accustomed to their surroundings. The males fought and conquered a nature
biased against them, while the females brought forth young in labour and pain.
Together they learned the rudiments of family responsibility through the
proddings of instinct. And between the two sexes there flashed the first
gleams of human passion, the same pristine love they had once known but
dragged down to the level on which they were now forced to live.
“While all this was happening,” Zerros explained, “the Adamic Race was
already beginning its errand of mercy, descending into incarnate life, but not
yet of it, manifesting in forms not visible to the fallen race. With their
superior intelligence they were able to lift the thoughts of the fallen ones
and inspire them with something above the purely material. These were not yet
capable of faith, but they could respond to its opposite, superstition, the
other side of the penny, as it were. So gradually they became aware of a power
outside of themselves, a factor enhanced by the terrestrial upheavals which
still shook the cooling crust of Earth. And so began the system of worship,
which has never been entirely lost through the ages. Naturally its early form
was crude and inspired by fear, taking the form of propitiation. In time it
crystallised into organised religion; the visiting entities, which later on
became actually visible to them, were given names and attributes, and thus was
born the pantheon of gods which illumine the mists of mythology, whose antics,
pictured by contemporary minds, have so often amused later generations.
“Presently a desire to capture and possess such contacts, which made a
great appeal to the dim understanding of these people, led them to erect stone
cairns and monoliths at the places where these visitors were accustomed to
manifest. In this way, it was felt, the entity could be worshipped whether
actually visible or not. These were gradually enlarged and decorated, and
given shelter from the elements, and thus the idea of church or temple grew.
“And all this time the process of passing through the defilement which was
the cause of their situation, went on, entering the soil and being dissipated
there. Who is to say whether they might not have attained their goal without
further aid, but evidently divine prescience knew that the process could be
speeded by the introduction of a fresh and undefiled race of beings, providing
a new test of their spiritual strength, far greater than their struggles
against natural forces, and without which they might have lost hope and
stagnated into inertia. For they were destined to meet and merge with the
Adamic Race which was already incarnating into Human bodies, though infinitely
superior to those inhabited by the indigenous people of the Earth. Already the
Garden Beautiful was melting its environment on to the surface proper, perhaps
because its pristine elegance had also been invaded by the perversion that was
evident in the hardened crust below.”
It was becoming clear to me that there must be something very wonderful
about Man, for the Creator could so easily have destroyed this rebellious
section of Spiritual Man and allowed the remainder to grow in His purpose and
design unhindered by this defection. There must be something in man which even
He could not destroy, because it was part of Himself. And because He was Love
itself He could only go on loving that which had sought relief in the illusory
fastnesses of its own mentality. There could be no reality in the material
life these people encountered, because it was so much less than 'good,' so out
of touch with Divine creative beauty. So was born in me the conviction that
Man is a spiritual being in reality, the only part of him that really matters,
that really is immortal, that never began and could never end. And the sense
life he leads is so ineffectual because it has no real meaning beyond being a
stepping stone to a life beyond his imagination. And as he rises to this
understanding so must his environment rise too, for it has fallen into
materiality only to match his own fallen nature, held in that state only by
the merciful Will of a Creator who cannot fail and whose Love will not let him
I cannot resist a sigh of peace and happiness at this revelation of the
purpose of the Earth's destiny. How petty and transient all its material
problems become when one views the prospect from this wide perspective! How
Infinite the Love of the Father, while the measureless descent of the fallen
race can be made the yardstick of the extent to which Man, and his
environment, can and must rise. Above all the terrible thought of Divine
injustice which clogs the understanding of so many seekers after Truth, was
utterly annihilated. I began to see the Creator in a new light, one that was
almost frightening in its immeasurable intensity.
All this and much more Zerros explained to me, emphasising the main
features by actual visits to these primeval scenes. One vivid experience I
call to mind. We were standing on a rocky headland looking out over a vast
forest of strange, fernlike trees, immensely high. There is something rather
peculiar and terrifying about primeval life. One is so close to raw nature and
primitive instincts, and we found a very definite aroma of - what shall I call
it? - evil intelligence? - in the atmosphere. It might have been the dark
undergrowth with its hints of forbidden things, but I had an unmistakable
feeling that in this seemingly peaceful scene evil lurked, I was sure of it.
Zerros told me that it was because I was sensitive to the perverted creative
forces which had to be employed to produce a living space in which perverted
Humanity might seek its release.
Suddenly we were startled by a low vibrant murmur. It seemed to come from
the air as if a great fleet of menacing bombers was approaching. We looked up
expectantly as the sound increased. The harsh vibrations grew to a rhythmic
roar and a moment later, over the tops of the trees, came an enormous aerial
reptile; I simply could not call it a bird. As it threshed its horrid way
towards us I could see it was colossal in size. It had a scaly body which
shone with a sickening sort of oily iridescence, its feet hung down
terminating in huge talons, while its yawning beak displayed rows of vicious
teeth. Clearly a carnivorous beast.
The monstrous head yawed this way and that, as if seeking for prey; there
was nothing of animal grace in any of its movements. For one ghastly moment it
seemed as if our eyes met, its baleful gaze, cold and hateful, caught and held
my fascinated stare. There was something utterly cruel and malignant behind
those soulless eyes, it was evil incarnate, and the beast carried with it the
stench of putrefaction. The thing passed above us and threshed its ponderous
way onwards towards the horizon, uttering tremendous croaks that echoed over
the forest. I turned and faced Zerros, horror in my eyes.
His face held a look of infinite compassion as he answered my unspoken
query. “That creature was not deliberately created by God. But because of the
wholesale perversion of the Earthly environment by the sinful souls imprisoned
in its astral surround, every attempt to create In terms of perfection was of
necessity frustrated. The evil flocculence had to be got rid of through
physical means, that was the only way. That is why the early animal life and
vegetation was monstrous in size and a denial of the Goodness of God. It had
its purpose and fulfilled it, by passing much of this evil vibration through
into the rectifying processes of the earth. As these animals lived and died
they deposited in the soil their excrement and in the end, their bodies. The
very chemicals of the soil were planned by Omniscient Mind for just this
purpose, that they might purify and reconstitute all the poisonous matter
consigned to their operations. In this the tiny bacterial life played its
part. Do you not see that even in your day when you putrefying matter to the
soil in the form of manure, in a short time it is rendered wholesome and fit
to speed the growth of your food. Do not judge these animals for they also
served their God.”
Many attempts have been made to establish the locality and proofs of the
existence of this fabled continent, said to have been situated in the Pacific,
but with little impact on scientific beliefs and geological evidences. The
fact is that Lemuria, more than any other part of the Earth's crust, had an
existence more in the ethereal than in the physical. Zerros had tried to
explain to me how the Garden Beautiful literally melted into a physical
condition, a whole realm descending into material constituency.
I am fully aware how difficult many must find this to accept, especially if
they have any idea of geological formations and prehistoric events. We must
just accept that unacceptability as evidence of how far we are from any real
understanding of our true nature and that of the seemingly solid world in
which we live. Our knowledge of the atomic theory has done much to explode our
medieval notions of the nature of matter, but tradition and inhibited ideas
die hard.
In Lemuria we have to deal with an admixture of races, where the ascending
race was making rapid progress along material lines, and the descent to their
rescue of the Adamic Race which was already coming under the dark spell of a
people whose intellect was growing sufficiently to enable some memory of their
past to invade their consciousness, bringing with it age-old desires for
experiment, for conquest, for some expression of the great powers they once
possessed. The task of the Adamic ones was to lift this consciousness as far
above the mundane as possible so as to prevent the returning knowledge from
being put to evil uses. This they did educationally and by the example they
demonstrated to the inferior race. To these the shining ones from a spiritual
world must have seemed as the saints do to us in our day. For not only were
they beautiful by contrast but they held their clairvoyant powers and their
innate wisdom. Some of them became priest-kings, holding great respect and
great power over the darker peoples. Thus the embryonic minds grew towards
intellectuality, and became subject to reason rather than instinct. It was
from this land that the legend of the 'Third Eye' emanated, and in primordial
carvings of gods and goddesses this organ is often depicted, located in the
centre of the forehead. It was never biologically visible, being present only
in the etheric body of an advanced soul.
But the progress was not constant or always upward. The symbolism of
sacrifice often degenerated into blood sacrifice. The initial idea was that of
the liberation of the spirit from the flesh, but the value of the offering
soon took greater place in the minds of the celebrants than the mystical
meaning. There is a deep psychic significance in the shedding of blood, lost
to our materialistic understanding, which released considerable psychic power
in those far-off days. Adepts soon realised this and employed these powers to
impress the worshippers, thus gaining much power over them. Till finally,
through a terrible perversion of the law of love, they found that by sacrifice
of their most treasured possession, the eldest son, immense effects were
I had many glimpses of this rapidly developing race, increasing in numbers
due to the steady rise in the standard of living. It is not easy to recall
what I saw of this people nor of the earlier races, because of the somewhat
ethereal nature of matter as then manifested. The world was still not quite
physical in relation to our rate of vibration and so were the bodies of the
people a little out of focus to my vision. It was because of the wholesale
destruction of this continent by volcanic disturbance and subsidence that so
little evidence remains of its erstwhile existence, though many feel that
Easter Island holds the secret of its later culture. For the rest we have to
rely upon myth and legend and certain geological characteristics for any
proofs of its locality.
The giant Lemurians built great cities of lava-like basalt, hewn by their
great muscles into slabs beyond the capacity of modern brawn. Yet because it
was then not so concrete as now the effort would not be so great. In China and
Mongolia there are relics of unbelievable antiquity thought to be associated
with these peoples, while the Polynesians are thought to be their direct
descendants. In those days everything was proportionately bigger than what we
are accustomed to, and the great size of buildings, etc., and the giant forms
of vegetation may have given rise to more modern notions that size means
As the seasons changed the Lemurians responded with appropriate ritual and
ceremony, thus marking their growing acknowledgment of divine rhythmic
processes of creation. Slowly they were becoming aware of a great Power
outside of themselves to which recognition must be given. Generation by
generation enlightenment grew as the process of reincarnation enabled the
sin—stained souls to seek rehabilitation in the remedial experience of Earthly
But as the intelligence of the incarnate souls grew so did the dim memory
of their one-time creative knowledge emerge into their consciousness. And some
were not slow to put this knowledge to evil use once again. Zerros assured me
that this had been foreseen, it could not be helped. The race had to be
redeemed even though some strove still to plunge it into fresh disaster. The
indications were small at first, the self-confidence of a conqueror leading to
overweening desire for power, the psychic powers of the priests giving them
immense stranglehold over a superstitious people. Man had fallen through the
misuse of his free will and only through his free will could he be brought
back to the fold. So the infection had to be allowed to spread, even though it
meant ultimate disaster to this particular civilisation. Spiritual beings in
charge of this doomed race strove mightily to keep the evil within bounds, but
these efforts were as flames to the fires of eager desire. Soon nation fought
nation for mastery, tribe fought tribe within the nations, perversion and
black alchemy were practised until the situation deteriorated beyond hope.
Destruction which man has hitherto achieved in small ratio with gun and bomb,
was exceeded many times by these powerful people.
“ In considering the powers exercised by the Lemurians,” Zerros put in,
“you have to remember the pliability of matter, unknown to your day. Moreover
although these people were not what you would call in a high state of
industrial civilisation, nevertheless they had power that you might envy, they
had some degree of control over matter, mental control over atomic adhesion to
which your materialists would never admit. Can you wonder that this degenerate
civilisation had to be destroyed because of the illicit expression of their
knowledge, which was filtering back with their dawning intellect?
“ Yet you may be sure that from the divine point of view nothing of value
was lost. Millions of incarnations were cut short, but to Deity death is not
something to fear, it is release, promotion, a new phase of life and
experience. All that was best in that continent was carried forward to a new
existence by souls who remained true to their destiny.”
In the end the unhappy land was riven by earthquakes and literally burnt
out by volcanic action. Vast masses of land subsided during the lengthy period
of this blasting of a continent, until eventually only pitiful remnants of a
mighty race remained clinging desperately to mountain tops, which are now
numbered among the new lands constituting the archipelagoes between the land
masses of Asia and Australia.
Only the more advanced souls were inspired to emigrate and under divine
guidance these were led to new countries where it was intended that new light
was to be fostered among indigenous inhabitants already forming the rudiments
of a new civilisation, one of the most famous in the history of the planet,
the fabulous continent of Atlantis.
Thus was consummated another 'Fall of Man.' Already faded from Earthly
memory it was a seeming triumph of evil over good, yet quiet reflection shows
that it was otherwise in the eyes of a Loving Father. An immense amount of
'original sin' must have been dissipated through the growth and the struggles
of the Lemurian peoples and also in the trembling foundations of the erupting
soil. Though this might be counted as a set-back if one thinks in terms of
time and the incidence of physical death and disruption of family life, in
reality there was unbroken progress, for life went on in other realms, the
climb was but translated to other spheres of influence. Nothing of enduring
value was lost and much of no value at all was destroyed. Thus it happens in
the disappearance of all the great civilisations from the broad face of the
Earth, destiny plays its part amid the grim enactments and the supreme Love of
God ensures that everything works together for good. It is only in our limited
understanding that we can see loss in the fall of empires. Such was the lesson
to be learned from the rise and fall of that great community, the Land of
(“ Those islands of the blest, so far away.”)
So far Zerros had given me glimpses of those two races of Mankind, so
divergent in condition and with such a different destiny, the one to rise
after a cataclysmic fall, the other to descend on a divine mission of rescue.
He now informed me that we were to witness the final mergence of the two races
during the famed civilisation of Atlantis.
“ In what we have already seen,” he observed, “ you will have discerned the
utter Goodness of what you term God, in His wonderful handling of the battle
between the power of Good and the chimera of evil, to which the fallen race
had given itself. Yet all was accomplished without ever invading the secure
territory of man's free will, his most precious gift from his Creator. For it
is within the sanctuary of that free will that the Spirit of God dwells, the
Kingdom of God in Man. It is only in separation from God that Man is cut off
from his own spirit in some degree, and instead of seeing freedom as the
wondrous attribute of Godhead, he sees it as some alluring figment in which
God plays no part. He is enmeshed in his own delusions. God's battle is won
before ever it is joined, for on the one hand there is Omnipotence and on the
other delusion, only the veil of man's self-will is drawn between them. The
battle is fought in the dimension of time; undimensionally it has no existence
at all. It is as simple as that.
“ It was a delicate operation which was undertaken in Atlantis. The
descending race of Adamic peoples had spiritual power and some wisdom, but not
great experience. The ascending race had experience latent in them but little
spiritual expression. Now the two races were to meet and make an exchange, as
it were, of their two attributes, from the one knowledge of how to live in the
harsh conditions of incarnate life, and from the other how to express their
own spiritual nature in all they experienced.
“ On this vast continent we are about to visit you will find the indigenous
inhabitants, led to some extent by emigrants from Lemuria who had brought the
fruits of that civilisation with them, and among them there will be the
incarnating race from the Adamic realms, the Garden Beautiful. It will not be
easy for your understanding to imagine a whole environment being lowered, like
a scene in a theatrical production, into contact with a much more material
environment, yet such was the case. Of course this transition took millions of
years to complete and its manifestation would not have been visible to Human
sight; perhaps the manifestation of Human birth would be a good simile for it
was not accomplished without labour and was fraught with danger to the Adamic
“ While the inhabitants of the Garden Beautiful were in their natural realm
nothing was hid from their eager questing minds, just as nothing had been hid
from those spiritual beings who fell from Grace. God hides nothing, but a
growing intelligence is not able to assimilate all it encounters, the finite
cannot encompass the infinite, yet all is there, awaiting a readiness to
understand, a breadth of mind to conceive the undimensional perspective that
the Creator employs. Ignorance holds no place in God's purpose but just as
your infants cannot absorb what is clear to the maturer students, so the souls
which are younger in experience cannot absorb the greater truths. So the
instruction has to be given on a lower level, made more simple, and where it
is enshrined in love there can be few minds which cannot grasp the
fundamentals of spiritual life, just as you have them in your Christian
ethics, they are not new, for Truth is ageless.
“ Nevertheless the true Atlanteans, the Adamic people, were accustomed to
Fourth-dimensional truths, yet they had to try and lower these into
Three-dimensional teaching for the benefit of the worldly minded from the
fallen race. The Adamic people were spiritually alert but were not skilled in
manual dexterity like their darker neighbours, so it was they who provided the
inspiration for the buildings and other forms of cultural expression, while
the tribesmen provided the labour, glad to serve these lovely beings who were
to them in the nature of gods. Slowly the great civilisation was built up
under the aegis of those who had brought with them the memory of their
pristine life in the Garden Beautiful. In return the indigenous inhabitants
became their servants and tillers of the soil.
“ Just as in the Garden Beautiful celestial visitors used to manifest at
the temples and guide the instruction, and these points of spiritual contact
became seats of learning in matters long denied to our three-dimensional
understanding. Despite their protests images of these visitors were placed in
the temples and elsewhere, and became focal points for psychic power, just as
in the olden days of Lemuria .
“The Adamic people were a race of astrologers, taking the subject on a far
higher and more spiritual level than we do. They knew something of the cosmic
rays and inter-planetary influences, and they knew how to blend and control
these influences at the right season to benefit the crops. And they had some
control over the atomic nature of matter. Some of your priests still bless the
crops today, but that is supplication and not control.”
“But,” I put in, “how is it that all record of such powers has been lost,
surely some knowledge of such incredible powers would have filtered through?”
“You must remember what immense periods of time we are dealing with. Also
there was little writing at that time, except by the gifted few. There was
little need for it because a permanent source of knowledge existed in the
celestial visitors during their frequent appearances. Imagine that you had an
atomic war that was world-wide and destroyed most of your records, and then
suppose that twenty thousand years later, when a new kind of civilisation had
been built up, that scientists began to unearth the prehistory of your day.
What would they find of your knowledge from the fragments of your contemporary
history dug up from the ruins? How would they assess the thinking of your day?
How much would be ascribed to folklore and legend?
“To you Atlantis is but a lovely memory, most inadequately authenticated.
In the most unlikely places in widely separated parts of the world you will
find references to it such as the 'land of the blest,' or the 'Golden Age.'
And thus it was for it held men and women of great beauty of form and
character, radiating divine love in a way that your intellectuals would find
unacceptable. It represents the nearest approach to an earthly heaven that it
is possible to produce in material form. Yet, as you shall see, even these
lovely people had to pay the price of their service, in that they too came to
choose self instead of God until in the end they perished in the most
degrading infamy the world has ever known. “
By this time I was quite accustomed to the sudden changes in dimension
essential to timeless exploration. Accustomed as I was to wondrous visions on
opening my eyes I was quite unprepared for the scene that· I surveyed, my
first glimpse of the lovely land of Atlantis.
In previous experiences I had encountered that difficulty of focus that I
have mentioned. But here, in this lovely landscape, I found a clarity of
vision that amazed me. In this gloriously warm sunshine and freshness was
surely the land of our dreams, indeed a golden environment. Wide spaces and
fertile plains showed how everything had crystallised into a new and
sun-washed definition.
We were standing on the slopes of a hill looking out over a plain, which
was watered by several rivers. I felt a thrill as I located a number of small
villages here and there amid patches of cultivation. I longed to set out and
investigate but something held me to this hillside, savouring the warm-scented
beauty spread out before us. I felt so good that I told Zerros that I could
have here the strength of two men.
He smiled at my enthusiasm. “I am glad you sense the inherent beauty of
this land, which God had prepared for his children to live in and learn to
know of His Love for them, but alas … However, we will not spoil this first
glimpse. Come, let us travel and see more of it.”
With my hand held firmly in his we travelled at our accustomed swift pace
over the intervening country until we came to the first of the villages. This
was composed of wattle huts of quite a large size, very cleverly made. When I
saw my first Atlantean I knew why. He must have been seven or eight feet tall,
dark in skin, for he was one of the tribesmen who tilled the land. His skull
was low and sloping with a broad projecting chin and he wore a longish beard
and hair. His clothing consisted of a loin cloth. He walked erect and with an
air of confidence that contrasted well with the uncertain movements of his
ancestors. He entered a hut and so we turned to where some children were
playing, in the way that children of all ages have played. They at least, I
mused, have not changed much. Then we perceived a little group approaching
along a track.
First came a man, like the other, of considerable stature, leading an
animal harnessed to a sledge. It was something like our llama but larger and
coarser. The use of the sledge showed that these people had not yet learned
the use of the wheel. Seated on the sledge were two women in bright clothes,
surrounded by a number of bundles. The women were dark-skinned like the men
but with smaller features and bright eager eyes, one was wearing earrings that
might have been of gold, the other held a babe at her breast. Other children
played about the sledge, dropping behind and then running to catch up; it was
a pleasant domestic scene. Once the man turned his head sharply as if he heard
some untoward sound from the adjacent forest and peremptorily called the
children to him. Evidently, I thought, this smiling land is not without its
stings. The abounding forests must harbour dangerous beasts while no doubt
there were poisonous reptiles among the luxuriant vegetation.
Gorgeous plumaged birds there were in plenty while once or twice we heard
deep snarling sounds from the depths of the forest but we did not see any
beasts. As we moved on swiftly over hill and dale the forest land gradually
gave way to open grassland, with frequent patches of cultivation. Then
presently, with a thrill, I caught the glint of sunshine sparkling with
reflected glory from some buildings on the horizon. These I soon found came
from the domes and minarets of a city and Zerros intimated that here was
indeed none other than the famous City of the Golden Gates, that dreamlike
city that has graced a thousand tales and legends.
This prehistoric city, enshrined in the mists of antiquity, has lived so
long in our unconscious memory that it still influences our dreams of a Golden
Age when men knew not war and lived in harmony with their surroundings. Poets
wrote of it and singers clothed it with a desperate longing, an age when Love
ruled. It still dwells in the background of our ideals, colouring our
pageantry, the pattern of our castles in the air, our dreams of Utopia.
I looked eagerly for the three legendary peaks, yes, there they were,
behind the city, the centre one crowned with a temple that seemed to be of
solid gold. Its domes were covered with gold leaf shining with that
unmistakable reddish tint that betokens the precious metal. The walls were of
a pinkish stone that served to enhance the glory of the glittering roofs.
Down from the centre hill cascaded clear waters from some hidden spring at
the summit and, as I afterwards discovered, these served to feed a system of
canals that provided traffic routes for the city. We stopped on the lower
slopes of this hill and I saw that the city was divided into districts by
these canals which encircled it three times before being drawn off by a
channel to the sea. In the centre were the larger buildings, probably minor
temples and offices of importance, while in the next area were residential
quarters. Beyond the second circuit of the canal system were obviously
business houses, for here were many barges of rough timber tied up to wharves.
Beyond again were small huts or shacks in which no doubt the tribesmen who
served the city, lived with their families.
After a while we descended into the city, entering it by one of the immense
golden gates of legendary fame, only at this period they were only gateways;
the need for the protection of gates had not yet arisen. As we passed through
the gateway we were faced with a magnificent vista of a broad avenue that
indicated a high degree of civic planning. This then was the great capital of
Atlantis, that in some form or another was to last many thousands of years,
with a long and chequered history. As we traversed the city I saw no signs of
mean side streets or dark alleys that hover behind the fair avenues of our
modern cities. Though there was wide contrast of palace and humble dwelling it
was clear that there was no intolerable division of rich consequence and utter
degradation with which we are so hauntingly familiar.
It was high noon when we entered the avenue and probably the hour of siesta
for there were few people about. But some were obviously of the Adamic Race.
These were fine in the extreme, in strong contrast to the tribesmen, their
clear white skin unmarked by strain or labour. Their eyes were blue and of a
piercing keenness as if to indicate the intelligence and strange powers of
their owners. Most were dressed in gay colours in draped robes. Naturally we
had no means of intercourse with any of these people nor they any knowledge of
our presence, we were separated by an immense dimension of time.
In expansive mood, as if he were enjoying a return to a scene he had once
known, Zerros seated himself on a stone bench beside the road in the shade of
a large tree, and I joined him. At our feet strutted pigeons, for all the
world as if they had alighted there from Trafalgar Square. “You see,” he said,
gazing unseeingly at the pigeons, “this descending race had to leave behind
much of the glory of their real being when they descended from the Garden
Beautiful. What you see of them here gives no idea of their erstwhile beauty
or culture. And you must not blame either of the two races for the fall of
this wonderful civilisation, it had to be, for the good of mankind as a whole.
It was a difficult situation, and fraught with danger as the lower race began
to evolve.”
“ How did they worship at this time?” I asked.
“ The Sun was always the focus of worship on Atlantis; through the visible
glory of the Sun the people, especially the tribesmen, were able to visualise
the Supernal Glory of that which they could not see. They could feel the
warmth of Spirit through the rays that vitalised their bodies, for here, you
understand, the atmosphere was not yet vitiated by evil emanation as it became
in later times. The Adamic people gave to the fallen race the message of love
that was inherent in them from their own Eden, they taught of the love and
beauty that they knew, of their unity of being and of the Father-Mother God
whom they revered. And they demonstrated their psychic powers with an adept
manipulation which the tribesmen regarded as magic. On the other hand the
tribesmen had something to offer the superior race, they had experience of
good and evil, right and wrong, bought dearly through close contact, an
experience of some value to beings who had known only the good, with no
contrast to show the difference.”
Our conversation was broken by a disturbance further down the street. There
was some singing and shouting in the distance, and as the sounds drew nearer I
could see that a crowd of people was advancing, mostly of the darker race. At
their head strode a figure, striking in appearance; a head taller than most he
was dressed in a robe of azure blue edged with silver while on his head he
wore a fillet of gold fronted with some emblem I could not distinguish at that
distance, and on his breast there was a large gem that sparkled as he walked.
He radiated vitality that I could feel even where I stood and he seemed the
very embodiment of spiritual strength and grace.
Zerros, too, stood in respect and as the stranger passed threw out his arms
in glad salutation, and immediately the visitor turned his head and a lovely
smile of recognition lit up his features, his eyes shining with love and joy.
It was a thrilling moment, for such was the understanding between these two
that they had been able to bridge the gap of thousands of years that divided
them, destroying the illusion of time in one blinding moment of Truth. Even I
got caught up in that shattering moment for the royal figure glanced at me and
his keen gaze searched my very soul, then he smiled at me too, and his eyes
filled with an eloquence I can scarcely describe. Can man love man? If so then
I loved this man, this stranger who was strangely known to me, a part of my
life, geared with me to the wheel of events.
Before I could recover my sense of time he was gone, with the crowd of
jostling, admiring followers in his wake. With all my heart I longed to join
The voice of Zerros broke in. “That was one of the great leaders and
teachers of Atlantean times,” he observed, “ I cannot give you his name in
eternity and his name in time has been lost to posterity, though it was
perpetuated in the later pantheon of so-called gods, those travesties of the
Shining Ones who were held to have disported themselves with human antics on
Mount Olympus. But as you have seen they were beings of very real beauty and
power, never wholly incarnate, yet living amongst the people they had come to
I begged for further information about the kings of Atlantis but Zerros had
little to say about these. “If I were to tell you of Melcarth-Hercules, twin
rulers of Atlantis, whose deification was later commemorated by the twin
pillars of bronze in the temples of Western Europe dedicated to them, you
would try and trace their dynastic era, only to find disillusion. You cannot
connect these great beings, more ethereal than physical, with your conception
of kings and priesthood, any more than you can connect the Neptune, with his
antics on 'crossing the line,' with that great King of Atlantis who once ruled
from the Golden Temple in this City of the Golden Gates. The realities were
neither physical kings nor mythical deities so you will have to be content
with that.”
As he spoke there was a sudden vibration beneath our feet. I looked up and
felt rather than heard, a distant rumble travel round the hills. “Thunder?” I
echoed. But an instant later the supposition was lost in a thunder and a roar
the like of which I had never heard. A few people screamed, while the birds
rose in perturbed flight, squawking their fears. Once more the ground heaved,
thunderous noises smothering all others. Even Zerros looked momentarily
The earthquake passed as suddenly as it came. There seemed little trace of
damage, no doubt because of the still plastic nature of the crust which
enabled the shocks to be absorbed.
Soon after twilight descended and to my surprise the city remained aglow.
The light came from high pylons which I had noticed, at the top of which was a
glowing light, which Zerros informed me was atomic in nature, generated by a
process lost to us. Then he led the way into a compound in the centre of which
was a house, somewhat like a Roman villa in design. It was a two-storied
residence, surrounded by verandas. In one of these a family sat at a meal.
With some trepidation I drew nearer, until I remembered that our presence held
no relation to the susceptibilities of these people. They were white
Atlanteans, two women, a man and two children. The wooden bowls they used
seemed rather clumsy to my notion but otherwise it might have been a family
party gathered in some colonial bungalow of our time. Dark-skinned servants
waited and handed round the dishes, while the family sat on low stools and ate
with their fingers. The dishes held what appeared to be curds and honey, while
a great dish of fruit occupied the centre of the table. One servant brought in
a jug of sparkling liquid which he poured into wooden mugs. There appeared to
be no distinction between employer and servant, no sign of servitude. It
seemed that each race was conscious of the advantages of their mutual
I would not however like to maintain that Atlantean society of this period
differed little from our own contemporary society. For one thing there was an
air of unsophistication, a lack of assurance, that characterised these people,
as if they found their environment difficult with no traditions to fall back
upon. Life in the Garden Beautiful must have unrolled for them like the
pattern on the nursery carpet does for our children, nothing to fear, only to
enjoy. But now they had to build their own traditions without any deep
experience to aid them in moulding their lives. They had only their spiritual
strength to fall back upon. It was a poignant thought that these lovely
innocent people were destined to succumb to the evil, inherent but not yet
manifest, in the very soil they trod.
Zerros explained that the rhythmic ebb and flow of the spiritual power that
manifests the universe brought them succeeding waves of spiritual strength,
which ebbed away so that they might be led to depend upon its return flow.
Such too is life in our day, when exaltation so often is followed by
depression, though naturally to a less extent than these people experienced.
Such was the condition of the two races which were meeting and merging in
this lovely land. As the young men of the fair race grew in vigour they were
looked upon by the adoring daughters of the tribesmen and many succumbed to
the age-old urge of Humankind, and so began that fatal admixture of the two
races, the one divine and ethereal, the other so coarsened that intelligence
was dimmed, that was to have such dire results for the greatest civilisation
this world has ever known. Perhaps it had to be, being part of the testing of
the spirit of both races, part of a great plan of rehabilitation for the
fallen race of Man.
Zerros and I paid many visits to this rare and wonderful city at varying
stages in its history, which has been calculated to have lasted over three
quarters of a million years, in one form or another. Its story is like that of
a man, born in innocence, growing in stature and knowledge, faced with the
temptation of self-indulgence and ambition, put to the test at every point in
his progress, until at last he lays down his material body, his mission
completed. Its gradual decline and the catastrophic ending of the whole
continent was due to the emergence into manifestation of the latent evil
created by the fallen race, so that it could be objectified and thus
As Zerros put it: “God does not make mistakes; with Him all things work
together for good. If you break His laws He immediately sets forces to work to
rectify your mistakes. He does not interfere with your free will, for that is
essential to your progress; instead He projects His Divine Love in such Power
that it bums out the dross in the offender and his environment. Thus there is
Quite clearly the Golden Temple on the three-pronged hill behind the city
was the dominating factor in its life, and almost certainly the source of its
spiritual power. In the earliest, almost ethereal conditions in which it was
created, so holy were the vibrations manifested that it was almost etheric in
nature and only initiates were allowed within its precincts. There was a wall
of etheric power surrounding it which only an adept could pass.
But when Zerros and I first saw it the actual temple was in the form of a
cross surrounded by circular gardens, thus epitomizing the sign manual of the
Earth, the cross of sacrifice within the circle of redemption. The cross was
formed by four great halls branching off from the central dome, so vast that
St. Paul's Cathedral could easily be contained within it. As there were no
corrosive elements in that clear atmosphere and matter was not so dense and
cohesive as it is today, buildings of this description lasted for incredible
periods of time.
Exteriorly the temple was exquisitely designed, with the central dome
covered with gold of a redness unknown to our geologists, and with an array of
slender spires that were covered with silver, seeming to stretch like fingers
adoringly into the azure sky. The main approach was from the east, up
cascading flights of steps, punctuated by level platforms on which were
flanking statues and sculptured designs of mystic interpretation. Before the
main entrance was a broad open hall of pillars, with a floor of wondrously
designed mosaic, while fountains played unceasingly to add to the cool comfort
of the shade after the heat of the sun-drenched exterior.
Feeling like pygmies we made our way into the interior. The High Priests
were, at this period, also the Kings of the Atlantean Empire, so it had a
temporal as well as a spiritual character. Zerros explained that the first
great hall was the one devoted to governmental affairs. It was without
windows, being lit by the same method as used on the pylons in the city. The
walls were decorated with wonderful sculptured designs and mural paintings out
of consonance with the poor artistic ability displayed in other parts of the
city. Passing through this hall into the centre nave I gasped in amazement,
for under the great dome, whose loftiness extended almost beyond my vision,
was a colossal statue of the deity whom we know as Poseidon, fashioned, heaven
alone knows how, in solid gold. The figure was driving a chariot drawn by six
horses over a sea of golden foam.
How can I do justice to such a stupendous creation? I could not even
conjecture how it came to be erected, nor the astronomical value of the metal.
But it was so exquisitely fashioned that life and vitality seemed to radiate
from it, the leaping horses, the boat-like chariot, the curling waves, but
most of all the virility derived from that powerful figure, all seemed to melt
into a message of power. I could well imagine that it formed a transforming
station for divine power, slowed down to meet the lower vibrations of this
mundane kingdom.
Regretfully we passed on to the further hall, only to experience the same
sense of wonder. For here there was no decoration at all except for a golden
sunburst in the roof. Below it was a low stone altar. The light was dimmed
here and helped to create an atmosphere which met you at the entrance and
enfolded you with a mysterious sense of something exquisitely beautiful and
holy, not to be embodied in form. I felt nearer to God in this holy sanctuary
than anywhere I have ever known. One felt holy here, touched by that divine
stillness that is such a benediction to the soul. One could almost hear the
words: “Come unto Me.” The loveliness of that moment was such that I could not
estimate how long we stood there, in adoration of THAT which was within.
But we could not stand there forever and presently Zerros drew me to a side
hall which was broken up into sanctuaries, libraries and living quarters. In
the libraries were books, not very many, with pages of paper-thin metal, bound
in leather. The writing was in ideographs, complicated in character. The hall
on the opposite side was much the same but included what appeared to be public
offices. In one part of the temple we found a garden of gold, such as
Montezuma displayed to Cortes. Exquisitely formed flowers of gold, with
insects and tiny birds of the same metal, flutteringly poised upon golden
twigs, were set in gold-dust soil. The golden effulgence and richness of the
effect was beyond description.
On another occasion we were privileged to attend one of the civic
ceremonies in the great entrance hall. This was at a later period and there
were some small changes to be noted. Now a gay crowd of chattering townsfolk
was thronging the approaches or sauntering in the quiet gloom of the pillared
hall. Temple servants in liveries of black with the insignia of the Temple, a
red cross worn on a white circle on the breast, marshalled the people into the
Great Hall. All was done in order and dignity, for these burghers seemed to
take their duties seriously. There was music of a sort to enliven the
proceedings, but it was somewhat crude in character, being limited to a few
conch horns, drums, cymbals and simple stringed instruments.
Presently the conch horns sounded a fanfare and an air of expectancy
stilled the assembly. A procession of priests and notables entered the hall
from the central nave, wonderfully garbed in azure blue edged with silver,
with the same insignia on their breasts, except that in this case the cross
was of gold. Some priests wore a headdress of gold with a shining gem set in
it. In the centre of the procession came the King-priest, more gorgeously
appareled than all the rest. Atlantis was still in a state of enlightenment
and I could see that this was a great soul, sent on a divine mission. I will
not attempt to describe the ceremonial for it was beyond my interpretation.
There were presentations of petitions, delivery of decisions by the King, the
promulgation of announcements and a number of speeches. Zerros reminded me
that this was a theocracy, in which the King-priest was held to be a channel
of divine guidance, God ruling direct through man. A fact true in those days
though only its shadow has followed monarchy into modem times.
At length justice was done, in seal of which the King drank ceremoniously
from a goblet of chased silver, clustered with precious stones. Then the court
withdrew to another fanfare and the crowd flowed out into the sunshine again,
eagerly discussing what had transpired.
It seemed to me that religion among these people of mixed race was general
rather than particular. Worship of one God, usually through the medium of the
Sun or through temple ritual, seemed to form the background of their lives
rather than a thing apart, as in later civilisations. Away from the capital
religion was a different matter. In the provinces the Adamic influence was not
so great, and with poor communications the white missionaries had difficulty
in impressing the tribesmen in the more distant and sparsely populated
regions, so that secret inhibitions held the people captive and prevented
their spiritual development. Though they outwardly accepted the teachings and
were absorbed in the psychic demonstrations they witnessed, they were hardly
moved by them. It was in the soul that development was slow, for its awareness
could only be cautiously awakened because of the occult knowledge that was
latent there and which would undoubtedly be misused. So it was not easy to
impress the villagers who would not leave their own villages; for them natural
manifestations of seismic or volcanic origin had far more powerful demanded
propitiation of an exacting nature.
Such was the profound difference between the two races at these early
stages in the history of the continent. Yet the white race strove hard to
fulfil their mission and they accomplished much by force of example. The
tribesmen would nod and chatter when they witnessed psychic demonstrations at
the temples, but they would rather possess a reputed chip off one of the
sacred statues in the Golden Temple than touch the hem of a white teacher's
In time many of the dark-skinned people became educated and demanded entry
to the priesthood, and thus became adepts in the use of the mysterious psychic
powers. It was inevitable that their sorry inheritance must overshadow their
natural desires and soon the malignant influence of the dark forces in the
lower astral realms sought to use this opportunity to extend smudging fingers
of evil into this lovely land, until a growing number of junior priests had
come under the subtle control of a force that was difficult to identify and
which could not be stayed.
If one surveys the tragic history of man right down to the present day, it
is clear that the Atlantean civilisation could not be expected to succeed. The
cleansing of the fallen race was far too weighty a matter to be settled by the
sweetening of one Augean Stable. Divine Prescience must have realised that
many civilisations must rise and fall before this Herculanean task could be
accomplished. Yet because Spirit is omnipotent and evil has no existence
outside the free will of man the end was certain and the experience imprisoned
within the thraldom of time.
The White Atlanteans were endowed with a genius for colonisation. Quite
early in their history steady streams of colonists went forth to far quarters
of the globe, carrying to the indigenous inhabitants tales of these golden
'Isles of the Blest,' which survive in so many local legends in widely
separated areas. Nearly all these stories have a common basis, of the arrival
of large canoes or rafts, from which stepped white-skinned bearded men,
wearing black robes with the insignia of the cross upon the circle. Always
were they credited with psychic powers, and they spoke of a Sun God who dwelt
in a golden land, far beyond the spreading ocean.
Meanwhile the degeneration in the main continent increased as the centuries
grew into millennia. Born of the two races, a new people came into being,
proud, fearless, accomplished in the arts of war. Perversion began in the many
sects that split theocracy into controversial elements. No longer were spirit
teachers able to manifest in the temples, though a residue of their psychic
powers remained and was used by the priests to extend their power over the
people. In appearance the new race, which I saw in later visits with Zerros,
was not unlike the North American Indian, but with a more sloping forehead.
But of course there were many strains in this bi-racial people, including the
Negroid type.
New gods were worshipped and these talked to them of power, of conquest and
of all the things that make a man's heart swell with pride. And hints were
thrown out of matters that could not be spoken of openly but which were done
in the dark recesses of the forest, bringing a maddening excitement all their
own. The eyes of men glinted as they talked of mysterious doings in caves, the
first hint of a soul-destroying sadism that was to eat away the heart of man.
The blight was beginning to fall upon this splendid land and only needed
receptive minds to make its slow eroding conquest. Thus began yet another
'fall of man', one that could not be prevented if Man, as one whole conception
of the Creator, was to purge itself of the incubus of sin and stand erect once
There are many stories extant concerning the end of the Atlantean
civilisation but few of these record the truth, that the subsidence which
marked its end had really been going on for thousands of years.
Commencing as a vast continent, considerable portions broke away and were
swallowed up by the encroaching ocean at such great intervals that the story
of each disaster had become a myth by the time the next one occurred. In the
end all that was left was an island, and it was this island which, according
to legend, disappeared in a day and a night.
As the two races merged into one during the long history of the great
continent, there came many changes in the characteristics and appearance of
the resulting peoples, not one homogeneous race but many tribes differing in
colour and habits according to the predominance of the Adamic or indigenous
influences. Over all there was a growing materialism and most of these people
were clever and cunning in battle, while they employed many strange weapons
unknown to our armouries. In general they were still handsome in appearance,
but already showing signs of the flat faces and high receding foreheads of
later known anthropology.
Even the vegetation of the land changed during this period of hardening of
the Earth's crust and crystallisation of its elements. The people were almost
all flesh eaters by now, which added greatly to the coarsening of their bodies
and their susceptibility to disease. Into their own nature they drew some of
the animal nature through the flesh they consumed, together with animal fear
and aggressiveness. Through heredity the resulting toxins were carried on in
the bloodstream, causing a cumulative degeneration of mental outlook and
receptivity to spiritual influences .
In this vitiated atmosphere the celestial visitors were unable to manifest;
instead the field lay open to entities whose intentions were the reverse of
spiritual, for there was a residue of psychic power at the temples and
monoliths where the spiritual teachers had been wont to instruct and lead the
people. Excited and misled by what they took to be more powerful gods, many
became maddened by lust, with a desire for conquest of any kind, including
foreign wars and enslavement, for power of any kind.
So it was that the influence of the Cosmic Christ receded from the
forefront of men's minds, though it still upheld and inspired the souls of
those who would open their hearts to its benign influence. Faced with this
rapid growth of degenerative influences, the priesthood, or at least that part
of it which remained loyal, foresaw the need to conceal the powerful knowledge
which they possessed but were unable to express. So it was enshrined in myth
and symbol, over which we still puzzle to this day where it has been disclosed
in ancient documents, abortively because we lack the key to understanding.
Thus man was left to wear his 'coat of skin' and labour with his hands, and to
puzzle over the eternal problem of his plight, because he had shut himself off
from the fountain of knowledge through his own self-will.
But through it all the Divine Plan was at work, under the aegis of Love.
The flocculence of evil formed in the lower astral planes by the perverted
thoughts of those who fell from high estate, had to be dissipated in the only
way possible. Created and sustained by powerful but perverted mentalities, it
could only be destroyed by releasing it through other mentalities, preferably
in the limited circumscribed conditions of human existence. The whole history
of Atlantis may be seen, not as a gigantic experiment that failed, but as a
lengthy process in which the rebellious minds of men were used to release vast
quantities of this evil miasma into manifestation, where it could be met and
transmuted into its proper chemical constituents. We know so little about the
world in which we live.
Meanwhile, in this slow but steady retrogression, the lights began to go
out all over Atlantis. Though many brave souls incarnated and through great
labour and suffering strove to raise the flag of Truth once more, their
influence was ephemeral and could not have stayed the general decline. Yet
never in its long history, even in its ghastly physical ending, did the
Everlasting Arms fail to uphold the doomed continent, turning evil into good
and sacrifice into spiritual power, giving and forgiving as always. The Love
that would not let them go.
Zerros showed me how the solemn ritual of sacrifice, so wonderfully
demonstrated in the Garden Beautiful, degenerated into loathsome imitation
among the renegade priests. Instead of a simple offering to be immolated by
atomic fire, there were offerings of value, to be taken for the benefit of the
priests or the temples, having the effect of bribes. Then came animal
sacrifices, where the letting of blood was found to release accretions of
psychic power, up to the triumph of perversion wherein it became possible to
create astral replicas of Human or animal forms, possessing little short of
concrete existence. These could be materialised and sent upon nefarious
errands by their evil creators. I was not allowed to see any of these grisly
creatures nor did I wish to do so.
Many will find it difficult to accept the veracity of this statement, for
we admit of no such magic in our day, though rumours and tales abound. But
these are not proof. We have to remember the considerable difference in the
vibration of atomic matter between those days and our own times when the
crystallisation of matter is complete. Added to which the men of those days
possessed a control over atomic forces which is lost to us. Only now are we
coming to realise that it is not so much the crystallisation of the actual
atoms of matter as the coarsening of our senses and their relation to their
It was after one of the tremendous seismic disturbances that characterised
life in those days, that a black emperor from one of the outer regions of what
remained of Atlantis, no doubt deprived of his kingdom by subsidence, led his
fear-maddened people on an invasion of the last stronghold of enlightenment,
the City of the Golden Gates. Though the inhabitants of this city had become
materialists to a degree, there was not the extent of degradation evident in
the provinces. Vast hordes of black warriors, aided by fearful and uncanny
weapons, with all the forces of illicit power behind them, overcame and
enslaved the inhabitants of the city. But not even the arrogant power of the
black emperor enabled him to establish his seat of government in the Golden
Temple upon the hill. Some power beyond his ken held him back.
So he built himself a palace within the city and from there set up a regime
of sadistic horror that could not bear the light of print. It was about this
time that the priests were inspired to increase the streams of emigrants which
for some centuries past had been establishing trade routes across the known
world; not merely one symbolic Noah set forth in an ark.
Now were sent forth the last remaining loyal priests that the teachings of
this once marvellous civilisation might not be lost to the world for ever.
Enshrined in the Mysteries, known only to the initiates, was the knowledge of
creative power over the elements and the subtle forces of the Earth, to be
preserved for future generations when man should once more be able to stand
erect and pure in heart.
There were four of these streams of refugees, moving along the prepared
routes leading north, south, east and west from Atlantis, thus mystically
symbolising the sacred emblem, the cross within the circle of the Earth, and
giving rise to the legend that there were four rivers leading but of Eden.
So was saved from the doomed continent all that was worth saving,
dispersing and preserving a sure message of hope and faith that was to bear
fruit upon another historic occasion. For it was this esoteric Christianity,
with which the Earth was impregnated at its birth, which enabled its more
temporal manifestation in Palestine, when the Cosmic Christ projected His
universal Being into a Personality and made His immortal sacrifice. It was
this esoteric Christianity which later spread like a hidden peat fire below
the material minds of the people of that period, stirring the souls of men to
a new understanding and setting on fire the hearts of people so ignorant that
they could not possibly have comprehended abstractions which have caused
controversy among theologians to this day. It was a soul fire rather than a
mental one, owing some of its combustibility to those emigrating priests from
Atlantis who set up spiritual centres in isolated parts of the world, lighting
flame after flame from that which had burned so steadily in ancient Atlantis.
No matter what folly man commits, the Cosmic Christ intervenes to smother
the spreading fires of corruption, fighting them with the Divine Radiance in
which all fires must fade. With God all things work together for good. Such
was the lesson of Lemuria, of Atlantis, and repeated again and again through
the chequered history of mankind.
Meanwhile the madness which had seized upon the Atlantean mind grew apace
until the very atmosphere became redolent with evil emanation. Outwardly the
people remained a fine-looking, if cruel and rapacious race, making frequent
aggressive expeditions to widen their territories to accommodate their growing
population and serve their material needs. Great plunder and riches of slaves
and merchandise came to the Golden City. And if the terrestrial upheavals, as
prophesied by the astrologers, came with ever increasing frequency and
severity, what mattered it so long as the city survived and there was wine to
drink and women to please the returning warriors. Were they not the greatest
people in the world, with nothing to fear? Who could prevail against them? But
as they turned further and further from the Light the fruits of knowledge
became unripe to their lowered standard of morality. And so was established a
vicious circle of poisoned minds begetting poisoned bodies, which in turn
postulated 'poisoned minds again, and so the dark influence spread beyond
control. A Frankenstein monster was created which devoured its creators.
There is no need to dwell upon the frightful orgies and obscene festivals
that marked the last days of Atlantis. We know from modem experience how whole
nations can become enslaved by sadism and cruelty, though where modem tyrants
torture the victims' bodies they can rarely reach their souls. But the
Atlantean leaders besmirched the very souls of their fellows, so much more
open to infection because the human frame had not crystallised to the extent
that contemporary human flesh has done. Thus it was that the whole
civilisation had to be removed from the Earth in the greatest holocaust the
world has known.
In the island empire the Golden Temple alone remained inviolate, though
divine wisdom was no longer able to manifest there. The last of the initiate
priests, their duty accomplished, awaited with calm the storm they knew must
soon break.
The final disappearance of this once lovely land was a terrible event.
Zerros showed me glimpses of the seismic upheavals that preceded the final
submergence, I witnessed the horror of the inhabitants as the evil flocculence
which saturated the very soil was disinterred during those last ghastly
moments, when inhuman phantoms fled in panic from jungle fastnesses. In that
terrible break-up of dark astral forces, the physical and the lower astral
planes of being met and clashed in one hideous moment of time. As volcano
after volcano burst into violent eruption and belched forth suffocating flames
and fumes it seemed that the foetid breath of the lowest hells was sweeping
forth to smother all in its path.
Not all the inhabitants were evil. We read in myth and epic poem, some of
which survived as our fairy tales and folklore, how valiant heroes
(spiritually strong men) rescued fair maidens (pure hearts) from the clutches
of noisome monsters, slaying giants of terrible habits. For the sake of the
children these terrible stories of very real, and to us, almost unbelievable
tragedies of ancient Atlantis, have been emasculated. But no tale, however
horrific, could compete with the reality of that awful ending.
Climb with me to the temporary safety of the Golden Temple, still serene in
the sunshine. It is a still, peaceful day after the drenching rain of the past
few months which has left great lakes of flood water over the landscape. The
citizens of the capital have emerged from their dwellings thankful for a dry
day to get some of their clothing aired. There had been a series of
earthquakes, more violent than usual, but people were accustomed to these and
already gangs of slaves were at work repairing the damage. No one thought of
further subsidence, for the last occasion was already but a dim memory. And
such was their faith in the eternal quality of their city that they felt that
nothing untoward could happen to it. So the warriors and merchants consoled
themselves with banquets and the many sensual pleasures in which they
It is sadly evident how this lovely city has altered since we first met it.
Bristling battlements now enclose it and armed soldiers pace the streets,
while the famous golden gates are closed at night. In dark pockets in the
residential area a vastly increased population overflows in regular rabbit
Drunk with power and lust of conquest these city dwellers wait for news of
the great onslaught on the Mediterranean border lands, which is to provide a
jumping-off place for the final subjugation of the whole known world. They
tarried over their feastings while the trash that were their slaves groaned
under the lash. In the bazaars they chaffered and cheated, in their homes they
dined and wined, in temples they sacrificed to the gods of wealth and power
according to the fashion of the moment. And at times some slipped away into
some ruined temple for heaven knows what bestial and sadistic rites.
Night comes, and with it a sudden rise in temperature. Then a hot
breathless morning greets the Sun, while a deepening haze obscures the distant
hills. The day grows more and more sultry and there are ominous rumblings and
earth tremors. As dusk gathers and people emerge from their houses in search
of cool air, there is a sudden crash and the storm bursts upon the doomed
city. Great tongues of flame streak the darkening sky, and then with a roar
and a thunderous crash the volcanoes add their hungry voices to the din. Even
through the darkening haze of dust and rain and smoke the lurid streams of
lava can be seen as the craters vomit their contents.
The first reaction among the public is a sudden panic, to be followed, as
they become accustomed to even these fierce manifestations, by a fatalistic
resignation. With fearful glances over their shoulders they go about their
normal tasks, with only a sense of irritability to show their inward fears.
But the omens of disaster drew the people together as they realised that this
was no ordinary occurrence. Master and slave, warrior and clerk, foregathered
in a common sentiment and unity. As minor quakes shook down buildings here and
there one could see how the soul of man shone forth. Amid scenes of growing
horror there were examples of heroism, even to the extent of some proud
warrior risking his life to save that of a miserable slave, such is the
leveling effect of imminent danger.
With nightfall an added horror was felt as huge boulders and other volcanic
debris fell upon the stricken city, maiming and killing and setting buildings
on fire. Aid was organised but even this faded as the situation got completely
out of hand. Maddened with a fear that spread as quickly as the flames, people
grew hysterical and rushed down to the quays and boarded the vessels there,
regardless of the fact that the waterways were already choked with debris.
The fury of the elements abated somewhat as dawn rose on the dreadful
scene, with its pitiful evidence of carnage and destruction. Great areas of
the city were already laid waste and a foulsmelling haze hung over it. The
news from the city outposts, where there was any, was not encouraging. The
calamity seemed to be nation-wide and some coast towns were reported to be
entirely submerged, with wholesale loss of life.
As the Sun climbed high into the heavens the diabolical manifestations
began again and slowly mounted to a new crescendo of fury. Great balls of
phosphorescent fire fell from the skies forcing the people to seek shelter,
only to be driven forth again by fresh earth tremors. Out in the open they
screamed as they beheld what the terrible skies disclosed. Men hurled
themselves from roofs rather than face what was to come. And now, above the
roar of the volcanoes and the eldritch screeching of the wind, could be heard
a dull booming as mountainous tidal waves rose into the air and crashed down
upon the distant beaches. Thousands of bodies of men and women and children
were washed inland or sucked out to sea, as the waters piled themselves ashore
in utter defiance of the forces of gravity. Soon they rushed inland and failed
to retreat. Enormous areas of land were submerged and the very hills trembled
as the weight of waters shook their foundations. Only the tremendous
generators of volcanic eruption continued their fearful cacophony of sound,
belching forth their boulders and balls of flaming lava which burst into livid
streaks of fire.
Most of the city was under water when the end came. The lowest crater
shuddered and sank into the greedy ocean which swept into the fiery cavern.
There was a mighty roar as the two elements fought for mastery, but the end
was certain, for though wave after wave was turned into terrific explosions,
the weight of water gradually overcame the mighty fires with a smother of
steam. One after another the mighty ones were subdued, each adding fresh
convulsion to the shuddering earth. Scarcely a Human being was left in sight.
Finally the merciful elements drew a curtain over the last scenes of the
slaying of a continent. As the last peaks sank into the boiling seas only an
impenetrable mass of oceanic mud was left where this once glorious land had
been. This viscuous waste withstood oared trireme or bellying sail so that
those who would have searched the site were unable to approach. Nothing was to
be snatched from this land which had fallen under the mandate of the great law
of Love, manifesting through cause and effect. Thus Nature performed her
obsequies in decency and isolation. And a sentinel was placed at the gates of
this one-time Eden also, so that the cleansing waters might wipe the stains of
evil from the very atmosphere.
Thus passed a great race, perhaps the greatest the world has ever known, in
the greatest cataclysm in the world's sad record of wreck and ruin. Through
struggle and seeming failure it blossomed, and then died, receiving its
redemption in the healing bosom of the earth. Who can calculate the plethora
of evil influence that went down into those steaming waters to be transmuted
into divine energy once more. For evil is but the Love-power of God perverted
by incarnate minds, twisted into the opposite of goodness.
It was a few days after our last visit to the ill-fated Atlantis that
Zerros sat in my study once more. Now he summed up the real lessons of the
Atlantean episode, for it was no more than that in the eternal progress of
“ The loss was only on the physical plane,” he said, his keen eyes
searching mine as if to note whether I had absorbed the real meaning of what
he had shown me, “the real gain was on the spiritual level. Fallen man was
able to take a great step forward, relieved of the incubus of a great amount
of evil which had hitherto dragged at his heels.
“ In the lesson of Atlantis you can see how the testing of the soul was not
only necessary but filled with possibility. We may all thank those who
suffered in Atlantis, as in other later civilisations, for the Light which,
through their sacrifice and endurance, streamed into a darkened world. In the
measure of what they suffered is seen your salvation, as in the measure of
your overcoming can be seen the liberation of future generations. In the
world-wide chaos and suffering of your own times can be discerned a quickening
of the redemptive issue that should raise your hopes to their zenith.”
Presently he went on. “The four streams of emigrants which went forth to
the four comers of the Earth from decaying Atlantis carried with them a power
of which your scientists are yet ignorant. It was a form of magnetism that was
expressed through the teachings they brought to the indigenous inhabitants of
the world, still held in the thrall of superstition and fear. This meant that
the powers which had been channeled through the spiritual centres in Atlantis
were now spread abroad so that their influence could be felt in wider fields.
It was all part of a preconceived plan. You could call this power the Power of
Love of you like, but remember it is a dynamic force, far removed from the
emotion which so often man misuses, it is creative, burgeoning with impulses
that will not be denied.
“ It was this same power which, in olden days, was used for instantaneous
healing of the sick, for blessing the crops with wonderful results, for
controlling the weather and for producing the magical results which have
puzzled your research workers. It is all gone now, since the very soil of the
Earth has settled into more crystalline form and your intellects have
submerged the deep understanding of natural forces which made these
demonstrations possible. Have you not wondered why your Christians accept,
without question, the strange events chronicled in your Bible, yet which your
professors of physics would say were quite impossible? So they are - today,
but in olden times conditions were such that they would have altered all your
scientific concepts. All that knowledge had to be concealed in what are known
as the Ancient Mysteries. Only today are the keys to these mysteries being
given back to man, one by one.”
“ What would you say those keys are?” I enquired.
“ To begin with most world religions are only now beginning to emerge from
medieval inhibitions. Christian thought no longer pins its faith to a first
man and his dependent female, and it is seeking escape from the clinging
notion of a vindictive God.
“ It is well to exercise your imagination as to what God must be. If He is
an omniscient, omnipotent Creator, working through Love, then you can enrich
your thinking with the idea that He is the Generator of a Love that is
all-powerful, dynamic, creative. You have no idea of what this Love-power can
do. It is all-sufficient to regenerate the whole of Humanity, and much much
more. It is so potent that when opposed by its opposites it becomes a raging
Fire that bums all dross. Were it to be released in all its splendour the
whole of your Earth would be incinerated on the instant. That is why you have
to be veiled from it, in mercy. You have a glorious destiny, your original
destiny, to become part of the Fire of Love, creative, burgeoning forth in
eternal wonder. But few could hold the reality of that thought!
“ In the meantime the soul of man is like a bird on the wing which stoops
to drink of the water of experience, some souls stoop too low and become
temporarily immersed in the' waters of Lethe.' But none may drown, God is not
mocked, He cannot fail in His ultimate purpose.
“ The keys to knowledge are not material ones and only when you have freed
yourself from the clinging strands of materialism can you find them. Those
ancient colonists had them, they possessed the inner understanding of the
realities behind the life they lived, and were able to use those forces for
the betterment of mankind. They were great souls, freedmen of time, they were
born of the volatile currents of Mercury, they had basked in the warmth of
Venus, they had meditated in the cold, impersonality of Saturn, they
understood the electrical and chemical nature of matter, and the laws
governing it. They came to awaken, to teach, to lead, to prophesy.
“ Life, which is Love in expression, is so much more than the material mind
can ever know; its loveliness, its warm comfort, its joys, are unintelligible
to the cold contemplation of intellect. Yet the simple soul can appreciate
them. You cannot argue about them, only by opening your heart to them, to the
revealing Light of Spirit, can you make them your own. The mysteries of God
are part of Creation, impossible of acceptance by the materialist, yet babes
can understand them, for God is Simple, it is the human mind which is
There was a silence before Zerros went on. “So the Adamic Race really did
fulfil their mission, they did not fail. The broad streams of enlightenment
which flowed out of Atlantis owed their inception to this sacrificial descent
into a distorted world, and they fertilized and irrigated Human thought as no
other method could have done. And in no other way could men's minds and souls
be prepared for that final flashing descent of the Christ of Love into
incarnation, which set a seal upon the destined redemption of a fallen
“ But there were many failures before that,” I put in.
“ Yes indeed, civilisation after civilisation rose and fell, and many
accounted them failures from the aesthetic point of view. But from the
spiritual point of view they were not failures. Like the Atlantean epoch all
that was best in them was saved and passed on, only the dross was destroyed.
All that is best in your own civilisation can be traced to its elements
expressed in olden times. Your dreams of the future rest on foundations built
by civilisations of whose very existence you are ignorant. They made you what
you are, just as you are making the men and women of the future.”
“ But as far as we know, no other civilisation has had such a terrible
ending as the Atlantean.”
“ That is true. But you must remember that the very nature of those people
was different to your own or those of later days. By the time the two races
were intermingled they were hopelessly perverted in their soul life, their
bodies were much more tenuous than your own, and they had to deal with an
accumulation of powerful perverted impulses that had to be released from the
lower astral realms, impulses born of perverted spiritual knowledge quite
beyond your understanding. What went down with Atlantis was something which
the world has never known since, neither the ethereal beauty of the Adamic
Race nor the horror of the later perversion. At that moment of submergence a
fresh veil was drawn over the minds of men the world over. Thus modem men can
sin more deeply without such enduring hurt to their souls, because of this
veil, a veil that must soon be drawn again to disclose the naked soul of man
to the Light of Truth. For some that must be an agonising experience.”
“ What a terrible thought,” I mused aloud.
Zerros smiled understandingly. “Your orthodox ideas of a Judgment Day are
an insult to the Creative Love of God; how could Love judge and condemn and
punish? I tell you that the greatest punishment you can ever experience will
be the exposure of your soul to the judgment of your own spirit, the dark
stain of human frailty held up to the searching Light of Perfection. None will
ever judge you but your own implacable spirit, than which there can be no more
terrible trial! But that is where the warm Love of the Cosmic Christ finds its
opportunity. At the moment of man's deepest realisation of his own inadequacy
it can step in to redeem, to uplift, to set him on his feet once more,
supporting him with a new courage and determination born of his bitter
“ Medieval misunderstanding mangled all the lovely promises and
explanations into the terrible exposition which lives to this day in many
desperate hearts. And modem thought seeks to dislocate them still further by
'rationalising' them. It was this glory of Love which held the balance between
the two races in Atlantis, it illumined the four streams of emigrants going
forth from the doomed continent, and it shone radiantly through the lovely
Easter Story, when the Cosmic Christ descended into incarnation that He might
seal Himself into the very fabric of material life, so that the Everlasting
Arms might uphold man from falling out of reach.
“ From the beginning of Earthly time the life of Man has been planned by
Omniscient Power, there has never been any doubt as to the outcome. His
redemption has only been delayed in time, never in eternity. Always his life
has been epitomized by the ancient symbol, the cross within the circle of
completion, demonstrating the immortal nature of man and the glory of God.
“ In ancient Egypt, in olden India, in pre-historic China and ancient South
America, in England itself, may be found this primal symbol of the cross
within the circle. Does not your Britannia seat herself upon the symbol in
your coinage? Osiris had it, and he held his life from Ra the Sun god. Always
the Cross and the spiritual Sun blaze together. Christianity has taken the
Cross from the Circle, divorcing it from the sign of completion, of promise,
leaving only the suffering, meaningless and filled with doubt. But in its
original conception the symbol implied a certainty of completion and
After a while Zerros continued. “I have traced for you very sketchily the
mystical evolution of mankind, I have not touched upon the historical or
anthropological aspects which belong to the physical evolution, for there
would not be the same lessons to learn, nor would they widen your
understanding of the realities, which is what is so badly needed. But if you
take your Cross at the centre, where Love is, and hold it aloft in your lives,
remembering that it is encircled by the symbol of fulfilment, you will have
helped to bring that salvation nearer. And if you feel that the Atlantean
story has brought you a bitter heritage to redeem, recall also that it made
the world safe for goodness to blossom. And far more than that it was a safety
valve through which much original sin was allowed to manifest and to be
transmuted. Your Creator does not make mistakes, nor is He subject to the
limitations of time and space, as you are.”
“ Would you say that our modem troubles are due to the fact that man's
intellect has outstripped his spiritual understanding?”
Zerros thought for a moment before replying. “That is partly true, but you
must not forget that generation after generation has continued to reinforce
that sink of iniquity in the lower astral planes. As evil personalities died
and passed into those dark realms they added their quota to the forces of
evil. Yours is not the only world, though it is a peculiar conceit of your
thinkers that such must be so. There are many realms of space in which a
varying degree of goodness or badness is able to express itself. Remember that
God redeems through free will, not so much of the Human mind which is not very
effective, but of the soul, which is where the real effect is manifest. It is
in the soul that man believes, whether it is incarnate or discarnate, in the
great lie of evil, that terrible delusion which holds man's existence in its
fateful thrall, a lie that Man himself created and invested with the semblance
of truth until he has come to believe in it.
“ The later Atlanteans were intellectual in many ways, but their
civilisation degenerated into an era of brute force, and intellect died.
Earlier men lived through intuition, through spiritual guidance, but in your
own day, through false logic, it has given way to an age of reason. But reason
is nothing by itself, it is merely argument, and if the premises are not true
then reason must fail. But then the growing intellect uncovered such knowledge
as the atomic theory, the indivisibility of human existence, the menace of
global war. These broke down the fixed nature of materialistic ideas and many
cherished theories, leaving you once more at sea, with no harbour to which to
A new note of enthusiasm crept into his voice as my companion concluded. “A
wonderful New Age is dawning upon your world, an age in which war will be
impossible because men will know that they would be going to war against God !
Your understanding of Christianity will blossom out into a new concept that
will not be limited by the name of religion. There will be no creeds, for
creeds are boundaries set by fear of the unknown. It will be a vista that will
stretch out into the future, beckoning in such a way that no man would deny
himself the joys it offers at every step of the way. Then your intellectual
capacity will come into its own, not to rule your outlook but to serve it. To
see a great Light and to worship it from within the false security of
ignorance is one thing. But to see that Light and recognise it for what it is,
that is something quite different, for then you are not apart from it, you
belong to it and understand it. Then no man can stand between you and it, or
seek to distort your understanding of it.
“ Evolution, whether of the soul or the body, never stops, it is always
advancing, always changing. The backward races of today are not tomorrow's
intellectuals, they are fulfilling their part in a great Plan of redemption,
and their reality is spiritual not physical. They have their place alongside
the most advanced peoples. All are manifestations of the Most High and are
being used in the vast programme.
“ It is man's purpose and destiny to work out this programme under
Omniscient direction, but he must not expect to solve the mystery in the light
of his material knowledge alone. He must work on until the very soil of his
world must be uplifted as his own vibrations are raised. Then, with that
glorious consummation, the Cross of Suffering will begin to fade, leaving only
the timeless Circle of Completion, of glorious fulfilment, the seeds of which
were sown in Atlantis. Your world is rapidly approaching a renascence of which
your thinkers are not yet conscious. That is what Jesus foretold when He said:
“ I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.” Note the all-embracing
meaning of that promise. There is nothing in the past of man to point his way
into the future that awaits him.”
On a later occasion Zerros and I took up the question of the Christian era
and its place in Human history. He reminded me that in the truest sense of the
word the Earth was impregnated with Christianity from its very inception. I
scarcely needed this reminder, for my first experiences with him had been to
witness this divine baptism.
“ Just as the physical world had, of necessity, to descend into material
existence from the spiritual, so did the Cosmic Christ have to accompany it,
for it is a part of Him, the two could never be severed. The world's history
covers a period when Spirit wrestles with materialism for the soul of man, a
struggle born of man's freedom to choose which way he will go, and is deeply
affected by his repudiation of that spiritual support without which he cannot
reclaim his destined status.”
With a glance at my formidable pile of notes he added, “ I will not weary
you with the development of Christianity for you have plenty of historical
data concerning its spread. But I would like to enlarge upon what lay behind
the Easter Story. There was not one reason for the mission of Christ but many.
There is a separate reason upon every plane of thought on which the matter is
considered. But there is one over-riding aspect which applies to every plane,
for He brought an entirely new conception of Love, a new ray of that golden
Power which the Eternal One pours upon the children of His Heart through the
being of the Cosmic Christ, a source of inspiration and help which had been
denied to man since his fall from Grace. Whereas in the Garden Beautiful he
had been able to absorb Love as a child absorbs it, without question or
understanding what it was, Love was now brought down to his conscious mind so
that he could observe and understand it, and know it for what it was. He
realised that it was something which could transform his life.
“ Your theologians have got into such an impasse in their interpretation of
the Gospels that I would like to paint a picture that might help you to
visualise the King of Love as He really is. You cannot get at the reality
behind Christian teaching by literal interpretation alone, you must have the
right background. You must widen your vision from the parochial to the
“ I described the Absolute Perfection of God as a Beam of White Light, and
I likened the Cosmic Christ to a Prism through which this Light was passed and
broken up into a myriad colours. The White Light would be perfect beyond
measure, darkness would be instantly destroyed in its Presence, there could be
no contrast with it. So attractive is it that anything it creates, and is
therefore separated from it, longs ceaselessly for reunion with it, so great
is the ache of separation. Yet there must be separation if there is to be
experience, there must be the contrast of shadow if the Light is to be known
for what it is.
“ Because its radiations would be too great for created Mankind to bear it
is passed through the Christ Prism and broken up into its constituents, each
with their destined influence upon growing man, each identifiable yet in
reality being only part of a perfect whole. But this contrasting environment
has nothing to do with what you call evil, for the shadow is real and evil is
ephemeral, having no existence on its .own.
“ Now let us imagine that the glorious colours from the Prism are falling
upon a tray of gems of all kinds, some large, some small, some cut, others
uncut, some almost dust. The cut and polished gems reflect the rays of colour
and radiate them to all around. Those gems in the rough do not reflect, they
are not yet ready to do so. Yet each holds a potential ability to shine, they
only need cutting and polishing.
“ We may take the White Beam as the Creative Power of God, the Prism is the
Cosmic Christ and through Him the Beam is broken up into many different
colours, many far beyond human vision. The gems are the Life of God manifested
as souls having individual existence and freedom of choice that they might
learn to know themselves for what they really are, they have no light of their
own, only that which they can reflect. Being born through the Cosmic Christ
Spirit, only through Him can they return to their Source. Many do not yet know
the Light and cannot reflect very much but in time the Divine Cutter will work
upon them. And His tool is Love.
“ Suddenly a new ray of Light flashes forth from the Prism, a Golden Ray
falling upon the gems and setting them alight with a new fire, not their own.
This ray we may take to be the Incarnation of the Christ in the Person of
Jesus. Like man the Christ has no existence by Himself, for He too is part of
the Supernal One. Did He not say so? This Golden Ray was a new experience for
the gems, which had hitherto experienced only the cold hard radiance of the
colours, with little warmth in them. But now all is changed, for the Golden
Ray infuses them all, illuminating them with new meaning.
“But the radiance of the new Ray was so powerful that it was rejected by
many and had to be withdrawn, but it left an after-glow that has never really
died away, for its memory lives on in the spirits of men and women who are
reminded of something they once knew.
“ You could have no existence without the Cosmic Christ, for He is the
Mother through whom you were born, whether Christian or not. Now can you see
what is meant by opening the heart to Spirit, for it allows the Light and the
Love of God to enter in through its destined channel, to transform and renew
the whole being. Even the scratching of an uncut gem can have this effect, a
tiny ray of Love can enter in and begin the divine transformation. But with
many it needs the rough usage of suffering to wear away the grime that
encrusts the surface and allow the· Love-Light to enter. Can you wonder why
people have to suffer?
“ Many have tried but it is not possible to separate the Christ from Jesus
the Nazarene, any more than you can separate the Cosmic Christ from God. And
equally you cannot separate a single soul from either Christ or God, for all
are. One in reality, the whole idea of separation is an illusion into which
man has sunk until he has come to believe in it. Thus the Christ of Love is
the Spirit of God made manifest, the only Saviour of all souls, and the Elder
Brother for all who see Him best as such.
“ In this little picture you will find all the Ancient Mysteries, all the
divine messages of the ages, all you need to know to remove the ache from the
heart of man, and show him to himself for what he really is. With all the
complexity of manifestation, complex because of man's fall from the Light into
the mists, is not God Simple? Absolute Perfection seems to you such an
unattainable idea, so far off, yet time and space are not realities, there is
no distance, so that it really is the background of your existence and your
being. No space exists between you and another soul, for both are
undimensional in reality, they only use dimensions in order to experience. In
reality they are a part of God who is all there is! So as you are willing to
be nothing in yourselves miracles can be accomplished through you, without
restriction of time or space. A good thought flashes through the ethers,
undying because it meets with no resistance. An evil thought encounters the
atmosphere and is soon expended. So is it not clear that man holds the power
to release himself from the thraldom of evil? Only an ignorance of the
realities holds him.
“ In the great open fire of the Sunlight Christ is giving Himself to you,
absorb and reflect His Light, for like Love it cannot be stored up, if it is
static it will dissipate, let it flow forth and it will be replenished in full
from the eternal reservoir. That is the Law. Love comes to you, not through
reasoning or events, but through the heart, rising rising, burning its way
through the dross, breaking through the crust of each Human soul. It is Christ
at work, the Living Manifestation of God!”
It was upon another occasion that Zerros spoke again of esoteric
“ To be absorbed by the soul,” he said, “as opposed to the brain,
Christianity has to be spiritually discerned. No doubt it was for this reason
that Jesus left no writings. Had He done so His teachings would have been
intellectually analysed and so denigrated. Their inner meaning cannot confine
Truth in mere words. But because of His infinite wisdom He was able to touch
the words with His magic, so that even when translated they retain much of
their illumination. Their inner meaning is not imprinted upon the matrix of
each Human mind freshly created, but it calls forth something that is already
there, a dim memory that filters through from the spirit within.
“ It was because His golden message caught an answering gleam from a race
memory implanted by Atlantean colonists of ancient days that His message of
Love continued to spread long after He had passed from living sight. The
reading of books will not bring you wisdom of itself, it can only call forth a
wisdom that is already there, implanted in the ages that are past. You gather
true wisdom in your soul, not in your mind. But of course such an idea would
be unacceptable to those who do not believe in the pre-existence of the Human
I agreed that that was clear to me and accounted for a lot that had puzzled
me. “I see now,” I said, “ how Christianity spread so amazingly among
hard-headed people who would not ordinarily have accepted a message of Love
and sacrifice, but why did it stop, why does it not do so today?”
Zerros spoke gravely. “That is because the pure ray of Love had not then
been overlaid with theological doctrine. Love is like a shaft of light
piercing a mist, but if you dress it up with mirrors and reflectors it will
stop short at the intellect, it will not reach the soul, where alone it can
have its real effect. For there it can be fed and renewed by the Presence of
the Cosmic Christ, who is shut out of the intellect. The infant cares nothing
about the pain and suffering its mother has endured on its behalf, but it
responds instantly to her love.
“ The Earth which you know had not known this ray of Love until Jesus gave
it new meaning and showed it to be the food of the spirit, the Power which
unites man to man and man to God. Without it they remain isolated and alone,
and love can hardly flow, there is no food for the spirit, or unity to draw
them together. “
“ People often ask why Christ could not manifest again,” I asked, “ and so
put men's doubts at rest, why does He not do that? “
“Because, as I have already explained, man must release himself, otherwise
he would be but a robot and lose his freedom of choice, which is his only
ladder out of the impasse into which he has sunk. He has been shown the way
but he must not be propelled along it against his will. The Christ has
promised to manifest again when the moment is ripe, but there would be no
object in incarnating again. Man would only reject Him once more, just when he
is on the verge of being ready to accept a more spiritual notion of his
existence. Maybe that sublime moment is nearer than many imagine, none of us
knows. But we may judge that the perfect moment might be when man's spiritual
understanding has grown to such an extent that it matches the growth of his
intellect. At present his intellect is appreciably ahead of his spiritual
understanding, but there is a great hunger apparent for spiritual knowledge
and that is a most heartening sign.
“ But realise that the Christ will not come to judge, as some fear. He will
come, as He said, to make all things new, and that does not imply destruction.
It is in that terrible newness, terrible to those minds which have become
innured to selfishness and domination, that the stains in the soul of Man will
become apparent to all, and he will see himself and judge himself from his own
spirit. For some the experience will be unendurable and the soul will flee the
body because it can no longer bear the Light, which will be visible to all. It
is all there now, in the ethers, it is only that man's perceptions are so
case-hardened that they cannot sense them. But when the veil is tom away man
will know himself for what he is.
“ Men have sought the Holy Grail of Spirit through the ages, it is the
Light of the Cosmic Christ they seek, in their inner consciousness they know
it is there, but their minds recognise only what they can prove objectively.
Try and think always of Humanity as a unity, a whole complete conception of
God rather than as a collection of individuals. In their spirits they are all
one, only in their souls do they possess isolated identity. The divine harvest
is for all Humanity, not for a few chosen individuals; what a contradiction of
Love that would be! That which God has created is real and cannot be
destroyed, only that which Man has evolved out of himself must be left behind
to perish.
“ Surely you can see that during the last fifty years of your time the
barriers of unreality have broken down, one by one. Indivisibility is becoming
an accepted principle of the life of mankind. Barriers of class and creed, of
pride and prejudice and fear, have been tom down after the terrible conflicts
which have shaken your civilisation to its insecure foundations. Nothing that
man attempts which does not have the seal of goodness has any enduring
success; how can you find peace and security in such conditions?
“The truth is that the influence of the Cosmic Christ is intervening in the
affairs of Man, destroying the false façades hid so much misery, preparing the
ground for a new world, when all things shall be 'made new,' when all men
shall bow the head to the rule of the Christ of Love. Obviously He is not
coming to Christians alone, He will not claim anyone Church for His own, His
Church will be the hearts of men and women, one great Heart beating with love
for Him. And that must clearly include all discarnate souls as well.”
Zerros stood up and it seemed as if he filled my small room with his
presence. He spread wide his arms as if to include all of Humanity.
“ My son, the lives of men are not broken on the wheels of chance, for all
are participating in a great redemption. For the Father's sake be tender,
because of the broken heart of the past, be strong to help the soul of the
Already his physical body was beginning to fade, giving place to a more
radiant form which shone so brightly that I could scarcely bear to look upon
it. His voice became inexpressibly tender and sweet.
“ Heavenly Father, Eternal One, strong to help and swift to save, may Thy
Love enter into the hearts of all Thy children, flashing from soul to soul,
awakening the spirit to a new revelation of their divine nature. May those who
suffer feel the warm glow of Thy Christ's healing Light. May they take up
their cross of suffering and fix their minds upon its emancipation and its
power to redeem and release.”
For a few wondrous moments the shining form stood silent as waves of
spiritual power radiated from him; for one eternal moment we were both wrapped
in unutterable peace. Then he faded from my sight. Somehow I knew that my room
would never be the same again.
By this time Zerros had ceased to make appointments when he wished to renew
our experiences. He had now linked his mentality to mine to such an extent
that he was able to make his desires known without physical contact, and to
receive my acquiescence in return.
He and I were old friends now for we had made so many excursions into the
past and adventured in thought so many times that I no longer felt any
strangeness in our difference in dimension. Our minds met on one plane of
thought and after all that is what really matters. He had often hinted that a
link existed between us springing from the past, but nothing would induce him
to expand upon that subject nor would he allow me to glimpse any part I might
have played upon the stages of past existence.
“ I suppose my past is too murky to be told,” I would suggest, jokingly,
hoping to spur him into some personal revelation. I have only myself to blame
in that he would neither give assent nor dissent to that suggestion but merely
smiled inscrutably, inferring that any such knowledge could not be for my
benefit and might endow some~ particular phase of our record with undue
In the early days of our adventuring I had usually experienced some
discomfort and nervous strain as I embarked upon, and returned from, some
travel out of time. But as the months rolled by these physical effects
diminished so that I was enabled to slip out of physical consciousness as
easily as out of an old suit.
In the incredible adventure in time and space which Zerros had used so
adroitly to make known to me, not only the real history of man but the reality
behind his existence, I had come to regard him with a deep and abiding
affection. It now seemed to me to be the most natural thing to look upon him
as my constant companion and adviser.
At the appointed time I would regard his chair, instinctively knowing that
he would already be there, preparing to slow down his intense vibrations so
that I could make sense contact with him. Now a rather special occasion had
arrived, for I knew that we had finished with the past, and future visits
outside of my accustomed dimension would be in violation of our accepted
principles of time. I knew that the further astronomers peer into the depths
of space the more does time evaporate into timelessness or becomes purely
relative, but I was still held in the limitations of a three-dimensional mind.
Prophecy was something I could not understand. So it was with a thrill of
conjecture that I awaited his next visit.
Yes, there he was, the first faint impress on the padded seat as his form
slowly became subject to gravity. In another moment he had 'arrived,' as
naturally as if he had just stepped into the room. In my eagerness I told him
how excited I was to have reached the threshold of 'new' time.
“ Ah! time,” he smiled back at me indulgently. “It does confuse you I know.
Yet to live in timelessness, as we do, saves a great deal of trouble. We think
only in terms of progress, that is our form of time. But then we do not have
to struggle to feed and clothe our bodies. So I will give you a little picture
to aid your understanding.
“ You sometimes go to the cinema and take your seat in the stalls. A
picture is shown and perhaps it covers a great period of time, representing
several generations of the same family, but with an unbroken theme. And you,
in your stall, are so impressed that you link yourself with the events
depicted, you become part of the story. You are that hero or heroine, you
identify yourself with him or her. Yet you have not moved in time or space,
you are still in your stall and only an hour or two has passed.
“ A soul incarnates, putting on a Human garment as a means of contacting
the conditions of the environment it is about to enter. Although standing
still in eternity, not moving in infinity, the soul observes all the events
marching by, to such an extent that it feels it is taking part in them. It is
as if the soul were watching over a loom in which myriads of threads were
being woven into a fabric, with a specific pattern, and having some little
control over it. Its destiny lies in the pattern being made, but it can alter
that pattern slightly, for good or for bad.
“ But here is the point, you do not each have a loom of your own. The loom
is so large that its pattern applies to every living soul, each of which is
interwoven with that of the others, there is mutual influence between them
all. You have your personal destiny, which you can affect by your actions and
which is built up out of your experiences of the past and the action of your
free will; and there is heredity and environment which provide you with
another form of destiny; and then there is your national destiny, the fate of
the country to which you belong or to which you give yourself; and finally
there is world destiny, the destiny of the whole race of mankind.”
I expressed my appreciation for this helpful picture. “But,” I queried, “ I
do not see how you can show me the future when it does not comprise a
completed pattern.”
Patiently Zerros replied. “You and I have travelled together through a
portrayal of the past, that was comparatively easy because the events had
crystallised into form and made their pattern. We merely recaptured them. The
future we shall see will be a synthesis of events built up by those who can
see a great deal further than you can. It cannot be exact because it deals
with destiny within the toils of time. I can tell you with exactitude the
destiny of the Human race, which is to be reunited with its Creator, because
that is a consummation existing outside of time. It is already there, in
existence at this moment. Only in your prison of time, your experience, are
you still travelling towards it. In Spirit you do not travel anywhere, you are
where you wish to be.” He smiled at me. “You cannot grasp that? Well never
mind, it does not really matter. But remember that God exists and plans
outside of time, you could not possibly imagine Him wondering what is going to
happen next! He creates in whole complete Ideas; in His Mind the Earth has
already reached the end of its destined career. He cannot fail. You may say
that the Earth has already passed the nadir of its destiny, which was to aid
the rehabilitation of mankind, the fallen race. Now it is on the upward arc of
its redemptive purpose.”
“ It doesn't look like it, from all appearances,” I protested, somewhat
“ Only apparently is it so. In the past man has accepted defeat after
defeat, refusing to learn the obvious lesson. But now at long last he is
beginning to see the light. There is a widespread search for new understanding
of what life and its problems are all about. Conditions have improved so much
that events in some obscure native village become known the world over. Your
world is shrinking. And so opportunity arrives for a far greater measure of
divine intervention. Time is coming to mean less to you than it did, though
you might not think so.
“ Try and realise what God is trying to accomplish, without enduring harm
to your souls. He aims at becoming conscious in the hearts of men and women.
And owing to the darkened nature of man's soul that is something which must be
attained very slowly and carefully, lest the soul be destroyed. He
accomplishes this through His Incarnate Son, the Prism which steps down His
tremendous Power so that it heals but does not harm. In this way the whole
community, incarnate and discarnate, is being redeemed and uplifted from the
degradation of what you term original sin. Nothing worth while is being lost.
And as man is being restored towards his former pristine self so is the Earth
itself being lifted in vibration to what it was intended to be.”
I spoke my thoughts aloud. “That is almost too wonderful to be true, but I
still have a feeling that it is unjust to blame the whole of posterity for the
sin of the original souls which fell.”
Zerros answered, patient as always, choosing his words with care. “If you
have a united family and one of its members commits a crime or defrauds, does
not the whole family unite to restore the family honour? Each member is an
individual, but there is something greater than the individual, the family of
which he forms a part. Without the sinner the family is less than it might
have been. Even though the law may punish the culprit the family usually
wishes to make good the loss. And are not all souls members of the family of
God? Can they be a perfect unity as long as one remains outside? And if we
postulate that the progress and prosperity of the whole family depends upon
that unity, then we can see how each soul which is aware of its position would
be ready to make the necessary sacrifice.
“ It is essential to grasp this truth of the unity of Humanity if you would
find any sense or justice in what God is doing with His Creation. Without it
all is unjust, cruel, meaningless. If you cling to the notion that a soul
commences its existence at human birth it is just as bad as supposing that any
soul which refuses Christian doctrine is doomed on Judgment Day. Survival
presupposes pre-existence. You cannot have the Brotherhood of Man for which
you long without accepting its implications.”
“ It is going to be very difficult to bring this idea home to people,” I
said, soberly regarding my companion.
Zerros nodded. “It would be impossible for you to accomplish alone. But
remember what you are about to do is part of a resurgent movement, set in
motion by powers not of this world. The whole world of men and women is crying
out for spiritual understanding, they have freed themselves largely from the
rigid doctrines of their various religions, but there is nothing to take their
place. We have to play our part in supplying a new understanding. The upsurge
is already in progress, it is part of the preparation for the future.”
“ But,” I put in, “ I have noticed that there is an insidious implication
in modern thought that man is an animal in origin, having evolved through
mutation into an intelligent being. You can find that being implied in radio
talks, in school teaching, in technical books, even in some churches. The
finest thinkers in our time accept it. How are we going to combat that?”
“ That is very true. But it is a passing phase, it is the swing of the
pendulum from the orthodox ideas of past ages where it was thought that man
was descended from one man and one woman. Science has much new knowledge along
biological and anthropological lines, and has interpreted that knowledge in
the only way possible to intellectual understanding. But already such thinking
is meeting with difficulties, Science, on the higher levels of research, is
finding itself lost in conjecture, for its dimensional understanding is
merging into the undimensional so that all its findings have to be
reconsidered. Scientists are finding that the Cosmos knows not the meaning of
beginnings and endings, and they are pondering how man himself, the cream of
creation as far as they know, can have a beginning or an ending.
“ The key to all this is the knowledge that the Cosmic Christ is working
through the minds of men the world over, bringing to them a new revelation
which is slowly filtering through into their consciousness. The time is coming
when there can be no arrogant assertion that one particular faith or religion
is true, and all the others false. It is the age-old esoteric Christianity
coming back into focus, with all that that implies.”
“ You mean that something new to our experience is occurring?” I put in, as
I tried to set our own moment in time, into this new advent.
“ Yes indeed,” replied Zerros with enthusiasm. “It is something very new,
quite novel to what Mankind has known in the past. The Might of the Creator is
pressing through the Cosmic Christ into the minds of men and women the world
over. Every nation, every tiny village, every individual, is responding to it
in many various ways, according to their interpretation of what it means. To
some it means new discovery, to others a wider appreciation of how the other
half of the world lives, yet again others interpret it as a need for some
ideology. They glimpse the truth but for them the vision is distorted and they
interpret it in terms of self and perhaps express it through domination. It
may seem strange to you that some of the ideas expressed through totalitarian
regimes, often cruelly and despotically, owe their inception to the influence
of God. It is not His fault that they are misinterpreted, for He has to pour
out His Spirit upon humanity, that is the only way in which they can be
redeemed, from within themselves. But the wind has to be tempered to the shorn
lamb, otherwise man would be destroyed, it is a long slow business, but now it
can be speeded up, as is evidenced by the increasing tempo of your lives.
“ This invasion by Spirit stimulates both good and evil in the mind of Man,
you cannot inspire one without the other. Evil flocculence, that is to say the
distortion of the elements of the Earth, has long been hidden within its
chemical nature, it was latent in tradition, in inhibition, it was dormant in
the subconscious, but now the time has come to release this wrongful
flocculence into manifestation so that it might be recognised for what it is
and eliminated. Some parts of the Earth were saturated with it and no
enlightenment could be hoped for while it was able to exert a contrary
influence upon Mankind. It had to be disinterred, so it is that it has been
stirred into violent eruption during the past fifty years or so, with all the
sad results you know. There is meaning in all that occurs, the Divine Goodness
in Creation working always to defeat the ends of injustice.”
How true that was, I thought, though one could never prove it as if it were
an equation. It is clear that the principles upon which human reasoning is
based will have to be radically changed before we can begin to assimilate the
truth. At present one has to absorb truth through an inner recognition of
verities, yet undeniably that conviction is a powerful one.
“When you really begin to understand divine principles misunderstanding and
strife will cease. At first strife will be lifted from the material to the
mental plane, a war of words instead of weapons; that is already happening.
Your world is changing so rapidly that none could postulate the conditions of
life even a. decade hence. Already your scientists know a great deal, often
much more than they are prepared to admit, even to themselves. They are
getting to the heart of problems of weight and density and are finding their
conclusions most disturbing. Very soon they will be able to suggest means of
overcoming gravity. Metaphysics will emerge as a new science; already its
boundaries with physics are melting away. But for this aim direct inspiration
is needed to overcome the resistance which rational understanding offers. The
very word rational will have to be stepped up in meaning. No scientific
experiment or discovery can ever be really or fully successful where it is not
in tune with a desire for goodness. Your knowledge of atomic energy could have
done nothing but benefit Humanity to untold lengths had it not been first
directed to destruction.
“ A growing recognition of this strange intervention into Human affairs
must cause an eventual change of heart in every race and every individual
whose soul is awake. It is because the mind of Man, of Humanity, has reached a
stage in its development, in its unveiling to a knowledge of what it really
is, that the Cosmic Christ can and must take over the reins of government
through direct inspiration. You cannot hope to build a new world along purely
material and scientific lines; the evil latent in Mankind will always operate
to defeat such altruistic ideas. The animal nature in Man must first be
eliminated. The present trend suggests men as saying: “ You tell us we are
evolving from animals, well let us have our animal enjoyment, we like it.” Can
you not see how such an outlook must denigrate any hope for future peace? Such
perverse thinking must soon reduce a community to the lowest ebb.
“ But of course that cannot be. All is under direction and control. For
despite the growth of so-called rational thought it has not gained hold of the
majority of people and will not do so. If you recall that you are living dual
lives, the life of the spirit and that of the Human mind, at one and the same
time, you will see what I mean. The one is inarticulate but transcendentally
obedient to divine will, the other is vociferous but its logic is skin deep,
for it is not based upon realities.”
“ Do you think this change will come into fulfilment soon?” I asked, all
eagerness for the answer.
Zerros smiled, a smile that seemed to come from deep within him. “How
impatient you are. You get your world in a mess and you want it all
straightened out in a moment. The present era is still part of the dark ages.
The immediate future may be known as that of destruction, the breaking down of
powerful defences erected by the ignorant minds of those who think they can
defy Omnipotence. There is a deep distrust of anything new that might upset
the even tenor of existing life, a tenor that is already broken by unseen
causes. That distrust is due to ignorance of the insight and understanding
that might be yours, because you pin your faith to material things which you
know and can analyse. In proportion to the speed with which this relation
filters through into Human consciousness sufficiently for a fresh step forward
to be taken, so will the Perfect Moment draw near when the veil of ignorance
and misunderstanding may be drawn.” A mischievous smile lit the corners of his
mouth as he added: “You can work that sum out for yourself! “
His voice became serious as went on. “There is of course the possibility
that Man will still reject the message, and in that case there must be
terrible catastrophe. You cannot oppose such a tremendous sweeping Power as
the Will of God, without injury. It is omnipotent and must sweep over the
minds of men and women where it is not allowed admission through the free
will. The scales of Divine Justice are absolute and cannot be deflected, only
in 'time' does it seem that they are out of truth, even as a straight reed in
the water seems to bend. Warnings of this eventuality have been given from
time immemorial and should be heeded. In the highest realm of all prophecy is
an exact science, in the realm of Perfection where all is known, where there
is no chance, no beginning or ending, no time or space. Only as you descend
into manifestation and gather the chains of time and space and dimension about
you, does prophecy become distorted by what you term chance. And I am nowhere
near the top of the scale, so I cannot tell you what will happen. But remember
that to the Mind of God every event is known and prepared for, even to the
falling of a leaf.
“ But that is only a short-term view, I prefer to take the longer view in
which the splendid fight of man against self, the noble against the ignoble,
is preordained to succeed. It can be delayed in time, but what is time to
Creative Mind? The consummation is certain, all souls created are to be
recovered, that is what matters, and they are not really lost, it only seems
to be so. None can be lost for their spirit is at home with God, and they have
not the power to sever themselves from their own spirit. Through defiance of
the Good they 'separated' themselves from it, through suffering they must
return, that is the only way.
“ This renewal of Human existence will be astounding and quite beyond the
present limits of Human understanding. For one thing man will have to realise
that he shares his divinity with all created things, and that includes the
Animal Kingdom. He has taken terrible toll of the animal creation and it has
infected his instincts with an animal nature. Not only must he learn to divest
himself of this illicit impregnation but must give it back to the Animal
Kingdom through love, thus sharing in the redemptive plan. To a lesser extent
he will have to learn to understand the realms of vegetation and the Mineral
Kingdom and to co-operate with them, for they too shared in his fall, thus
they will become less crystallised, more loosely knit, with a progressive
change in character.
“ You are aware that there is a vast range of Angelic beings, some of them
quite elemental in form and intelligence, which will need to be taught to love
and be loved by Man, where between them there has only been fear or derision.
Without them your natural world could not exist and you could not live. You
owe them a deep debt of gratitude for you have imposed upon them an
intolerable burden of work, restoring and rectifying that which Man has done
“While all this regeneration is going on there will be a progressive
elimination of all that is noxious to Human existence. The harmful animal
life, the poisonous bacteria, the barbs and traps of natural creation, will
gradually disappear or change their nature so as to be helpful instead of
harmful. The lion will lie down with the lamb in very truth.”
Overcome with this dazzling prospect, so marvellous that it surpassed the
bounds of reason, I made no comment. Yet, I thought, why not? If man is to
swing up the arc of his salvation there must be some such transcendent
movement. If man's evolution is to take a leap upwards surely his environment
must follow suit.
Zerros' voice broke in upon my thoughts. “I am telling you this so that you
may be prepared for what you are about to witness in future visits. Remember
that Man is but a perambulating mind, his body is but a vehicle through which
he may make contact with his environment. If his mind is to be released from
its bondage it could surely make little progress if it were still to be
hampered by a malignant Nature, besetting him at every step. There could be no
point in it. Man is already growing up and stepping out of the age of
authority into the age of reason. It remains now for right values to be
substituted for those false ones upon which he has based his reasoning.
Creedalism, whether in religion, politics or social economy, must give place
to a growing understanding which knows no ceiling.”
I asked Zerros how he saw the governments of the world operating in the
“ I do not see any sort of World Federation coming into being, there would
be no need. Federation is a sort of lining up against adversity. Instead there
will be, as now, a democratic form of government through enlightened choice.
And how can the choice be anything but the right one when men's minds are
illumined by Truth? Once man realises what he is and how useless he is in
himself, how dependent upon Divine Guidance, then all difficulties will be
removed. There will be no more war. As I have said none would be prepared to
go to war against God. But there will be a colossal ignorance to cope with.
There will be much rebuilding to be done, both mental and physical. Instead of
your armies warring against each other they will go forth to war against all
that holds Man back from gracious living, to tame Nature, to teach the people
how to live the new life, to inspire and to heal. Yes, it will be a sort of
Divine Theocracy, God governing through the receptive minds of men. For how
could man plan for himself better than his Creator, who knows all? Half the
troubles of your world would vanish overnight if there was a change of heart
due to a new knowledge of what Man is.
“Inevitably there must be loss of Human life, due to the fact that the
darkness in the hearts of some will not let them face up to the new life, the
new brightness. But they will start life anew in other surroundings, for God's
Love spares none. The key to the new world lies in the words: “You and I and
My Father are One! “ Remember those words. Once they are realised the channel
opens right from the Source of life, down into the recesses of Men's hearts.
However far Man has fallen it is not too far for the Light to penetrate into
the darkness, if only he will permit it to do so. For the Christ of Love comes
to make captivity captive, thus releasing the soul into the sunshine.”
I smiled to myself as I said: “ That is a very different idea of Heaven to
a state of unalloyed bliss.”
“ The idea of static bliss is appalling to a Human nature which has had to
be endowed with fighting qualities, the demand for action, for speed, for
overcoming difficulties. These qualities were essential for a fallen race in
order to equip them for the fight against the stranglehold which evil forces
had over them. Once that fight is over the need for such qualities will
disappear and other qualities will take their place. When there is no longer
any struggle to live, because conditions are so much easier, the contemplative
life will replace the life of overcoming. Human existence was never designed
to drop to such a low level as is at present displayed. At the outset you have
pure spirit, undefiled but inexperienced, not conscious of Love because there
is no contrast by which to judge it. And at the end of the journey, powered
through free will, and supposing there can be an end to such a journey, you
have a spiritual being returning to its Source, having achieved a triumph of
identity and learned to merge that identity with the Source, enriched by
experience. That mergence is not loss but gain, it is a divine companionship,
a unity of being without which Life would hold nothing.”
“ And now,” he went on, “are you ready to adventure with me into the future
and see how the New World is fashioned out of the old?”
His words took me unawares. Prepared though I had been, I was so engrossed
in the stupendous picture of a transformed world that the prospect of actually
seeing some of these prophetic states made my mind reel.
“ I will try,” said Zerros, smiling at my evident confusion, “ to take you
on a visit to your country some hundreds of years hence. You must realise that
a great deal will have happened in the meantime which I am not permitted to
disclose. There will be changes in land surfaces, natural boundaries will have
little importance, while climatic changes will have helped to alter the way of
life. You will find big differences.”
He talked on with the object of calming my natural excitement at the idea
of witnessing events which had not yet happened in time. Gradually I came
under the spell of that magnetic voice and I felt my mind becoming stilled and
empty. My spiritual consciousness became more active and ceased to motivate
the senses, refocusing its vision on to a higher level. I ceased to be aware
of my physical surroundings and .....
* * * * * * * * * * *
It seemed as if I had awoken in a foreign land when I opened my eyes again,
like emerging from a dream. For some time I was unable to concentrate my
faculties. Where was I? Why was I here? Then the familiar shining figure of
Zerros emerged from the mists of unconsciousness and I realised what had
happened, the thrill of adventure rushed back into my mind and I knew that we
had left the past far behind and were now conscious in a future which ....
which had not yet happened, a distracting thought.
Quickly my gaze swept round over an unfamiliar landscape. We were on the
banks of a river, in a town of some sort. The water glittered in the sunlight,
with a strange translucence. There were noble buildings on both banks, none of
which struck any chord of memory, functionally they were quite strange to me.
Clearly their design held more of aesthetic influence than subservience to
utilitarian needs. There was beauty of line and concept and a fine
discrimination in colour.
The banks of the river were lined with trees and gardens, beautifully laid
out and stocked with an immense variety of flowers. There could be no smog
nuisance here, I mused, as my eyes took in the cleanliness of the
pastel-shaded materials used in building. My gaze swung away from the river
and - I gasped! For at the far end of gently descending terraces, surrounded
by gardens and lawns, stood none other than dear old St. Paul's Cathedral a
familiar friend from the past. There could be no doubt about it for although
the fabric had been cleansed from its stains the venerable pile had an
unmistakable air of antiquity. I turned in amazement to my companion.
“This is indeed the London of the future,” said Zerros in a matter-of-fact
tone, as if he might have been describing some model at an exhibition. “It is
a synthesis of what time will bring forth, constructed by those with vision
and knowledge of all the converging trends.”
I looked about me for people. There were none of the hurrying throngs with
which we are familiar. But there were plenty of people about, strolling in the
sunshine as on a leisured Sunday afternoon. There was something different
about the scene, a sort of unreality to my three-dimensional notions, but then
there was indeed a difference in dimension. It was hard to accept that this
busy scene had not yet happened in time.
The people wore brighter colours than in our own day and their clothes were
more in the nature of robes than the close-fitting garments with which we are
familiar. I gathered from Zerros' running commentary that sex equality had
been attained and then transcended by a new and better understanding of what
each could contribute to the common good. I pondered over the mighty effort
that must have been exerted to bring about these immense changes in an
existence which had crystallised over the centuries into a characteristic. And
surely it must have been echoed throughout the world.
We moved upstream and presently I found fresh evidences of the London I
used to know. Westminster Abbey still stood, though its environs too had given
way to open spaces. The tower of Big Ben was still there but much of the old
Houses of Parliament had gone. Nelson still gazed out from the top of his
column, guarded by his lions, but the surrounding buildings had all receded,
giving place to flowering shrubs. What changes he must have witnessed through
the years! Nowhere did we see any sign of dilapidation or drab rows of little
houses. Planning seemed to have reached a zenith of imagination, made possible
by immense changes in technique.
But a part of one street was still under reconstruction and Zerros took me
to where a monster machine stood brooding over chaos. It was labeled
'Disintegrator.' Zerros informed me that it used a form of atomic fission to
disintegrate used materials into their chemical constituents, and then
reassembled them into predetermined matter. To prove his point there was a
mass of pinkish powder at the rear of the machine while at the front was a
broad maw into which no doubt the debris was drawn.
Leaving London we travelled far and wide over the country. I wish I had
space to relate all that we saw. The old life, with its drab patterns, had
disappeared and in its place remained a lovely land as Nature made it.
Everywhere we found evidences of care and attention to detail, as if these
people valued their work highly. There were a few roads but no sign of
railways though in a few cases embankments could still be traced. I suppose
the most important changes in the vista were to be found in the lay-out of the
residential areas. Where the cities were less densely populated, the country
areas were more in communities than in isolated buildings. Wheat was ripening
but there was little evidence of cattle or other farm animals.
Presently we lighted upon a doorway set in a mound, surrounded by orchards.
With an amused little smile Zerros· announced that this was the entrance to a
large factory. Bewildered, I followed him down some stairs. I was accustomed
to shocks by this time but I was scarcely prepared for the amazing sight that
met our entrance into an immense factory area, lofty and wide. For the whole
scene was filled with humming machines - and scarcely an operator was in
sight! Here, I thought, was automation at its height. Some sort of machined
parts were being made, and I noted how each was machined, gauged, and passed
on for further processing without any handling by Human effort. Truly man had
mastered the machine at last and was no longer its slave.
In no other part of this delectable land did I notice the aroma of holiness
than in a hospital we visited. There was a radiance which pervaded its
corridors that must surely have been a healing power by itself. The patients
seemed to be those suffering from mental strain rather than physical ailments,
and indeed Zerros informed me that physical illness was largely disappearing
though mental disease was more difficult to overcome.
We entered a cathedral, venerable with age but not one familiar to me. But
gone were the trappings of traditional worship, gone were the ancient tombs,
while the altar was situated, as in olden days, in the centre of the nave. It
was covered with cloth of gold, and I felt somehow that from this central
position teaching would be given by beings, perhaps not of this world. For one
sublime moment I felt that here, at this hallowed spot, the Light of the World
was in contact with Human souls as He had not been since those far-off days in
It seems that, having at last come to know the composite nature of their
own being and the immaterial nature of their environment, the enlightened men
and women of the future had set themselves the task of becoming living
examples of the new understanding. That implied a tremendous responsibility
and statesmanship, for not all the world was so easily converted. First the
men and women, chosen in great numbers from those nations which were ready for
this spiritual conquest of the world, had to set themselves stringent tests to
prove their fitness, mentally and morally. Where great armies had stood, armed
with the latest in lethal weapons, new armies were recruited, armed and
trained with weapons only of reconstruction, of healing, of re-education in
the redemption of the natural world which the sin of man had defiled. Then
they set forth to the ends of the Earth on a divine mission to rescue their
fellows from the chains of material thought, helping in the work of making all
things new. And as they went they sang songs of praise such as this workaday
world of ours has never heard, filled with the joy of constructive creation…
It seemed to me that I caught some of the joyful refrains of these songs of
the ethers as I opened my eyes once more in my study. Back to the old dreary
but lovable city that, as yet, knew not its dramatic and wondrous destiny.
The next occasion of our travels through time and space aroused in me
intense excitement, for it was to be to an era when life had assumed such
novel features that it had little relation to the one we know and feel to be
so enduring.
My glimpse of an England-to-be whetted my appetite for further revelations
of what the future might hold in store. On his next visit I asked Zerros how
far ahead in time this new adventure would be.
He smiled a little ruefully as he replied, “Can you never learn to think
outside the limitation of time? Time is such a drag upon the understanding.
You must realise that the whole world will have changed in almost every
respect. Not only the minds of men but the very atoms and molecules that form
matter will have changed their cohesion. Life will be quite out of focus with
what you know. Naturally your materialists would ridicule such a thought, they
cannot hold the thought of such a speed-up in evolution. But then they do not
reckon with the Infinite Power of the Creator, if indeed they concede His
existence. His Will is not subject to Human logic.
“ In the age we are about to visit the revolutions of the Earth will have
quickened, the axis will have altered as will the orbit of your planet. If I
were to give you the numbers of years to the era we are about to visit I
should have to do immense calculations and even then I doubt if the result
would have any meaning for you. It would be like trying to get time and
timelessness to coincide.
“ Let us instead use a different yardstick and think in terms of progress
and fulfilment of an age-old Plan thought out by Omniscience long before the
world was created. Let us view the prospect from the freedom of Spirit in
which there is no fear, no failure, only a seemingly endless projection of
wonder opening out of wonder. Could an all-powerful God of Love do less for
His children, so dear to Him? It all comes back to that; if you believe in God
you must submit to His Will, you must not try and make Him conform to your
limited outlook. A century of evolution at its present rate is not comparable
to one hour of the goodly experience I am about to show you. It will be the
same Earth but with that omitted that was never intended to be, an Earth of
surpassing beauty and charm in which the demands of the lower self will be
sublimated by the emergence into consciousness of spiritual power within each
Human soul.
“ Try and think of your present world with all the principal causes of
strife and fear and opposition removed. A world in which there can be little
insecurity of life and limb that cannot readily be put right. How would such a
world appeal to you?”
A smile flickered over the loved features of my companion as he spoke. I
knew he was trying to educate my mind to these novel conceptions, to raise my
consciousness so that the scenes I was about to witness should not come as too
great a shock to my sensibilities. “I think it would be a wonderful
experience,” I replied solemnly. I knew somehow that it was going to be
difficult to abandon the reliance upon an existing order of physics which had
for so long excluded the need for doubt. “I know you will say that Man's
condition will be different, but somehow I feel that something will have gone
out of his life, there will be something missing.”
Zerros nodded in agreement. “To you, yes, who are equipped with a mentality
specifically designed to enable you to exist in a combative environment. But
suppose you no longer regarded the product of your labour with the
satisfaction born of the effort you had to make. Suppose someone came along
and produced the same result with a fraction of the effort; would you still
feel pride in your achievements, or would you express envy?”
With a laugh I agreed that I should be consumed with envy. “And I should
soon be intolerant of the effort I had made to accomplish the same result,” I
continued. “I quite see that I shall have to stand right outside of time, as
we know it, in order to comprehend what is meant by the world of the future.
But it is strange to think that our clumsy old world is to change from a
Three-dimensional life to what must be nearer the Fourth Dimension.”
Zerros confirmed this when he said: “ In the age we are about to visit man
will have transcended many of the limitations that make his life so burdensome
at present. Now he has to labour hard to think out his projects, assemble the
labour and materials, often at great cost, and then produce with great effort.
Can you lift your thoughts to an era when many of these intermediary processes
can be short-circuited? Already you are beginning to do so, but imagine
creation by the power of concentrated will!
“You know a very little about atomic fission, matter is not so defiantly
cohesive that only the application of heat or pressure can bring about a
molecular change. If you are careless you can turn your Sunday joint into
carbon with ease. But supposing you could bring about such changes by simple
concentration of the will upon the atoms of an object or material, and holding
the thought of the change you wished to bring about. Such atoms can be
controlled and it is only the supreme conceit of your scientists that would
make them ridicule such a suggestion.
“The artisan of the future will assemble the necessary elements, if
necessary from the atmosphere, by the power of thought alone, sometimes by the
concentrated power of many minds, and then fashion them into the desired shape
by the same process. Do you not see that much of your machinery will thus
become unnecessary, the production of all your needs will be so simple that
you will have ample leisure for other pursuits, and indeed one of your future
problems will be the most suitable way of employing that leisure. But first
you will have to get rid of many inhibitions and fixed ideas.
“ Again, Man will not have to reason out his problems on a hit or miss
method. His intuitive sense of what is right will develop so rapidly in the
rarer atmosphere that he will be able to form proper conclusions without
difficulty. He will have his own private oracle as it were. And discoveries
such as you have never dreamed of will await your attention. And above all,
Man's basic nature will have been lifted above the level where hitherto it had
been his master. He will know the truth and truth shall make him free. But
remember that Truth is an infinite quality, you can never plumb its depths.
Therein lies its fascination.”
* * * * * * * * * * *
Once again I was unprepared for what met my gaze as I opened my eyes upon a
scene so far into the distant future that it seemed as if time itself had been
transcended. I could not help comparing the lovely land spread out before me
with that of ancient Atlantis. There was the same faint unreality about the
whole aspect which had characterised our first view of that wonderful land.
Yet there was a livingness in all I saw that dispelled any idea of a synthetic
creation. And gradually I began to detect a difference which I find it hard to
describe. Could I say that this land had, as it were, grown up, while Atlantis
was beautiful but immature? One felt very close to Creation here and very
conscious of its goodness and of its lovableness. I reached out to touch a
flower resplendent with vivid colour and to my astonishment it leant
caressingly towards me. For the life of me I could not have picked it.
Zerros and I moved across the undulating country with our accustomed
swiftness. The people we encountered were handsome, and that goes without
saying for there was a radiance about them which spoke of their innate
goodness. One could hardly ascribe to them any negative qualities. Though
there was sameness in the kind of clothing they wore it was some inner quality
each possessed that made differentiation easy.
I gathered that these wonderful people had a very high standard of thought
and deed, by contrast with our own, yet they were by no means of a common
level in their moral or intellectual being. The need for education in these
qualities was still essential. All this progress had been made possible by the
gradual and continuous raising of the gravitational density of the Earth,
which, among other results, had affected the bloodstream of Humans and animals
considerably, not to mention the flora and the minerals of the soil.
Although I saw a number of people who were elderly in a distinguished sort
of way I did not observe any who were careworn or deficient in their
faculties. N or did I notice any cripples or sick persons, evidence of a
guilty civilisation.
It was true, what Zerros had told me, that thought creation had almost
superseded machines and manual labour. And such is the effect of Human nature
that when abundance was provided demands sank to a much lower level.
Everything needful for happy and peaceful existence was at hand, without the
pressing need to hoard against threats or other adversity, so where was the
need to conserve abundance? It is difficult for us, with our many
preoccupations and need for constant labour and provision, to contemplate an
existence from which it seems all the spice of life has been removed. But I
recalled that Zerros had assured me that Man's fighting instincts would
dissipate with the need for their use, to be replaced by a more contemplative
and infinitely more effective attitude of mind. We know so little of the power
of thought, though we are beginning to compute its effects on our lives. No
doubt the greater knowledge had to be withheld for obviously we should have
misused it. And after all, divine creation is just what I was witnessing in
this advanced culture, it was the realisation of their divine nature that
enabled these clever people to employ the same creative principles to their
In this world of the future it was clear that the need for a density of
environment sufficient to hamper the expression of extreme negative impulses
no longer existed, and so the environment could be lightened, as it were, to
allow more freedom of spiritual power and more knowledge of its potential
uses. I could not help thinking that already we are reckoning in terms of life
on other planets entirely out of focus with that of our own. Our one-time
conceit that we were the only form of intelligent life in the universe is
slowly evaporating. In a universe that is obviously manifested out of the
Thought of the Creator it is surely reasonable to say that thought creation
should extend into every phase of its manifestation, wherever it is found.
Thus it is that the men of the future will subject materials to an intense
mental bombardment until their atomic structure comes under its influence and
assumes the desired form.
Zerros and I moved over great portions of this strange land, observing its
many features, many unfamiliar but all in accordance with some principle of
beauty. At length we perceived on the distant horizon what I can only describe
as a dream city. It was not so much the elegance of the architecture which
held our attention as we drew nearer, but in some queer way the appeal was to
the aesthetic sense. While the City of the Golden Gates in Atlantis radiated
its own beauty of form and colour, it was more in the form of a divine
example, a single expression of godly form, supreme throughout the land. But
here I found myself possessed with the idea of fulfilment, it seemed that the
ultimate in creative design had been reached. I can imagine nothing beyond
this superb example of what a city might be when lifted above the purely
functional. And we later found that this was but one of many. The only
building which holds, for me, any comparison with this subtle distinction is
the Taj Mahal at Agra in India, a mausoleum built out of the suffering of a
broken heart. To stand close to its great dome and towering minarets is to
realise its great size. Yet to stand a few hundred yards away and view it in
the light of a full moon, is to be transported to another world. It is so
perfectly proportioned that its size ceases to have any meaning, one feels
that outstretched hands could take it in their grasp. Its elfin beauty tugs at
the heartstrings, as if the suffering that gave it birth emanated from the
very marble of which it is built.
I wish I could convey some idea of the entrancing beauty and sense of
meaning that was inherent in this lovely city. It was there, radiating from
the very materials of which it was constructed, yet I could write no more of
its real meaning than I could of some exotic scent from a bottle. No harsh
contrast was visible, every detail seemed to dovetail into every other.
There were no walls to this open city and it seemed to welcome visitors
along its broad avenues. I noticed that there were no embellishments or
ornamentation on the buildings, no hint of ostentation, no suggestion of
personality. Nothing to distract from the sheer beauty of line and colour and
design in its most perfect form. Here and there were fountains quietly
splashing crystal-clear water, not to quench an imaginary thirst but to give
depth to the sense of quietude and peace. In fact tranquility seemed to be the
keynote of all we saw. Trees and shrubs, plants and flowers, abounded, seeming
to bloom eternally. The whole atmosphere seemed to be designed to appeal to
the soul rather than to an intellectual sense, offering an appeal that could
not be resisted. It was the perfect hospitality. I felt that here I could
assuage all the inarticulate longings that had ever struggled for expression
in my life.
It was clear that there could be no inequality or inferiority in this dream
city, no uptown or downtown, no privileged preserve or expression of
possessiveness. It had the true communal air about it which could owe
allegiance only to the highest Source of all. As we wandered down the vistas -
I could not call them streets I noticed there were stalls of fruits and other
commodities, unattended, from which I suppose one could help oneself. I could
imagine that very little food was required to sustain life in this rarified
atmosphere, which itself held much of the forces which the body required and
indrew through inhalation.
Perhaps because of my constant stream of questions Zerros led me to a large
building which we found to be a vast library. Room after room was filled with
books and there were many objects forming a fair sized museum. Most were in a
language beyond my understanding, but after much search Zerros found me a book
which proved to be a child's encyclopedia, in a language somewhat resembling
English. As I glanced through the pages and studied the illustrations I became
aware of a peculiar quality about the words, they seemed to attune my mind to
that of the writer so that I comprehended what he was trying to convey much
better than through the mere words.
This text book of the future child, elementary matter no doubt to adults of
that period, was an eye-opener to me, I found it fascinating. What would be
beyond the grasp of our most brilliant minds seemed to be simple to these
young people. I knew nothing of their history or standards or culture but it
seemed certain that they had been born with a brain capacity far in advance of
our own. I was amused to find pictures of appliances of our own day shown as
examples of an outmoded existence. There were Hogarthian pictures of worthy
citizens consuming vast quantities of meat, travelling in slow boxes called
motor cars which collided with each other and ran people down, and in
aeroplanes which sometimes fell out of the sky. Warfare was dismissed in a few
horrified sentences as we might deal with slavery.
Later I came upon a description of the new industrial revolution, when man
overcame the machine and then found means of disposing of the machine
altogether. Human senses began to respond to an infinitely wider range of tone
values, in all forms of art, of music, of design. Gradually men drew closer to
other coincidental worlds and established contact with them. There appeared to
be a series of natural catastrophes that broke the tension which had held the
material world inviolate from the spiritual worlds and this allowed a new
stream of benignant influence to enter and transform the world of matter. With
the heightening of Man's sensibility and the increasing vibration of the Earth
itself the actual soil underwent a change so that crops increased in speed of
fruition and quality of produce. New forms of comestibles appeared.
In the sequence of events I read that Man began to know himself for what he
is and this knowledge engendered many changes in his habits and outlook. He
ceased to eat meat and turned to the direct produce of the soil for his
sustenance, and with this change his desires for great quantities of food
subsided. The currents of Man's whole life were to a great measure reversed.
In this way Man and his environment rose in condition until they became a
whole stage higher than before. The elemental life which had been caring for
vegetable growth came under the benign influence and was able to encourage new
species and new spores from existing stocks, far better suited to Man's new
needs than their prototypes.
Nor was this change, limited to food production, for the cold intellectual
outlook of Humanity which derived from the crystalline nature of the Mineral
Kingdom upon which man had lavished his interest, softened as the vibrations
of the very soil quickened. From the unsympathetic rock and the brilliant
hardness of the diamond he had drawn his brittle outlook which could see only
in terms of physics. His growing knowledge of metallurgy tended to smother the
roundness of his inherent creative ability. Such distortions had isolated his
intellect from the softening illumination of Love, the Power which was the
theme of all creation. Thus he had lost his appreciation of divinity and
squandered his spiritual heritage.
But now he began to give back that hard core of his thinking to the Kingdom
from which he had drawn it, which involved a surrender of his self-will.
Divine Life began to flow in his veins once more. All this, and much much
more, became clear to me as I stood, reading this fascinating record of Man's
resurgence. Through the magic of the words my mind absorbed much more than
this meagre reconstruction could convey. There was so much mysticism in what I
learned that mere words can never reproduce it.
In a sudden revelation it came to me how very close we are to this complete
change of life, and yet how far. It needs only a change of heart, an infusion
of the divine essence of Love into the soul of Man, for a whole reversal of
Man's way of life, his attitude towards his fellows, and for the subjugation
of his negative impulses. It requires only a working majority to experience
this uplift for the whole to be transformed. It could happen overnight. We
stand closer to it than we know, yet fear holds us spellbound. Even the
mightiest nations feel insecure, a fatal despair holds us immobile. Many feel
the position to be hopeless and drug their minds with the pursuit of pleasure.
Yet it is possible to postulate the means by which this change of heart
might be initiated, for the desire, the longing, is there. Never before in the
known history of our world has there been such a longing for spiritual
enlightenment. Though it is dominated by the massive clouds of cruelty,
oppression, distrust and fear, it is there, flowing strongly below the
surface. First we must know what we are, in which case our doctrinal teaching
needs overhauling. Then must come the realisation of the survival of the Human
soul, and all that that implies. And because no such realisation could endure
did it not rest upon eternal verities, it is clear that survival implies
pre-existence. With this would come the knowledge that while we are all
'brothers' in Spirit, we are not necessarily born equal, a conclusion which,
under the law of Love, imposes responsibilities upon those with greater
capabilities. Next would come a new insight into the nature of matter, of the
natural world, and the interrelationship of the many planetary forces that go
to the mechanism of the universe. There is an immense field for research here,
with fascinating possibilities. For to understand these forces is half-way to
bringing them under control.
From all this would be born a new wonder at the immensity and splendour of
what we call God, for surely no research of such imponderables could be
profitable without recognition of the Source and inspiration of them all. Soon
we should be able to accept as reasonable and normal the immanence of other
worlds and conditions coincident to our own, and the existence of forms of
life in our own environment upon whose co-operation and activities we should
have to reckon.
Finally we should be able to look back down the vistas of time and
visualise something of the immense story of Man's resurgence from the pit into
which Man - and that includes ourselves - had fallen, and the wondrous Love of
God which had engineered our recovery through ages of benign influence acting
upon our defiant free will.
If we can build up that inspiring picture of the past we can surely trace
the progress of the future, the pre-ordained flight into the promised land
which has been kept inviolate against our return to its joys.
I broke off my reverie for there were unmistakable signs of weakness which
meant that I must return to my inert physical body. I looked out of the window
and tried to fix in my mind the wonderful changes that must have occurred as
that strong wave of regeneration swept over the men and women of the future to
give them their first faint recognition of what they had lost for so long.
Surely at this time the masculine element in Humanity must have shone forth to
meet the feminine element in its whole being, a divine proposal for their
reunion in a spiritual re-marriage of souls. From the distant peaks of time,
from the mighty mountains of Spirit, must the Love-call have echoed through
the vaults of space, hailing the demolition of separation, inviting men and
women to the glorious consummation of their selfless love. None who were ready
could fail to hear it!
Surely now the glorious voices of the 'Sons of the Morning' must be
rejoicing at the approaching end of the long long saga of redemption, shouting
together that lovely Angelus whose chimes ring out: “You and I and My Father
are One! Amen and Amen!”
“As above so below; that which has been shall be again.” (From an ancient
How shall I begin to describe what we experienced on our last visit into
the future, a condition so utterly divorced from anything anyone has ever
imagined that I can scarcely find words in which to express what little I can
recall? I would need to set a little lamp behind each word which appears in
cold print in order to illumine them all to something approaching their real
Zerros had warned me that this flight out of 'time' would be our last, that
his mission was drawing to a close and soon he would be leaving me to digest
and record the tremendous experiences he had brought within my reach. But he
promised that although he would no longer be making objective appearances in
my study he would continue to inspire and enlighten my efforts to translate
those experiences into readable form. Only since I have attempted that task
have I realised to the full how difficult it would prove to be.
Thus my anxiety increased as I realised how soon he was to depart from
conscious contact with me, and I recalled how much I still wanted to know.
However I was more than thankful that I was to have the unseen guidance of my
dear friend in the days that lay ahead; how to translate the reality of those
ephemeral experiences into words which did not rob them of any coherent
meaning. I had grown to admire and to love this being of such deep wisdom and
knowledge, yet who was so humble and understanding in his approach to the
Human outlook.
Our last glimpse of evolving Mankind was to be of an era when Man had
transcended his purely physical state with an almost complete spiritual
ascendancy, having attained once more that Edenic bliss from which he had
fallen so completely unthinkable aeons of time ago. “You look at life through
a keyhole,” Zerros had said, in his apt way of putting fundamental problems in
a nutshell. You peep at realities through a tiny hole in the wall of
materialism, and wonder why you cannot understand what you see. You try and
measure that with your senses and analyse it by finite means. What you can
measure with your five senses forms but a small waveband on the spectrum of
infinity. You observe what your senses tell you and think that that is all.
Yet your physicists know that there are many degrees of vibration above and
below those to which human senses respond. Have you not got whistles which you
cannot hear yet which a dog at a great distance can hear clearly? Have you not
got radar telescopes which can 'see' stars through thick fog which can never
be visible to the eye? You are learning fast but not so fast as to overcome
the inhibitions to which you cling so hard. I ask your pardon for labouring
this point for until it is firmly established there can be no Human
understanding of what I am trying to present to you, no freedom from the
thraldom of time and space, no sense of reality .
“ You will remember the occasion when we stood, out there in space, and
watched the unfoldment of the real, multiple nature of the Earth, how it
opened out into progressively rarified planes of existence, glimpsing for a
moment planes which are invisible to the restricted waveband of Human vision,
but clearly defined and solidly substantial to those who are equipped to dwell
therein? That alone is a tremendous step for anyone who had pinned his faith
to a geographical universe, a multitude of empty worlds spinning in empty
space. Now you know that empty space is a misnomer, there is no such thing as
a vacuum in the fullness of Creation.
“ The denser these planes become, as they cling close to the hard core of
the physical expression of a planet or star, the more limited they are in
expression, but the rarer they become, the more tenuous their consistency, the
more do they expand until they draw near to mergence into infinity, so that
the whole of Creation, on that level, tends to become a great Unity. That is
an idea that must be pondered over and allowed to sink into the consciousness
before it can become acceptable to most. Yet if once it can be encompassed it
will be found to provide a background to your thinking which will unlock many
doors and help you to realise why Humanity is a Unity too.”
I felt that any comment was uncalled for. And my mind was busy trying to
relate this difficult concept to what I knew and understood of Creation. To
see before me, as I had been privileged to do, realms within realms, separated
from each other by different rates of vibration, yet all forming a
comprehensive whole, was one thing. But to absorb that transcendent fact
within my intellect so that I could write about it convincingly, was something
quite different. I trembled for the fate of my book.
A sudden thought made me catch my breath. Perhaps it was some magic on
Zerros' part, but in a flash I had a realisation of what 'God' meant. All this
variegated expanse of Creation was God in action, this is what He really was,
at least that aspect of God which a finite mind could grasp. In the whole wide
universe there was nothing else but God, His expression as tenuous matter, as
solid density, as fine intelligence, was the reality of the whole of Creation.
Anything else must therefore be unreal, illusory, figments of Human acceptance
which had been manifested into form by the defiance of Man's will. Oh for the
pen of a genius to express in words all that came to me in that blinding flash
of illumination! All this great expanse in which I had travelled with my
beloved mentor, crossing the boundaries oftime again and again, was the
Creation of Love, a work of Love! Never more could I see evil in any created
thing without recalling that the distortion was the work of man and not that
of God.
Obviously there could be no particular point at which to look for God. He
is omnipresent, whether manifest or not. He is in all places at all times,
knowing all because it is all part of Himself, all-powerful because there
could not possibly be anything that was outside of Him. There could be no way
of hiding from Him except in the illusion that one was apart from Him. Just
like the sunshine and shadow, you withdraw into the shade for relief from the
heat of the Sun but the shade has no real existence of its own. Throughout
this narrative I have tried to make this a fundamental point, but this was the
moment when its realisation forced itself upon me.
In the face of this shining thought all conceptions of historic experience
faded into the background, Man's fall from grace and his long story of
redemption was set, like a single sequence, in the endless stride of eternity.
All ideas of physical reality and permanence became ephemeral, fading into
something terribly near illusion, real only in specific episodes for those
attuned to such vibrations, a passing interlude in the story of Creation. For
in this background of shining ultimation - if such a word is applicable -
covering all of space, absorbing time within itself, freed from the trammels
of geography, was the real Life, the real home of the Spirit of Man. In this
glorious environment he had his place and his identity, part of a transcendent
whole. From here his consciousness is projected into experience, from here he
fell into the mists of his own gathering because he 'thought' of the
possibility of separation from all this wonder, and thus created the
environment in which he still struggles for existence, ignorant that he cannot
cease to exist even if he desires to do so.
During his travels, in deepest and bitterest experience, even when his soul
is darkened beyond recognition, his spirit has not stirred one iota in space,
it is still there, in the highest heaven, connected with his busy
experimenting soul and mind by a silver cord that he himself cannot break. For
his spirit is part of God and cannot be separated from that with which it is
integrated. The soul of man is on its way back to the Spirit of God!
I do not know what broke my reverie, nor to what extent Zerros had
continued to invade my consciousness with his illuminating thoughts, but when
I came back to Human consciousness he was gone. But in his place was a
wonderful golden glow which even my physical eyes could perceive. It had a
benediction all its own, a voice which blessed without words, eyes which,
unseeing, shone with love, formless hands which healed, radiating a spiritual
strength and authenticity which I had never known before .....
* * * * * * * * * * *
So we came to that final episode in our wonderful association. His ever
smiling self, Zerros made his usual appearance in my study, and made his usual
enquiry after my well-being. This little ritual completed, he warned me of the
immense change in dimension we were about to undergo. “I will not disguise
from you that there may be some additional strain upon your consciousness. If
you would prefer it we can dispense with this adventure and I will try and
tell you the story of Ethereal Earth in my own words.”
But not for a moment would I accept that offer. By this time I was so
completely enthralled by all I had learned, and so confident in Zerros' power
to protect me from unwanted influences, that nothing would dissuade me from
this final achievement.
Before we settled down to the necessary preparations Zerros had one final
word to say. “I want you to remember that in the ethereal state we are going
to see, Man will have become androgynous once more. That glorious reunion of
the two severed halves of one being had been reached and transcended. For in
this perfect environment there could be no hint of strife, no need for the
sexual urge to ensure that Man's flagging desire for reunion did not lean
towards stagnation and inertia. These beings had now fitted themselves for the
glorious work of Creation in which they were engaged, especially in the
rectification of that which had been so wrongly distorted in the Age of
Darkness. Surely you can see that such a consummation is worth all the weary
struggle, all the heartache and sacrifice needed to purge man of the stains
that had besmirched his pristine self.”
So it was that I sat back in my chair and, at Zerros' behest, tried my
utmost to release my consciousness from the grip of my Human mentality. I know
that it is quite possible to discard the physical senses for a brief period
and find expression through the finer senses of the soul, for we do this every
time we appraise and become absorbed in, some object of beauty that captures
our attention. The artist, the statesman, the seer, are well accustomed to
this dual expression of thought on two planes at one time. The subconscious is
quite capable of looking after the needs of the body and even of its
locomotion, while the attention of the finer aspects of the mind is
concentrated elsewhere.
So, as I managed to do on that wondrous occasion, let us quieten our
clamorous physical senses and command them to peace, while we adventure in the
realms of Reality, and visit this Garden Beautiful re-create, this ethereal
realm which exists unseen in the stratosphere at this moment, awaiting the
kiss of the Prince of Peace which shall awaken the sleeping beauty and cause
it to emerge into the growing consciousness of Man of the future .....
When the transition was completed and we stood in a world of wonder almost
beyond my power to describe, I found I had almost severed the link which bound
me to Earth, I remember that I could hardly recall what my material being was
nor any details of my familiar environment. I was in a new world and I
belonged to it, or so it seemed at that moment.
Later, in my study, Zerros tried to help me to understand this great
difference in dimension. “Try and convey the idea that spiritual life and
environment is more a state of being than a location, a spirit being has form
but it is far less dependent upon it than a soul is upon a Human body. The
incarnate soul has to make contact with very dense conditions and so has to
identify itself wholly with its senses, but the spirit being is freed from any
such incubus. It only has to 'think' of some location and it is there. So the
nearer the soul gets to that purely spiritual condition the freer it is and
the less does it depend upon its vehicle.
“ You look up at the night skies and are appalled by the immensity of it
all, the idea of endless space. That is because your mind is a prisoner of
time and space. But if you could travel with the speed of thought the universe
would be too small to hold you. The ethereal Earth you have seen is an
environment which surrounds the surface you know at present, which by that
time will have become dead and cold like the Moon's surface. Yet the Moon has
a living space fully populated, though your Human senses can make no sort of
contact with it. Nothing in God's universe is 'dead,' as you understand the
“ So I suggest that you ask your readers to call imagination to their aid.
The imagination is a wonderful servant, though it must be governed by reason,
you could not progress without it for it is a means of probing into
propositions that are beyond analysis, and finding out if they are likely to
be true. It should be employed with common sense free of prejudice or
preconceived ideas, just as the scientist uses the X of unknown quantity when
probing into unknown dimensions.”
So it seemed to me that I was conscious in a world upon which God had cast
His Image when I awoke to Zerros's promptings. So lovely were the surroundings
that every aspect seemed to breathe pure Spirit. Here were the meeting points
of cosmic rays from, it seemed, every point in the universe, a sort of
interchange of the many forces that go to make up the manifestations of life
on the cosmic scale.
In my supersensitive consciousness I could actually discern the coloured
rays of living force that impinged upon the soil, even as do the colours at
the rainbow's end. There was a lovely sense of givingness in this interchange
of power under the aegis of Love. The particular shape or size or colour of
any object that met the gaze did not seem to matter, only its sense of
livingness or radiation. And the more you gazed at and longed for the beauty
of the landscape the more it seemed to advance towards you and you to melt
into it. The horizon was where I was - how difficult it is to describe what I
And as I pondered over this presentation of the Glory of the Creator I
began to sense the Presence of the Christ. Now how can I suggest to you this
experience? We think of Him as the Nazarene, the Man of Sorrows or the Elder
Brother, we immerse Him in our own troubles. But here He seemed to manifest in
every aspect of Life, He was this or that object. Somehow I knew beyond doubt
that it was His Loveliness which animated every atom of that scene, one met
Him every step of the way. One saw Him in every flower, He spoke on the
whisper of the wind. He was the glory that sets alight a sunlit sea. He walked
beside you.
To a lesser extent I felt the same towards Zerros, we seemed to be united
and could speak together without uttering a sound, we had almost merged into
one being. Now I really began to comprehend the meaning of the idea that all
Humanity is one in Spirit, I simply could not exist apart from Zerros in this
rarified atmosphere.
My encounter with these beings - and I must emphasise that they were
androgynous souls, having met and fused once more with that lost half of their
being - who inhabited this lovely realm was an amazing experience. They too
seemed to be united in some strange way as if they were of one united family,
though I could not participate to the same extent as I did with Zerros, whom I
knew so well. As I gazed into the eyes of the first ethereal man, man and
woman in one, I felt I understood all that it means to be a man, and as I
looked deeper I knew what it was to be a woman, something I could never know
with my Human brain. How futile that looks in print, yet how vivid it was in
reality. This composite being, although he could not see me through the veil
of time dimension - or could he? - radiated a love that was full of strength,
yet full of femininity, with no hint of weakness. This, I thought, was surely
how the Christ loves, it was of such beauty of expression that I could not
even bring myself to speak of it to Zerros, it was too intimate. But in that
divine instant I had fallen in love with - all Humanity.
The people of this land held bodies that glowed with an inner radiation
that robbed them of any sense of solidity, and they moved with a gliding
motion that seemed out of consonance with the ground. I gathered that their
bodily organs had largely become vestigial through gradual mutation, and a
flow of life-force had taken the place of the bloodstream. This ethereal form
was all that Man now needed for the completion of his destined evolution, for
he had acquired wisdom, judgment, capacity for selfless love and other divine
qualities through the complete mergence of his will with that of his Creator.
For him life and religion had merged into one transcendent experience. Life
called to each with a thousand voices, drawing from them the joys of worship
which our limited understanding could not grasp. There was scarcely any sense
of separation between soul and soul, for they had reached a degree of unity
when individuation had become uplifted into unity. I cannot explain that
further in words, its meaning belongs to the soul.
One of the pre-occupations of these lovely people was, I found, the
discharge of Human responsibility towards the Animal world. That which Man,
since his Human incarnation, had illicitly drawn from the Animal Kingdom, had
to be given back in love and service. That this had succeeded beyond our
wildest surmises was shown by the magnificent specimens which we saw. All had
lost their wildness and apart from a slight hesitancy to approach, no longer
held fear of Man. We saw something like a lion, a lovely creature, which
stalked past us with an aloof sort of glance which implied a consciousness of
difference but no sort of inferiority. Birds were the only creatures which did
not seem to have altered much except in gaiety of plumage. But then they have
always used an element not so deeply impregnated as the solid Earth.
The vegetation was subliminal compared to our varieties. Can you imagine
many-coloured lights having the form of vegetables? That was how it seemed to
me. Man, I think, was never intended to be an eating creature, but as his body
fell in condition in consonance with the fall of his mind, he began to eat
roots and then meat, absorbing the juices of Earth currents which furthered
his own density of being.
I cannot find words to transfer but a tithe of what I witnessed in this
ethereal world. I gathered that the method of Human birth had long reverted to
the system I had seen in Atlantis. But there is one mystical experience I must
try and clothe in words. As we stood gazing out over a vista so exquisite that
no brush or pigment could portray it, it was borne in upon me that here was
epitomized the meaning of the Trinity, of which we have such a muddled idea. I
sensed the Fatherhood of God as a very real aspect of every created thing
about me, not merely of the inhabitants of this advanced civilisation, but in
the sense that He touched every atom of it all with His Presence. Each atom,
each object, was alive in varying degree with His Life. Thus I could realise
that however low we might sink we could never fall out of His sight, for even
the atoms of our bodies and the intelligence of our minds are expressions of
that Fatherhood. There is no part of us which could ever cease to exist,
though it may change its form. God lives in the heart of the saint, and He
slumbers in the heart of the sinner. Oh for a magic wand to awaken Him in
every heart! But of course that is not His way, for it would transgress the
free will of the soul within. But instead there is the eternal call to awaken,
from the Spirit which inhabits each of us, a call which mystifies the
materialist but is known to the simplest mind, the Call of Love.
That all happens on the level of Spirit, eternal and unchanging,
unmanifest, a state of being. But every soul was launched into experience
through the matrix of the Christ Consciousness, it could not possibly make the
journey alone; could a babe be born without a mother? By many names, in many
guises, through many creeds, does the motherhood of the Son of Love uphold the
soul of man as it treads the path of deep experience, ennobling, disturbing,
uplifting. This mystical Call is heard by all, though too often it is
misinterpreted; to the spirit of Man it is unmistakable, to the soul it is
emotionally energizing, to the intellect it is a point for argument. As the
soul answers the Call in surrender to Him, so does it allow the clean winds of
Love to sweep through the being, in whatever base conditions the soul may be
living. Thus does the rose bloom in the desert, thus does a hothouse plant
develop a brilliant bloom and then die. The way to Love, for fallen Mankind,
is through service and sacrifice.
And then the magic of that Glorious Abstraction, the Holy Spirit. It is the
creative aspect of God, the Light that illumines and without which none can
find the way, it is the Essence of which matter is the form. It gives Life,
harmonises it and fulfils it, flowing out as endless waves of Creative Power,
manifesting into forms of divine pattern, weaving a fabric throughout the
endless spaces of the universe, whose woof is Light and whose warp is Love.
But now I have reached the periphery of Human understanding. Of all that
was so clear to me in that heightened consciousness I have related such as I
can squeeze into Human language, for the rest .... it is beyond the power of
my pen.
Before concluding I would like to record my impressions of the final scene
when Zerros, the being I had come to love beyond any emotion, severed the
psychic link which had enabled us to travel together on such breath-taking
adventures. We spoke of many things at that last meeting and my mind ranged
swiftly over all that had happened in an agony lest I had omitted some salient
point which required elucidation. Finally I asked him if he had any message
for those who would read my book.
Zerros pondered for a while before replying, and I took the opportunity of
fixing in my mind an indelible record of those loved features. He radiated
such an air of friendliness, of joyousness, of lightness, he was such a tower
of spiritual strength, yet he could understand the most crude of Human
weaknesses. Here was a soul which was purged of any remnants of the lower
self. One could not picture Zerros as being ambitious or greedy, jealous or
possessive, the words just melted as they touched his name. There was no
arrogance in his wisdom, no sense of bitterness, superiority or intolerance.
He radiated love for all, as if it were the most ordinary thing to do, as
indeed it was.
“ Tell them,” he said at length, “ that all they need to know is their own
divinity, and that the universe, including the world in which they live, is
held together by a Love which cannot let go. No Human plan or concept can be
of lasting value unless it is set against eternal life and spiritual values.
Power corrupts, but in the illumination of Spirit through dedicated lives
power can safely be employed to perform what might seem miracles of
accomplishment. In this darkened world progress is swiftest through sacrifice
and suffering, service is the ladder by which to climb, for these are
hallmarks of a world designed for the resurgence of a guilty Humanity.
“ Tell them not to be intimidated by the chaos and despair that
characterize their present existence, for that is only a reflection of what is
happening on the higher planes of .existence. It is but the incineration of
all that is evil in the world of men.
“ Make it clear to them that the secret of their existence lies, not only
in their individuality for which they are responsible, but in their unity with
all creation, for it is that unity which is their lifeline to their spiritual
reality. Every act of evil intent drags down the individual concerned, but it
also smudges the whole of Humanity. Conversely every act of goodness uplifts
the individual and also the whole of Humanity by that extent. And because evil
is transient and goodness is eternal, it is clear which must win in the end.
“ Finally I would ask all to forget the messenger and remember only the
message. To all who think kindly of me I will come with the wings of love, but
the love is not mine, nor is the message. God cannot fail, for to Him failure
has no meaning. The Christ of Love will, at the Perfect Moment, and at His
Father's behest, reveal His splendour to the amazement and dismay of willful
Humanity, but to the joy and comfort of all who give their love to Him. To
that end we all work.”
Zerros stood, and his glorious being seemed to be filled with light until
it reached every comer of the room. “And now, my son, I must leave you, in
body but never in Spirit. Fear not the issues for they are with God. Together
we have scattered seeds of truth, but the harvesting is not for us. The Great
Reaper will harvest what is His own, bringing into His Granary all those ears
of corn which have been scattered by the winds of adversity. Not one ear shall
be lost in the gleaning.”
He opened wide his arms until his body seemed a blazing cross of light.
“May the Light of the World shine into the hearts of all as never before, and
bring them swiftly through the last days of their world of illusion and
self-interest. May it touch the hearts of all to their divine nature and draw
them up, up into the glory of that Garden Beautiful which is their
Slowly the brilliance faded, until in its passing the ethereal body of
Zerros passed also, leaving only the ineffable tenderness of his memory to
sustain me in the task that lay ahead. Yet he left something that had not been
there before, a link, intangible and invisible, yet one which I could sense in
my more difficult moments and which I hoped would aid me in conveying to my
readers that light of understanding without which my words could have little
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